View Full Version : New Idiocy From Facebook

02-19-2013, 03:58 PM
This just in.....a dire warning from someone who is actually a very old friend of mine. Still, its stupid.



02-19-2013, 03:59 PM
And where did they come up with '92.5%'


02-19-2013, 04:12 PM

02-19-2013, 05:48 PM
As kids we'd string cans across a road, long kite string attached to a bunch of can, car bumper would catch the string and the cans would go clattering down the street behind the car, always worked as the car would stop and someone would get out to check on the noise.
If the car had a bunch of kids in it they'd all pile out and we'd run like hell.
Ahhhhh, the good old days.:beer

02-19-2013, 05:53 PM
When I was in the second grade we lived for about a year in fort Smith Arkansas. In TOWN, for chrissakes. One of my buddies and I would lie in the ditch beside the road in our neighborhood and when a car would go by one of us would throw a stick of wood, usually a short piece of 2X4 against the side of the car and the other one would roll out into the road behind the car like they'd been hit. When they would jump out we'd jump up and run like hell.

All but for a real estate decision by my parents, I would have been a juvenile delinquent.


02-19-2013, 05:57 PM
Another story, according to WLS radio station in Chicago, Hamilton MI was the Halloween Capital of the midwest.
It was a small farm town about 20 miles south of where I lived. Kalamazoo River ran through it with a state highway bridge over it. The road had been cut deep into either side of the river bank so there were very high hills on each side of the road and each side of the bridge. Come Halloween eve, dozens of kids would line each bank with bushel baskets of tomatoes, apples, pumpkins,squash, turkey and chicken eggs and just pelt semi-trucks that came through. We left the cars alone. Damn place looked like a dump come morning. Town was to small for a police dept, so it was wide open for that kind of crap.

02-19-2013, 10:31 PM
When I was about 10 or 12 or so... it was the height of the CB boom. Over half the cars had CB radios in them. On a hot summer night with nothing to do but mischief.. we decided to start unscrewing antennas from various cars. After a while we had about 50 of the damn things. What now? Most of them had large bases on them so we decided to stand them up in the middle of the street in our neighborhood.

So picture about 50 antennas in the road when you're driving home at 2 in the morning.

We hid up at the top of a hill about 2 yards from the road... first couple cars that stopped just slowly backed up and got the hell out of there.... then this one old guy in the 'hood go out of his car, walked very slowly slowly toward the antennas with a very distinctive "WTF" look on his face... we were stifling out gilggles from the bushes and someone finally laughed out loud... then the chase was on as we all bailed from the bushes.

I have no idea what made that seem like a good idea. Idiots is what we were. I think we managed to return just about all of them over the course of the next week.

Big Muddy
02-19-2013, 10:47 PM
For me and my juvi. delinquent buddies, shelled corn was our weapon of choice....handfuls thrown at passing car's windshields at night would make 'em lock up their brakes every time....finally got caught by one of the local farmers....he tore our butts up, right in the middle of the dirt road, just like we were one of his own kids.

02-19-2013, 11:35 PM
There was a certain place, kids would park their cars on a high hill for great scenery... Lol.
Anyways, we ( about 6 guys I used to hang around with) heard a friend of ours was up on that hill with his new girlfriend.
Those guys snuck under his car and put a chain around his rear axle.
Hooked it to a tree he was parked in front of.
He had backed up to the tree.

Next thing I know shot guns were going off all around that car.

You never seem two naked people leap over a front seat as fast as they did.

He started that car and floored it. Yep you guessed it.
Rear axle didn't go with the car.

He jumped out of that car, hotter then hell as he was trying to get his pants pulled up.
He was swearing words I'd never heard before, at all of us.
They were all laughing there ass off and the pour girl was totally freaked out.

One of the guys had a tow truck so they pulled it up on the truck and headed to the shop.

I never laughed so hard and made a note to myself not to tell anyone where I might be going on a date. I didn't trust those guys.

You have to remember I was raised a Tom boy and spent a lot of time in a machine shop.
Helped build stuff and run machines.
I really didn't have very many girlfriends.
More comfortable hanging around the guys!

02-20-2013, 10:05 AM
Someone's been watching too much American Graffiti! :D

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CgZTVkjQwto?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

02-20-2013, 10:21 AM
We used to place an old purse on the shoulder of the road near my house. We'd tie a piece of fishing line to it and hide in the woods nearby. When a person got out of their car to pick up the purse we'd move it a little. Sometimes they'd immediately get back in their car. Amazingly, some would actually chase it a few feet (a couple inches at a time) :lmao A few caught wind of our giggles or somehow spied us and then we'd run like crazy through the woods. Good times :slomo

02-20-2013, 10:25 AM
Halloween used to be fun in my little home town too.

One year we had a new math teacher who was the absolute epitome of a Nerd. Pocket protector, pants pulled up to his nipples, and horned-rimmed glasses held together by tape around the middle. (Honest to God) Anyway this gent had a little Datsun which didn't really fit in with all the REAL cars or pickups that folks drove in our little rural town of 200. So come Halloween night about a half dozen of us guys lifted this car and promptly set it down between two trees. Not sure how he ever got it out of there as there was a tree against the front and another against the back bumper.

One other year a bunch of us hauled out old barrels, grain augers, etc. from behind the local mechanics place and blocked off main street. Needless to say the semi driver pulling a load of cattle was not real happy when he had to back up a block to get around the mess.

Nothing nasty but we got a silly kick out of it.

02-20-2013, 10:39 AM
I've been avoiding this thread because it would end up as a MAJOR Thump post. I was a HUGE prankster as a kid and I could go on and on forever listing all the pranks I've pulled ... so I'll simply sit back and read about youse dufes in your prankster years.

That said, YK9 ... we used to do the exact same thing with the purse and fishing line. My buddy Donnie lived on kind of a busy street and we'd get tons of "victims" in one night. ;)

02-20-2013, 10:54 AM
One of the best "pranks" I ever pulled was actually an accident - to start with. ;) I lived in town until I was about 10. One summer a buddy and I got to fooling with kites. We'd tie them onto fishing poles. We made a few different kinds and experimented with different materials. One of us came up with the "bright" (see what I did there :D) idea of covering one with aluminum foil (tin foil as we called it). It was like a mirror up there floating around.. cool. One evening we were out about dark and noticed the thing would reflect light off the ground. As it happened a brand new motel (our first) had opened up and they had a revolving, flashing sign all different colors. We thought that would be neat so we headed for the hayfield behind it and sent up the kite. It far exceeded our expectations.

Pretty soon we noticed a bunch of traffic stopping and sounded like a crowd gathering. Being kids, we had to know what was gong on so I tied the kite to the fence and we headed over. Before it was over there were easily a hundred people there including the sherriff and his deputy. Finally I knew I was going to get my ass tanned if I didn't get home so I slipped back, reeled the kite in (among oohs and ahhs) and sneaked the hell out of there.

I told my dad where I'd been when I got home and for a long time he was the only adult who knew it. Said he never had so much fun in his life listening to the stories.

As so you now know "the rest of the story" of Lousisa County's most famous UFO sighting.

02-20-2013, 11:05 AM
OK, YellowK9, who are you? I did that same thing. You don't teach at Jacksonville High School, by chance, do you? :frog:

02-20-2013, 03:12 PM
OK, YellowK9, who are you? I did that same thing. You don't teach at Jacksonville High School, by chance, do you? :frog:

Name is Jason Phillips. I did this in rural Jefferson County outside Pine Bluff. I guess our "idea" wasn't that original :lmao It still worked like a charm :wiggle

02-20-2013, 03:17 PM

We did it in rural Faulkner County.

quercus alba
02-20-2013, 07:24 PM
The biggest idiocy on face book is grown men posting pictures of kittens and other men responding "awwww". Don't have face book, won't have facebook. Biggest time waster in history for the workplace.

02-20-2013, 07:42 PM
Ain't gonna ever do Facebook.

02-20-2013, 07:48 PM

We did it in rural Faulkner County.

And we did it in Orange County, Florida. I wonder how stuff like that spread in the days before the internet? Interesting.

02-20-2013, 07:49 PM
Reckon we wrote letters?


02-20-2013, 08:16 PM
Naaa, I didn't do much letter writing in Jr. H/S. Like Sunshine's prank above ... I wonder if the "purse on a string" prank was in some movie or tv show back in the day? That would explain it.

02-20-2013, 08:17 PM
The biggest idiocy on face book is grown men posting pictures of kittens and other men responding "awwww". Don't have face book, won't have facebook. Biggest time waster in history for the workplace.

Wow.... I was confused until I figured out you were responding to the original post!!!!
I was originally trying to figure out what that had to do with purses and fishing line!!!

02-20-2013, 08:31 PM
You facebook curmudgeons are funny.

02-20-2013, 09:10 PM
lol.. yeah, had the "Facebook" argument with my wife the other day. She thought I was spending too much time on the 'puter. So - I said what are you doing when I'm on the computer? Watching F&$@(&g sports. That - is the "Biggest time waster in history for the workplace".

02-20-2013, 10:15 PM
Facebook is of the Devil.:slap

02-20-2013, 11:35 PM
Hay ..... That rear drive shaft came right off that car.
I was there and witness it, as I laughed my ass off. What scared me, was not knowing about all the shot guns! I didn't know they had them and it was dark!!!
I'm guessing they might have seen that movie, but I haven't.

Heck these guys were so nuts, one of them had a rear tire blow.
He had a big flat wooden dolly in the trunk, cause he was heading to the shop!!
It had pretty good size wheels but to do what he did was nuts.
He took the tire off, jacked it up high enough to set the drum down on the dolly. It was a flat dolly to set something heavy on, to move it around the shop.
Anyways he set the drum down on the center of that flat dolly and tied the crap out of it to the car.
It should never have worked, but he made it almost to the shop.
The tires did ok, it was the police officer that was not ok with the setup!! Lol
Only reason he didn't give him a ticket, was due to the fact he was impressed it was working, but he had to call someone to bring him a tire, so he could get to the shop.
Now that's nuts!!

02-20-2013, 11:39 PM
What??? You've never seen American Graffiti?? What planet are you from girl? ;)

02-20-2013, 11:44 PM
Nope! :-(

quercus alba
02-21-2013, 08:12 AM
Based on what Gene said, let me revise. Facebook and Fantasy sports are the two biggest on line time wasters in the workplace.

Len, I'm not curmudgeony about facebook. A true curmudgeon goes to the cafe every morning to drink coffee and bitch with all the other curmudgeons.

I don't drink coffee.

02-21-2013, 08:52 AM
Cool! I just found out I'm not the ONLY one in the world who does not drink coffee! Glad I'm not a curmudgeon!

02-21-2013, 10:04 AM
I don't drink coffee either Thumper but I'm too young to be a curmudgeon. :)

02-21-2013, 10:06 AM
Brewing up a Canadian blend I like a whole lot called 'Kicking Horse' right now and it smells awful good. I loves me some coffee.


02-21-2013, 12:02 PM
I don't drink coffee either Thumper but I'm too young to be a curmudgeon. :)

Ummmm, you CAN be a curmudgeon without being an OLD curmudgeon ya' know! ;)

quercus alba
02-21-2013, 01:55 PM
I don't drink cokes or tea either. As a diabetic, I've tried them all and they all suck without real sugar. I will drink those carbonated flavored waters once in a while. Almost teetotally an ice water drinker.

02-21-2013, 02:03 PM
You ought to try Mio, QA. Good stuff.


quercus alba
02-21-2013, 02:18 PM
Thanx, I'll check it out pH

02-21-2013, 02:21 PM
I'm a G2 fan. I drink it all the time, unless there's a pitcher of tea made. I've learned to drink it without sugar, although much against my will. Still, G2 is some grand stuff.


02-21-2013, 03:07 PM
Back to pranks.... I worked in a mall as a high schooler: Baskin Robbins Ice cream. My buddy and I would glue a quarter to the floor outside the store and keep track of the number of people who tried to pick it up.
We'd also pick on the goofy guy who worked in the women's shoe store. We'd see him get a customer, and then call the store from across the hall. The phoen would ring and ring and ring. Just as he'd step into the back room to answer the phone, we'd hang up. Once I took an old skate- the metal kind, cut the outline of a rabbit on cardboard and glued the rabbit to the skate. We'd roll that across the street as cars came near. We then decided to tie some fishing line on the front and pull it across..... got a few cars to stop by slaming on brakes. funny at the time.
Being the tennis player, I'd always have dead tennis balls in my car. My buddy had a sun roof. We'd sit at stop lights and toss tennis balls out the sun roof at cars sitting next to us or infront. Of course we'd be looking in the other direction when the balls would be bouncing through traffic.
not terrible pranks but, fun at the time.

02-21-2013, 04:32 PM
And back to drinks..........

When mother was in the hospital this week, I overheard the nurse through an open door down the hall tell a patient "No, you can't have water, you can only have gatorade, remember?".....and I couldn't figure what the blazes that person had that water was not allowed.

And QA, I have some MiO right here. Very good stuff added to water.

02-22-2013, 07:46 AM
Sunny ... I can't stand diet soft drinks of any sort. They are so gross they gag me ... many times they taste like chemicals for some reason. I love root beer and a few years back, accidentally bought a 12-pack of A&W Diet Root Beer. Later I popped one open and as I was drinking it, I spotted the "diet" lable. Dang! It actually tasted like root beer! To this day, A&W Root Beer is the only DIET soft drink I can handle without gagging. IF you like root beer, you may want to try one.

02-22-2013, 08:32 AM
Sorry Sunny, but I tried the Stevia thing.....and hate it. To me, it leaves a bitter aftertaste and I had to use a bunch of it to get any "sweetness".

I LOVE me some Diet Coke with Lime!!!

02-22-2013, 09:06 AM
I love me some Diet Coke with Black Kraken Rum is what I like.


02-22-2013, 03:43 PM
.......and baaaack to our bourbon discussion from the other day. :beer

02-22-2013, 06:12 PM
As for soft drinks.. haven't touched one in over 3 years. I have found that food tastes better without the syrupy flavor of pop, soda, what ever you call it..
If I want anything fizzy, I mix grapefruit juice or cherry or cranberry with carbonated water. From my research any artificial sweetners leave your body wanting sweets or fats. The body does not register artificial sweetness as food. Therefore people who drink lots of diet drinks end up over eating.

Back to bourbon... all this chatting got me curious. went and picked up a bottle of Bird Dog. Gonna try it tonight.
How is it best enjoyed? sipped? over ice? chilled with a little water to bring out the flavor?
also picked up a 12 pack of Sam Adams Alpine Spring. Got a few to watch basketball with tomorrow evening.

02-22-2013, 06:41 PM
I love spicy food ... the hotter the better, but not so hot it's all heat and no flavor. I enjoy the heck out of carbonated sodas such as Coke with hot, spicy food. Otherwise I drink mostly ice water.

02-22-2013, 07:55 PM
Hotshot, I'd take a smallish glass and fill it about half full of ice cubes. Then pour the bourbon in so it doesn't quite cover the ice.....or however much you might like to sip on. These flavor infused brews are for straight sipping....IMHO. Now "regular" brown liquor...I like to mix with some Diet Coke....SOMETIMES I'll mix it with a little well water.

I don't like to drink enough to get polluted. Quit doing that YEAAAARRRS ago. I do like to have a drank though.

02-23-2013, 01:00 PM
Hotshot.. I like my "good" bourbon/scotch/blend/vodka with just a couple/three ice cubes. I just think it kind of mellows everything out. The "flavored" whiskeys/liqueours/brandies I want "straight up". Just don't want to lose that "flavor" and in some (Jeremiah especially ;) ) there's that "burn" I really like. Try the BirdDog straight up first. It's really mild.

WOW it worked.. Im a technological genius. :D

quercus alba
02-24-2013, 12:22 AM
Tried the mio, nasty stuff. There ain't no substitute for real sugar