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View Full Version : Customer tried to take back gratuity because she served her husband a beer

10-02-2020, 07:06 AM
good morning y'all, here's a little story for your morning :coffee

A waitress at Texas Roadhouse is claiming that a disgruntled customer demanded a tip back, all because she served the customer's husband a few beers.

The anonymous waitress, 22, wrote about the alleged incident in a forum, asking for advice on how she handled the situation.

The waitress, who claimed that her job at Texas Roadhouse is one of two she currently works to afford college, began by explaining that she was recently assigned to a table that had "a husband, wife and what appeared to be a teenage daughter," whom she estimated to be about 17 years old.

“Everything was going smooth at first and the wife ordered a margarita,” she wrote. “The husband then tried ordering a beer. The wife instantly lost her noodles and said, ‘Uh, no. He will not have a beer. He will have a water.’”

The couple then allegedly began to argue over the drink order, with each telling the waitress to bring, or not bring, the beer.

Feeling she was stuck in the middle, the woman said she told the pair, “Listen, I really don’t have time to play mediator here,” before getting both of them their respective alcoholic drinks.

The husband went on to have two beers while the wife "glare[d]" at her every time she passed by the table, she claimed. When it was time to leave, the woman and her daughter walked out of the restaurant to the car, while the husband stayed behind to pay.

He then allegedly tipped her $40 on a $68 tab.

Unfortunately, that's not where the waitress' story ends.

“Wife comes in an hour or so later demanding that I give her the $40 her husband gave me, stating that I was a terrible host and went against her and I [don’t] deserve a tip,” the waitress wrote. “She got my manager involved," the waitress claimed, only for the manager to confirm that the waitress "is not obliged" to give back the tip.

"You left the restaurant and the tip has already been processed," the manager allegedly said. "Have a nice night.’”

The woman said other customers got involved, defending her to the wife, who was “fuming" and "screaming” at that point.

However, despite the support from the manager and customers, the woman told Reddit she feels “insanely guilty” about the situation and asked if she was in the wrong for how she handled it.

The post, which has gotten more than 23,000 upvotes since it was shared on Monday morning, saw thousands of comments, many of which were unsurprisingly in the waitress’ corner.

"[In my opinion], manager has your back (which is good!) and the other customers as well," one commenter wrote. "Really she’s pissed at her husband not you."

“The right answer would have been to smile and say, 'It sounds like you folks need ten more minutes to decide,’ and just leave and let them fight it out first,” another suggested, referring to how they felt the waitress should have reacted to the arguing couple.

10-02-2020, 07:23 AM
Yep, I read that last night. The wife sounds like a total bitch!

10-02-2020, 07:37 AM
Sounds like the wife is a soon to be ex-wife. Given the wife's attitude though he really should have ordered whiskey not beer.

10-02-2020, 07:57 AM
What if he beats her when he drinks?

10-02-2020, 08:04 AM
What if he beats her when he drinks?

The waitress shoulda asked him that!

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10-02-2020, 08:13 AM
Maybe he was the designated driver.

10-02-2020, 08:18 AM
What if he beats her when he drinks?

Dam, is that the first thought that crossed your mind? Do you beat your wife when you drink? does your wife beat you when she drinks?
my first thought was since she was drinking a margarita, she's the aggressor in the family and he only wanted a beer so he could put up with her ass!...

Him: tipped the waitress and said thanks.

Her: comes back an hour later and demands the tip back screaming at the top of her lungs!

yeah, let's throw him under the bus first!

Chicken Dinner
10-02-2020, 08:40 AM
What if he beats her when he drinks?

Not the waitresses problem.

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10-02-2020, 09:12 AM
We hold bars responsible when they overserve some asshole and he kills people on the highway but its none of their business when he’s overserved and beats his wife?

What if he going home to work on cleaning his gutters?


quercus alba
10-02-2020, 09:30 AM
Maybe he was cleaning the waitress's gutters?

10-02-2020, 09:48 AM
Oh my!

Maybe the waitress is having his baby!


10-02-2020, 09:49 AM
All I want to know is if the guy, or the waitress, or the bitchy wifecwas wearing a MAGA hat!


10-02-2020, 09:52 AM
Not sure about the husband or waitress, but the wife was obviously a Liberal. ;)

10-02-2020, 10:07 AM
Ha! You guys are soft.

When I was bouncing I'd have thrown them all out and Made them pay their tab with the mandatory 15% tip before leaving the premises. :)


10-02-2020, 07:10 PM
Texas Roadhouse is a steak place. Thumper thought they said Texas Rodehouse, that uh, bar he likes to hang out in.

And everybody knows you can’t eat a steak without a damn beer. Two beers in fact!


quercus alba
10-02-2020, 10:42 PM
They must have split a burger 3 ways if the bill was only 68 bucks at Texas Roadhouse

10-03-2020, 05:50 AM
They must have split a burger 3 ways if the bill was only 68 bucks at Texas Roadhouse

Especially if you factor in $15 for the beer and margarita!

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