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View Full Version : Well, today has been a real eye-opener.

10-10-2020, 06:57 PM
We're spending this weekend (Fri-Sun) in Clearwater. That's just across the bay from Tampa for your non-knowabouters. We spent the whole day today hitting most of the thrift stores in town buying up some ebay inventory. Man-o-man, what a rude awakening! It seems like EVERYBODY in town has signs in their yards proclaiming who they're supporting for the upcoming election. TBH, I'm shocked as I have never been in an area so saturated with political signage.

The shocker? I swear I'm not trying to exaggerate here, but I'd bet I must have seen 1000 Biden/Harris signs in people's yards today. The count for Trump? THREE!!!! (the Trump # is accurate, the Biden # is a wild-assed guess, but it is a solid guesstimate) It looks like a military C5A flew over Clearwater and dumped 1000's of signs over the city and they all stuck in people's front yards.

FYI, we drove 106 miles zig-zagging around Clearwater today, so much of our route was through residential neighborhoods. Our travel was not concentrated in a "BLUE", neighborhood hotspot, we covered the whole city.

I'm totally shocked TBH.

10-10-2020, 07:24 PM
Trump barely won Pinellas County in 2016

Trump 238,746

Hillary 233,327

He lost Hillsborough County Big time


10-10-2020, 07:44 PM
Which makes matters even worse. Clearwater is in Pinellas County, so it may have gone full blue now. (judging only by what I witnessed today) Tampa is mostly Hillsboro County, so it was already blue.

10-10-2020, 08:27 PM
that's why they call it the swing state!

Hey Thump, did you live there in 2000?....Boy that was a close one!

10-10-2020, 08:51 PM
Born and raised here. Left in '67 when I was 15, came back in '77-'78, left again and returned in '89. Been here ever since.

Yep, 2000 was the infamous "hanging chad" election.