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View Full Version : So This Covid Crap

Big Skyz
01-04-2021, 03:07 PM
First off, I'm not in any way inferring that Covid does not exist. It does, my wife had it, my two best fishing partners are still getting over it, and my closest friend down here in Utah is fighting one heckuva a battle with it as I type this. I'm really not sure how it's going to turn out for him as he is a pretty severe diabetic as well. It's a strange virus. My wife came down with the symptoms and then I got them the very next day. We had to quarantine. Now here is where it gets weird. We got tested at the same time. Her test came back positive. They tested her twice, because she is a nurse, and they wanted to make sure. My test came back negative. Despite that I'm still dealing with a cough for pretty close to a month now. This wouldn't bother me too much except I almost never get a cough when I'm sick. I think this is perhaps the third time in my 57 years on the planet I've had a cough of any kind while sick. I suspect my test was a negative-positive. That is a term I got from my doctor, and quite frankly with how everything else went in 2020 I guess a term like negative-positive kind'a makes sense. I'm not will to go back in and have them tickle the back of my skull via my nostril again. That friggen hurt!!! However, life sure would have been less complicated for me if it would have just come back positive. How this virus affects people is really bizarre as well. It's everything from people not even knowing they had anything, to a mild head/chest cold (which is what my wife had), to getting super sick, to the worst result and actually having it kill you. It seems to be all over the map. I guess it's just on my mind today as tomorrow the students show back up for school, and during the break the virus really blew up in our town. I full well expect to have the school get shut down and quarantined before January is over. It went from me hardly knowing anyone who had it, to hardly knowing anyone that doesn't have it in their family to some degree. It's some crazy crap!!! Hope y'all are doing well, but I'm of the opinion that unless one is completely isolated that just about everyone will get it, unless of course the vaccine actually works and the side affects don't make you wish you were dead...

01-04-2021, 11:13 PM
I think there is no doubt about covid I think the testing is fairly suspect. When I got it my wife got tested and was negative, then got dizzy the next day and went back and was positive. I suppose it could have just taken time but I've heard a lot of people who had the same symptoms, from the same house hold and one is positive the other is negative. Who really knows...hopefully it get out of here 2021