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09-15-2020, 05:07 PM
Bite me! :D


Took me 90 seconds to post that on facebook. It would take about 10 minutes on a message board.

+1 Social media.

09-15-2020, 05:18 PM
I’d heard all you were good for was about 90 seconds.


09-15-2020, 05:35 PM
That's what she said...

09-15-2020, 06:28 PM
I’d heard all you were good for was about 90 seconds. BKB

From what I've heard, that would be considered a GOOD day!

09-15-2020, 07:15 PM
You just gotta keep puttin nails in the coffin don’t ya?

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09-16-2020, 08:40 AM
You just gotta keep puttin nails in the coffin don’t ya?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I may not have been around a ton lately but I still have a genetic desire to stick my thumb in peoples eyes. Seems like it's not going anywhere for the last 58 years.

Also, eat me.

Hey... is that Tapatalk App something you installed so that you could use an archaic piece of software meant for the dustbins of the Smithsonian?


09-16-2020, 09:28 AM
That's ok Arty, SOME of us are in the "new is better" crowd ... others are comfortable with the older, tried and true stuff. The Lenster has already called many of us dinosaurs.

Look at it this way. Some of us cook with Griswold cast iron, Len's pans have "Taiwan" cast into the bottoms. Afterall, new is better. ;)

09-16-2020, 10:54 AM
Jimmy rollin' in to the KFC Buffet like...


09-16-2020, 11:13 AM

09-16-2020, 11:18 AM
Head’s not big enuf.


09-16-2020, 11:20 AM
And YOUR stool ain't tall enough. I'll wait patiently while you find a bigger one. ;)

quercus alba
09-16-2020, 11:45 AM
When Thump met Len


09-16-2020, 12:02 PM
Who's who? Am I playing with HIS pussy? Or is he playing with MINE? :huh

09-16-2020, 12:05 PM
When Thump met Len



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quercus alba
09-16-2020, 12:12 PM
Who's who? Am I playing with HIS pussy? Or is he playing with MINE? :huh


09-16-2020, 12:17 PM
You ain’t right.


09-16-2020, 01:40 PM
Bite me! :D


Took me 90 seconds to post that on facebook. It would take about 10 minutes on a message board.

+1 Social media.

Slow is often better.

Would you rather take a long time to eat a perfect steak, or gobble down dog turds real fast???

09-16-2020, 02:08 PM
Lynn always told me that was one thing that attracted her to me. Slow IS better! 👍

09-17-2020, 08:25 AM
Nice report Len. It is nice to see someone out and getting it done. :)

About the ongoing Social Media vs Forum argument..... argh. I've stayed out of it. But (once again) I am reminded of an article I read long ago. It was about how most social media was biased and granted powers they never should have had in the first place. All things I agree with. But then the author threw a curve ball. He stated that WE had the power to keep this from happening and WE chose to trade in what we had for these cesspools.

I think he was right.

I have never had any social media profiles. Never. For one thing I never thought my life so interesting that I should post every breakfast or sunset or trail run online. For another I could see from the start that a hell of a lot of arguments that should have been thoughtful and nuanced were instead mobs of poorly informed arm wavers spouting half-assed opinions that should have embarrassed most anyone with a grain of self respect. But it didn't and it won't.

My wife calls me an aspiring old fogey. She's right, I know. And I do occasionally read twitter and facebook posts. The spoof account of Scary Alvarez, Marty Raney's stuff, things like that. But I do believe as old fashioned as forums are they also have something that none of the social media outlets have and that is heart. Community. And if done right a noticeable lack of pitchforks and bubbling tar of those posers just waiting for you to slip up so they can get you fired or ostracized.

But I do admit that it is probably easier and I do enjoy posts like yours. :)


09-17-2020, 09:30 AM
All good points, Will!

I started watching a Netflix show called The Social Dilemma. It’s eye opening, to say the least.

09-17-2020, 09:37 AM
Here’s a poser for you poseurs.

What things would be different about this pandemic without social media or internet to access information?

In other words, what if this had happened in 1980?


quercus alba
09-17-2020, 09:45 AM
We might have got a little truth out of the news in 1980.

I've got a friend in the nursing profession that says the antibodies only last 90-120 days so you don't actually become permanently immune, you could theoretically catch it two or three times a year. Not enough data to say anything for certain.

09-17-2020, 09:59 PM
Nice report Len. It is nice to see someone out and getting it done. :)

About the ongoing Social Media vs Forum argument..... argh. I've stayed out of it. But (once again) I am reminded of an article I read long ago. It was about how most social media was biased and granted powers they never should have had in the first place. All things I agree with. But then the author threw a curve ball. He stated that WE had the power to keep this from happening and WE chose to trade in what we had for these cesspools.

I think he was right.

I have never had any social media profiles. Never. For one thing I never thought my life so interesting that I should post every breakfast or sunset or trail run online. For another I could see from the start that a hell of a lot of arguments that should have been thoughtful and nuanced were instead mobs of poorly informed arm wavers spouting half-assed opinions that should have embarrassed most anyone with a grain of self respect. But it didn't and it won't.

My wife calls me an aspiring old fogey. She's right, I know. And I do occasionally read twitter and facebook posts. The spoof account of Scary Alvarez, Marty Raney's stuff, things like that. But I do believe as old fashioned as forums are they also have something that none of the social media outlets have and that is heart. Community. And if done right a noticeable lack of pitchforks and bubbling tar of those posers just waiting for you to slip up so they can get you fired or ostracized.

But I do admit that it is probably easier and I do enjoy posts like yours. :)


You got married????? WOW.

Just kidding. You have no hope of being an old fogey. But y'all can spout all the neat words you know, I don't care. I quit FB and I ain't going back. It's not worth my time.

Chicken Dinner
09-18-2020, 10:41 AM
Who's who? Am I playing with HIS pussy? Or is he playing with MINE? :huh

Pretty sure Thump is the big spoon.

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