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View Full Version : On TV Again

Big Skyz
02-12-2021, 11:54 AM
Throughout my life I have been on TV enough times now that I don't even know how many times it's been. I've been featured on several hunting shows. I have also been on the news quite a few times mostly related to being a teacher or an artist. Thankfully it's all been for good reasons and nothing negative. Yesterday I got a call out of the blue from the host of a show called KSL Outdoors with Adam Eakle. KSL is a major news station in Utah and Adam has a popular outdoor segment that is featured each week. Adam knew of me from some mutual friends and asked me if I would mind meeting in person and doing a little fishing. This is the first time I've been featured on TV for anything fishing related. I don't get anything for it and don't care, it was just something fun to do and broke up another otherwise monotonous Covid day. It gave me something to look forward to after work. Like I've mentioned before work is a real drag with all the Covid regulations in schools, but this TV production was actually a fun. I didn't have to wear that FRIGGEN MASK! Granted some of you may consider me wearing a mask a blessing, but I still hate the things.

In this photo the host is interviewing me. The cameraman is just out of the picture to the left.

This is the fish that was in the net and I caught it on a fly rod. Way more fun that being cooped up all day!

02-12-2021, 03:07 PM
Cool beans!

02-12-2021, 07:25 PM

02-13-2021, 07:45 AM
That's really cool dude! :beer

Ummmm .... would you mind sending me a stack of your autographs? If this keeps going the way it is, I might be able to make a fortune selling them on eBay in a few years! :thumbsup

02-13-2021, 07:48 AM
....and so I was on TV.....AGAIN.

Lookin’ good there Forrest! You look like a fisherman!


02-13-2021, 08:08 AM
Take a look at Big Sky's face in the first pic. It looks like he'd just spotted a lake monster creeping up on them during the interview! :laughing

02-13-2021, 08:27 AM
I thought he looked ike he’d ripped his pants squatting down.

nothin but respect troy!


02-13-2021, 08:38 AM
Ripped his pants, or simply ripped one! ;)

02-13-2021, 09:53 AM
Post the link when it airs!

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