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View Full Version : Some Food For Thought

09-14-2020, 09:39 AM
Well opening weekend of college football happened. I only watched one game and to be honest I was impressed with how the crowd in the stadium and the people on the sidelines were masked up. It remains to be seen what happens with the players. OU had several players out with covid already. Most programs are keeping their players in a so-called bubble. OU gave them a week off to go home and nine came back positive. So we’ll see.
The NFL had their opening weekend. I watched the Browns get demolished. The pregame anthems seemed to go well. I’m sure they didn’t satisfy everyone. We holler our heads off about being free to worship our gods in the way we choose but we draw the line at how we worship our country. No that’s narrowly defined, or we’ll cancel your ass as we bitch at the same time about cancel culture. And every time we see an athlete do something we disagree with he suddenly becomes a spoiled millionaire. The thought never crosses our mind that a main symptom of spoiledness is throwing a ring tailed fit every time something doesn’t go our way. I choose to believe someone when they say what their actions mean, at least in the absence of any other obvious motivation, and yes they take themselves too seriously. Like us fans don’t have any of those issues.
North and South Dakota are leading the nation in new covid cases now and the south seems to be in somewhat of a decline. Hopefully the nation prays for them instead of pointing their fingers at them. We’re at about 800 new cases a day here in Oklahoma. It was 313 on June 20 when Trump held his rally here. Judging from the traffic on the way to Tulsa this morning we’re pretty much as open as it gets. Gambling on a vaccine or better treatment soon I guess. People are masking up in public here though. Its hitting closer to people as more people get seriously ill from it. My sis and her husband had the bad kind but are feeling better now. A helluva lot worse than a ‘strenuous flu’. No idea yet if they will have any of the lasting effects people are having.
We don’t have much of a choice in matters at my house. My oldest daughter was diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma in late May and we moved her home to help her with her chemo and recovery. Its essentially what killed Niner. In the same place even. She’s on round 5 of 17,rounds of chemo today and will go to Siteman CC in St Louis for six weeks of proton radiation after she’s recovered some form this round. She caught covid at church right in the middle of all of her chemo. Despite both of us telling her church was the last place she needed to be. She thought God would take care of her. Where we heard that one before? We managed to both live in the same house and not catch it and she had a mild case. I’m still not sure how we managed that. It was hellish.
So if I am little quick to call bullshit on your bullshit bear with me a little bit. This covid disease is real and cancer indeed sucks. The immune issues make it doubly potentially deadly. And even though she’s had it, she can still get it again especially in her condition. My daughter shouldn’t be sacrificed so you can go to Chikfilet and Walmart. Your need don’t outweigh hers or anybody else’s.
Everyone have a nice day, I just had to ramble a bit as I see her losing ground with every treatment and its maddening to watch helplessly.
Lets try just managing what the fuck we do instead of bloviating about what others do.
Happy Monday dufi


09-14-2020, 09:43 AM
Sorry for the Thump post and for the typos. My thumbs have gotten fatter in my golden years!

09-14-2020, 09:53 AM
Well crap! I saw FOOD in the title and got all excited. ;)

09-14-2020, 09:56 AM
Bite me. You are still full of crickets from your weekend?

09-14-2020, 12:08 PM
Eaten, digested and pooped out!

Now planning NEXT weekend's getaway. We're alternating ... east coast ... west coast ... and repeat.

09-14-2020, 12:30 PM
What, no taint? (panhandle)

09-14-2020, 02:32 PM
So sorry to hear about your daughter Posthole. Though not the same thing, I can relate a wee bit as my father was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. Started hormone treatment last week with radiation treatment expected to start around Christmas time. We have purposely been avoiding much contact with my parents because of this COVID crap and now there is even more reason to be careful around them.

Wishing the best for your daughter, you, and the rest of your clan.

09-14-2020, 03:13 PM
Thanks John. Hope your Dad does well with his treatment. I’m of an age now where my annual PSA test is important too!

09-14-2020, 03:22 PM
Yep, I'm on meds for a swollen prostate as we speak. Have been for a few years now. I just hope it doesn't turn into anything worse.

09-14-2020, 03:27 PM
The swelling tends to move south in you older gents.


09-14-2020, 03:29 PM
It'll give you more to bite once you get on your stool. ;)

09-15-2020, 08:30 AM
Very sorry to here that Posty. I will send your daughter some good vibes and keep my fingers crossed for she and Bwana's father as well. Sometimes life just sucks and this year has been filled with suck if you ask me. Perhaps we're due for a little good luck now.

You make an interesting point on being spoiled and normal reactions to disagreement. I read an article back in the summer that posited that the US has lost the ability to argue and debate. Maybe they are related. I do know that our definition of manhood and adulthood has changed in my lifetime and very much for the worse. Used to be two of the most manly things you could do were to build things and keep it together when the deck seemed stacked against you. Different times I guess.


09-15-2020, 09:24 AM
Posited? Thanks Willy, I learned a new word today. :encouragement:

Yep, my best to all of you who are dealing with any sort of sickness in the family. It's a scary enough situation in "normal" times, much less in today's atmosphere.

09-15-2020, 09:57 AM
One of the things I noticed about having a family member in the house with covid is how people react to that information. By in large, the most common reaction was a thinly veiled “You must’ve fucked up if she caught it”. Even Ali got that attitude from some of her church circle of friends.
She felt guilty for catching it like she did something wrong!
Human nature I guess, but not an attractive part of it.

09-15-2020, 04:55 PM
Shaming is part of our societal fabric now.

Shame on her for getting Covid
Shame on you for letting her
Shame on me for wearing a mask
Shame on you for not wearing a mask
Shame on me for shaming Arty for being a fuckface
Shame on us for cops killing black people
Shame on us for preferring a political party
Shame on you for having an opinion different from mine
Shame on that guys for saying someone's fat
Shame on the other guys for not believe in my god
Shame on me for not giving a fuck about shame any longer.

Shame... For shame.