View Full Version : Day'um! That was a close one!

12-17-2020, 09:36 AM
We had a cold front roll in last evening and temps are s'posed to be in the 60's all day today. Ha! Anyway, late yesterday afternoon, we had a line of thunderstorms come in ahead of the front and a few 'naders touched down. Our tv sounded off with a 'nader warning about the same time both our cell phones started squealing with their weather warnings. Although we were alerted, we never noticed so much as flickering lights. Then the news reports came rolling in! It seems a 'nader touched down right down the street from us. It was a small area (they said it just dropped out of the sky, hit the ground and bounced right back up .... kind of "skipped along") The same line brought tornados through the area from the coast (Tampa area) all the way across to here. It's a mess this morning. Only three houses destroyed and a LOT of neighborhood damage, but luckily, no deaths or injuries reported. At one house, there was a HUGE oak tree in the yard that was turned into nothing but a pile of toothpicks, but the house was untouched! Weird. Anyway, although this was NOTHING compared to what youse dufes in the mid-west see, it was a little too close for comfort here. The worst damage is about a 10-15 min walk from our house, so I guess we dodged a bullet last evening.

I was amazed by the response. We're in the county (the city limit is my back fence-line!) and the Sheriff's Dept. had deputies on scene in 3 frigging minutes! Within mere minutes, there were deputies everywhere, emergency medical vehicles, the utility company, Red Cross ... you name it. It's like they were waiting around the corner and rolled out immediately. I'm not sure I've seen anything like it. Within the hour, the Sheriff's Dep't had their Emergency Response Team setting up their command center (very large, mobile home type trailer) set up in a church parking lot about a block from the damage and utility trucks were ALREADY there with loads of new power poles to replace the broken ones. I am in awe at how fast the emergency agencies responded and even with all the strife and b/s that's going on right now with National politics, when there's possible human suffering, it's amazing how rapidly people can pull together and offer a hand. The Sheriff's Dep't saturated the neighborhood and spent the whole night here to protect anyone's property that was left exposed due to the storm and the various response teams are in the neighborhood now that the sun is up, doing their assessments. Even the National Weather Service is here to verify that it was a tornado even though it showed up as one on radar (I guess they just have to make it official after analyzing the damage?)

Kudos to our county emergency agencies. The immediate response was impressive and there was absolutely no confusion. Tree crews went to work through the night, immediately clearing streets and people's driveways so residents can get to work this morning. The utility company worked through the night getting the power back on to those affected. The Red Cross procured shelter for those who lost their homes. The Sheriff's Dept. provided ample security and assistance. Fire Service and EMT's set up in the neighborhood until receiving the all-clear. If you can't tell by now, I'm just amazed at how coordinated and prepared our emergency personnel are in this area. I don't care what anybody says, even with all the political strife going on these days, we still live in the greatest country on planet earth.

12-17-2020, 09:59 AM
Glad you’re safe Thumper! Someone said Pinellas Co yesterday so I though you were safe from it. Those ones that blow up fast are scary mamma jammas.


12-17-2020, 10:17 AM
Yessir, the line started in Pinellas and worked it's way east toward us. In the overall picture and in comparison with most storms like this, it only affected a tiny, little area in our neighborhood. It's like a small bomb dropped in that one spot, but only affected the immediate area where it hit. Not the huge swath of destruction seen with those nasty ones in your neck of the woods. But, it's just as devastating to those directly affected. Just a blip on the radar compared to all the other crap going on in the country right now, but the blip is right in my backyard, so it's really just newsworthy here locally I guess.

12-17-2020, 10:33 AM
When it comes that close it ain’t a blip its a blob!

I figure at least a f4 needed though just to pick your lard up.


12-17-2020, 10:43 AM
Read my lips .... Bite Me! ;)

I've talked about our Sheriff before and he was his usual "to the point" self last night. He said Deputies will be spending the night in the neighborhood and here's his statement.

“If we find you prowling around on private property, you will go to jail, directly to jail and that will be our Christmas present to you,” Judd said. “Stay out of the area if you don’t live here.”

I love his blunt approach. He's the one who, when questioned by the press a few years back about why his deputies shot a cop killer so many times, said, "We'd have shot him more, but we ran out of bullets!" I love his f/u attitude toward political correctness and have voted for him (and will continue to do so) as long as he chooses to run for the office.

12-17-2020, 10:49 AM
Glad to hear you made out ok. That’s kinda the thing with tornadoes, they can bounce up and down and hit one house in a neighborhood and miss everything else or they can roll along the ground cutting a big path.

That’s why I’d rather take my chances with them than a hurricane any day even though you can track a hurricane better and they are more predictable.

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12-17-2020, 11:03 AM
Hurricanes are a piece of cake compared to 'naders .... IMHO. Heck, we know they're coming weeks ahead of time and have plenty of time to prepare, or evacuate the area. 'Naders pop up and you have no advance warning other than a "possibility" of tornadic conditions. Our warning went off last evening just seconds before it touched down. Also, 'naders have their winds like hurricanes, but they also have that "lift" that'll suck your roof right off and throw it five miles down the road!

My grandmother was from Kansas originally and their house was built on the side of a small hill. A 'nader approached from the rear of their house, hit that little hill, bounced over their house, landed across the road and continued on, with zero damage to the house. I remember her telling me that story when I was a little kid. They can do some weird stuff.

12-17-2020, 11:17 AM
I get it, but if you’re in the path of a hurricane you’re going to have some damage and you know it’s not going to miss you. With a tornado, there’s always a chance it will miss you. [emoji16].

I know it doesn’t make sense, but I guess it comes down to you’re used to hurricanes and I’m used to tornadoes. I had one go by so close to me once when I was working that I thought my car was going to get picked up and tossed. That same tornado had already picked the car of a Deputy in the county next to me and flung him out into a field.

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12-17-2020, 11:36 AM
I've been close to a few tornados (saw them from a distance) and have seen countless waterspouts on the coast, but the closest I ever came to one was just outside of Memphis. I was driving and one crossed the road right in front of me. A picnic table from a roadside park flew across my hood right in front of my windshield, but never even touched the car! I guess you can say I was "in" it, but I could actually see the vortex cross in front of me, so I got the outlying stuff I guess. I always feel stupid saying it sounded like a freight train, because the description is so often heard it's a bit old, but that's EXACTLY what it sounded like. When I hear people describe them, I roll my eyes, even though I agree with them.

12-17-2020, 12:37 PM
We were at my wife’s cousin’s house for a cookout a few years ago and a group of us guys were standing on the back porch when the cousin’s husband started to tell us about a tornado that had gone through the woods to the south of the house a couple of years prior.

I turned around to look where he was talking about and damn if there wasn’t a tornado coming at the house through that same woods. It had just started to rain but wasn’t really storming so it took us all by surprise. We got all of the women into the basement and like any good Midwestern men, we stood on the porch to watch it go through. It missed the house by a few hundred yards but it was close enough that you could hear the trees in the woods snapping.

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12-17-2020, 01:01 PM
Lynn and I were coming home from the beach one weekend and I looked off to the side across a huge golf course. There was a dark cloud and a little "tail" kept dropping down, then disappearing back up into the cloud. It kept doing that and every time it dropped, it would come down a little bit more. Eventually, it reached the ground and all sorts of debris started flying. It was headed straight toward us when we noticed a Greyhound Bus station with a shitload of people (99% Hispanic) standing in front (evidently a bus was scheduled to be there soon). We pulled in and I kept hollering out the window that there was a tornado right behind them (they couldn't see because of the building between it and them) and it was headed straight for them. They all just stood there and ignored me, or looked at me like I was some sort of madman (not sure if any of them spoke English). We finally got the "F" out'ta there. We read the next day about the tornado touching down briefly, but it just tore out a shed and a pole barn or something where grounds keeping equipment was stored for the golf course.

Chicken Dinner
12-17-2020, 01:16 PM
When it comes that close it ain’t a blip its a blob!

I figure at least a f4 needed though just to pick your lard up.


That’s just mean. An F3 would probably do it...

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quercus alba
12-17-2020, 01:23 PM
I’d split the difference and say a 3.5

12-17-2020, 01:35 PM
I’ll bet he’d make a helluva crater when he landed too.


12-17-2020, 01:55 PM
I can see this place needs to keep a truckload of tall stools on hand.