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04-12-2021, 01:11 PM
I stopped by our local Ford dealer this morning to look at golf carts. (They have a separate building called their "Motorsports" division) I hooked up with a younger salesperson and did my usual rope-a-dope, I don't know nuttin' routine in order to get to know him a little and see how much hot air he was gonna try to blow up my ass. Well, after feeling him out and having some decent conversations ... including a general, non-related b/s session just to get to know each other, I decided I like the guy and will have no problem dealing with him. This is a large dealer in town and the same owner has multiple dealerships, in fact, they had three separate buildings full of new and used golf carts and we visited all three buildings.

Anyway, as we were finishing up and I'd looked at all the inventory, we were about to head back to the main building when some dude called out my name. I looked up and realized it was my old salesman from the Toyota dealership. I'm talking like from 20 or so years ago when I had my business. At that time I had 5 Toyotas, my personal driver, Lynn's personal driver and three work trucks. I never kept a vehicle over 3 years and their original purchase times were staggered, so I was constantly trading vehicles and this guy probably handled 6-8 of those sales until he was blown out (don't remember why they fired him). Anyway, after that, I hooked up with a different salesman and I personally think he did a MUCH better job of taking care of me (in the way of battling the Sales Manager to get me the best deals). It's then, I pretty much realized the first guy was no "friend" ... nothing more than a dickhead salesman who smiled as he was stabbing me in the back. Live and learn.

Anyway, we chatted for a few minutes and he pretty much weaseled his way in between the sales guy I'd been talking to and me, then just sort of took over the conversation and started filling me in on the different models and deals they had going, etc. Probably one of the rudest "car salesman moves" I'd ever witnessed. My original guy was polite and never said a word, but I made it known I was on the way out and had the info I needed. Once outside, I assured the guy I'd been working with that I would not let the guy undercut his efforts and if I do decide to buy there, he's the only person I'd be dealing with. I also let him know I thought the other guy had just pulled one of the rudest maneuvers I'd ever witnessed. I suppose since my guy has only been with the company about a year and my old guy has been there 5-6 years and knew me from previous deals, he thought he'd just move right in.

He thanked me and informed me the joke may just be on him (my old salesman) as the owner had been talking to him (my new guy) about becoming the Sales Manager over the whole department, but it had not yet been made public. He said he'd definitely be having a serious sit-down talk with my old salesman.

Man, what a jerk he was. I will say, I can respect the fact after all these years, he not only recognized me, but remembered my name (and asked about Lynn) and where we live (he asked if we were still on the lake). Heck, since the last time he saw me, I've gained 50 pounds, lost all my hair AND I was wearing a mask! When I first saw him, he looked familiar, but until he told me his first name, I couldn't place him. Anyway, he exposed himself as a rude-ass and I wouldn't consider dealing with him again for just that reason. What a dick.

04-12-2021, 01:24 PM
Get a CNG one! You’ll needthe torque to haul your lard.

04-12-2021, 01:58 PM
Bite me! TBH, I had no clue these things were so frigging expensive! A basic model costs three or four times as much as the first new car I bought!

04-12-2021, 01:59 PM
And no, it was NOT a Model T.

(Figured I’d beat your smart ass to the punch) ;)

04-12-2021, 02:00 PM
Hope the rude dude gets what's coming to him.

04-12-2021, 02:07 PM
Yeah Bwana. If we’d just had friendly conversation to catch up on the past 20 years or so, I’d have had zero problem with it. But he made it perfectly clear he was trying to snatch a deal out from under the guy who’d just spent an hour of his time showing me around.

04-12-2021, 02:40 PM
Does the camper you’re looking at have a toy hauler or are you looking at a trailer too?

04-12-2021, 03:05 PM
And no, it was NOT a Model T.

(Figured I’d beat your smart ass to the punch) ;)

It wasn’t a Model T, it was this.

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04-12-2021, 03:05 PM
Nope, gonna get a 2-seater and a long bed truck. That’s why I don’t want to go with the 5th wheel. My buddy has a toy hauler where he stores his golf cart, but I just can’t see wasting all that living space when I have an empty truck bed.

04-12-2021, 03:07 PM
It wasn’t a Model T, it was this.

Yaba daba doo!

04-12-2021, 03:30 PM
Hey Thump, don't look at the toy haulers as wasted space, think of it as a covered patio deck (some have a screen closure to keep the bugs out of the "patio" if they are a problem, many have a tv in them, and most importantly there are extra beds for your guests or a place to sleep when you get kicked out of bed for snoring too loudly.

That being said, there is a reason there are so many options in the camper world, as everyone has to find one that fits their needs.

Good luck.

Big Skyz
04-12-2021, 03:44 PM
I think there is a cloning machine somewhere that kicks out car salesmen by the hundreds like the jerk you met. I absolutely hate buying from car dealerships. I always feel like I have to take a shower when I get home to wash the salesperson slime off. I have only met one or two that I actually liked.

04-12-2021, 05:46 PM
I think there is a cloning machine somewhere that kicks out car salesmen by the hundreds like the jerk you met. I absolutely hate buying from car dealerships. I always feel like I have to take a shower when I get home to wash the salesperson slime off. I have only met one or two that I actually liked.

Even though I spent many years in the business, I totally agree with you B/S. Of course, I was always in the service end and have never worked on the sales side. Knowing everyone on a personal level when in the business, I knew who the good ones were, as well as who the assholes were.

Above, I said I was at the local Ford dealer this morning, I meant the local Lincoln-Mercury dealer ... but they have the motorsports division, which is where I was this morning looking at golf carts. When I got home, I took Lynn's car in for service at the Toyota dealer. Now, I've been buying cars there for 32 years and most everyone there knows me, from the sales floor to the service department and on up into upper management. I've probably bought 20 or more cars there over the years. Most everyone who's been there a while knows me by name, so I get excellent service. Heck, I remember one time years ago, I was on the lot when the owner of the dealership came in driving a Corvette. I made some smart-assed remark and asked him why he was driving "my" car. He laughed, threw me the keys, told me to drive it home and let me know what I thought about it the next day. That rotten sob knew PERSACTLY what he was doing and I bought it for Lynn the next day! :banghead

As for this hauler, it kills me that Toyota simply doesn't build what I need. :crybaby

Anyway, after I got her car serviced, I did go to the local Ford dealership to look at trucks. What a bunch of worthless fucks! If I were the King of Ford dealers, I'd fire every swinging dick they have on their sales force. I pulled into the lot and there is a small "used car" building right where you pull in. You turn left to go to the lot and right to go to the new car showroom. I saw that they had a bunch of new trucks on the lot, so I made a left. There were (I'm not exaggerating here) probably 6-8 sales people sitting on the little shaded front deck of the used sales office building. Somebody was taking a pic of a Jeep parked in front of the office, so I had to squeeze though to get by them. What I'm saying is, there was no way they didn't see me enter the lot ... I was 3-4 feet in front of them. I pulled down a ways to where the trucks were parked and started milling around the F250 area. Every once in a while, I'd glance up toward that group of worthless fucks and not ONE of them so much as got up off their chair! I finally gave up and again drove right past them (there's only one way - single lane - in and out of the lot) and headed for the new car showroom. I parked, walked in and immediately spotted 4-5 salesmen sitting to the left of the showroom, all in a group b/s'ing. The receptionist was at a desk right at the entrance, but she was on the phone.

I milled around a while and every so often, glanced over at the worthless sales force. NOONE even acknowledged my presence. The receptionist finally got off the phone and asked if she could help me. By this time, I had no desire whatsoever to talk to any of those lazy shits sitting in the corner, so I asked if she had any sales brochures. She said, "No, they're available on-line!" (ummm, what if I'm computer illiterate? I mean, I AM OLD!) That was it ... no "can I get someone to help you?" ... no nuttin'! I walked back out, got in my car and checked the time I'd texted Lynn to let her know I'd stopped at the Ford dealer. I'd been on their lot and in their showroom for a total of 43 frigging minutes and not ONE mf'er so much as acknowledged me!

Now don't get me wrong ... having 10 dang salesmen immediately jump on me like a bunch of vultures on a pile of dead meat also turns me off. But they can at least tell me hello, ask if they can be of any help, hand me their business card and inform me they'll be close by if I have any questions ... but nooooo ... I got zip, zilch, nada. Needless to say, that dealership is marked off my list. There's another one right down the road.

04-12-2021, 05:59 PM
Hey Thump, don't look at the toy haulers as wasted space, think of it as a covered patio deck (some have a screen closure to keep the bugs out of the "patio" if they are a problem, many have a tv in them, and most importantly there are extra beds for your guests or a place to sleep when you get kicked out of bed for snoring too loudly.

That being said, there is a reason there are so many options in the camper world, as everyone has to find one that fits their needs.

Good luck.

Yep, my buddy's toy hauler has fold-down bunkbeds that are available once he gets the golf cart out of there, but it's pretty much an unfinished area and looks like you're living in a garage. It works for him because he usually takes a couple of grandkids with them and that's their space. There will be no kids in mine and I'd rather have that as usable living space. Besides, it already sleeps 6, but like someone said earlier, that prolly means 4 ... I doubt 6 adults would be comfortable, but I ain't lookin' for company anyway.

Big Skyz
04-13-2021, 09:44 AM
It's okay Thump you'd probably end up hating Ford pick ups as much as I do after my F150 nightmare a few years ago. My oldest son has a new F150 Lariat with less than 29,000 miles on it and it's been in the shop more than it's been out. He is going to sell it as it's driving him nuts. It's all under warranty, but who cares if you can't drive it half the time. Just last week that had to replace the whole front end 4 wheel drive system. That's ridiculous. He hasn't even had it on a dirt road yet, let alone off road.

04-13-2021, 01:15 PM
All this talk about trucks got me thinking about how truck make numbers differ from place to place. It is very much a Ford F150/350 place here on the Island. By far. Next in line would probably be Ram, both 1/2 t and 1 t. Next would be Toyota with most being Tacomas and a few Tundras. Last, at least in this area, would be Chev/GMC. Back in Alberta, GM was much more popular. Wonder what drives this choice?

04-13-2021, 02:01 PM
My Dad’s side were Ford people and my mom’s side were GM people. My preference is much like BS’s, I owned a ‘75 Ford Grenada, which I called the ‘Grenade’, and it was a bomb. A lemon that couldn’t get out of its own way. We bought it because my ex wife wanted it. I actually kept it until it was paid off and traded it for a new ‘81 toyota Celicaa couple years later. Talk about a step up!
One of my sons bought a Ford Focus, which I called the Ford Fuckus, and it was a royal piece of garbage.

So my Ford bias isn’t so much regional as based on a track record.

04-13-2021, 02:03 PM
It's okay Thump you'd probably end up hating Ford pick ups as much as I do after my F150 nightmare a few years ago. My oldest son has a new F150 Lariat with less than 29,000 miles on it and it's been in the shop more than it's been out. He is going to sell it as it's driving him nuts. It's all under warranty, but who cares if you can't drive it half the time. Just last week that had to replace the whole front end 4 wheel drive system. That's ridiculous. He hasn't even had it on a dirt road yet, let alone off road.

I've had 3 Fords in my life and I can't remember a single one being in the shop for anything other than routine maintenance. I'm not discounting your experience, I just think it can be luck of the draw, or bad luck. I just switched and bought a 2020 dodge. I was pulled in by the big touch screen. It has been nothing but trouble, and I'm like you I wouldn't ever buy another. A bad experience can sure sour a person towards a truck.

04-13-2021, 02:52 PM
I owned 2 Ford trucks - a 1980 F150 'farm truck' and a pretty spiffy 2015 SuperDuty diesel. Once I had all the so-called 'pollution' junk removed that F150 was a great truck with no problems for the 10 years I owned it. The SD was also problem free except for a NOx sensor that was replaced under warranty. I'd still have it but I just didn't need a 1 ton truck and the warranty ran out. My 2020 Tacoma has also been problem free and if Toyota would have done a better job matching the engine and trans I would call it great instead of just good.

What concerns me now with the modern trucks is the complexity of the onboard systems. The engine bay of the SD diesel was a snakes nest of wires and plumbing. Any engine work meant removing the entire cab. $$$$ to fix.

04-13-2021, 03:02 PM
I wonder how much extra it costs to insure one of the fancy tail gates they’re putting on pickups now. Just a standard used tailgate at a salvage was runnng $500+. And did they make the fancy ones any less easier to walk off with?


04-13-2021, 04:13 PM
Most of the tailgates (including my Tacoma) are lockable these days.

The nicknames above are funny. I had a buddy in California who had a Ford Explorer. I called it an "Exploder". After about 3 years, it did! :hair

04-13-2021, 04:17 PM
Personally, I've never owned a Ford (driver), although we used to race them (roundy-round cars as well as drag racing). I've had a beater Bronco as a "hunting vehicle". It was a pos and the engine blew, but in all fairness, it was a high mileage beater. I bought a replacement motor (junkyard) and it lasted about a 2 months before it imploded. I sold the Bronco for junk.

04-13-2021, 04:59 PM
Funny you mention endgates Posty as I happen to have one on my latest pickup and though I thought it looked pretty hokey, I am SUPER impressed with it! When I first saw the advertisements and the YouTube videos on the multi-function tailgate I'm pretty certain I did the same eyeroll my teenage daughter seems to have perfected. Thought they were just a gimmick but unless something changes in the years ahead, I don't think I would ever be without one again. They allow for easier access to the box which is WAY too far off of the ground for a short-legged pollack like me, the ability to carry 4x8 sheets of plywood without having to worry about losing them when the light turns green, and also allows a person to just open the top hatch for carrying longer items without having to roll back the tonneau cover.

Slicker than greased goose shit if you ask me and as far as someone walking off with it, just drill a couple of holes in it and the box and paddle lock that bugger shut. ;-)

04-13-2021, 05:21 PM
LOL ‘endgate’.

I feel the same way about this as I do about $400 Yeti coolers. if I have to worry about some asshole stealing it, I’ll probably pass on it.


04-13-2021, 06:04 PM
WTF is an endgate? Anything like Watergate?

04-13-2021, 06:19 PM
Grab ‘em by the endgate!

04-13-2021, 07:23 PM
LOL ‘endgate’.

I feel the same way about this as I do about $400 Yeti coolers. if I have to worry about some asshole stealing it, I’ll probably pass on it.


Like your fishing poles?

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04-13-2021, 07:43 PM
Those are the tools of my trade. Its why I buy DeWalt tools and Browning shotguns and etc etc etc


04-13-2021, 08:59 PM
Those are the tools of my trade. Its why I buy DeWalt tools and Browning shotguns and etc etc etc


You forgot Trojan. Unless that’s included in the “etc”..

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04-14-2021, 06:37 AM
Those are the tools of my trade. Its why I buy DeWalt tools and Browning shotguns and etc etc etc. BKB

You forgot two items that immediately come to mind. ;)

#1) A big stick to :stirthepot

#2) A tall stool so you can climb up and 12492

Or are those also included in your broad range of et ceteras? :huh

Big Skyz
04-14-2021, 09:32 AM
Thumper, my son fixed his Ford F150 Lariat problem yesterday. He picked up his Ford from the repair shop and on the way home it started acting up with more problems not related to the original reason he took it in. It's literally been in the shop more than he has driven it. So he said, that's it, I've had enough. He drove it straight to a Toyota dealership and solved his problem with this Tacoma TRD Off Road edition. I think he will be much happier. He said he's never been so happy to get rid of a vehicle as much as he was that Ford. I know just how he felt. There was zero love lost between me and that piece of crap F150 I traded off.

04-14-2021, 09:52 AM
Nice hoopie!


04-14-2021, 10:41 AM
Another one joins the "smart people" crowd. Nice looking ride!

Big Skyz
04-14-2021, 11:10 AM
It won't be too long and I will be buying a Tacoma as well. I really love my 4Runner and will likely keep it until the wheels fall off. However there are times I just plain need a pick up.

Chicken Dinner
04-14-2021, 11:36 AM
I’ve never known anyone to regret buying a Taco!

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04-14-2021, 01:09 PM
Back in the Fall, Julie and I were splitting time in the St Louis area for a few months so we just left her 4Runner up there. I replaced a cracked windshield, detailed it, got the oil changed and everything up to date and drove it an hour each way in St Louis rush hour traffic every day. I learned to appreciate just how awesome a vehicle that thing is to drive.


04-14-2021, 02:18 PM
That's my truck 'cept it's white instead of silver.

Big Skyz
04-14-2021, 02:28 PM
Johnboy, actually it is white. Just a low light photo taken last night right around sunset.
BBP, those 4Runner's are hard to hate. I love mine.

04-14-2021, 02:37 PM
Mr. Sky, what’s that white stuff on the mountains in that pic of your boy? Do you have beach sand out that way? ;)

Big Skyz
04-14-2021, 04:37 PM
Ya' it's called the Salt Flats. It's a huge beach where they set a lot of land speed records.

quercus alba
04-14-2021, 05:56 PM
Thump probably had sex with the entire Mormon Tabernacle Choir out there back in the 60's

04-14-2021, 06:25 PM
No way. (I skipped the fugly ones) ;)

04-15-2021, 01:08 PM
There is only one, people. Focus!


04-15-2021, 01:19 PM
That’s definitely the coolest grille of the Yota line. I’ve been considering blacking out the horizontal bars in mine.

04-15-2021, 03:24 PM
Fake hood scoops suck big weenies.

04-15-2021, 03:30 PM
I have one also (Sport package) but fake or not, I like the look. Heck, this ain’t the 60’s-70’s. Curmudgeon. ;)

04-15-2021, 04:24 PM
Fake hood scoops suck big weenies.

I had the same thought, Johnboy. I still like the look and if I hit the lottery I'm gonna make in functional like an early 70's muscle car. Just ram the air right in to the carburetor... uhh, shit. Nevermind.

tell you what, though. For a 6,000 vehicle, that thing will fly pretty good.

04-15-2021, 04:28 PM
I think you should have to do sports of some kind to qualify to buy a sports package. Thinper needs the buffet package.

04-15-2021, 06:36 PM
I've been told I have a pretty sporty looking package. ;)

04-15-2021, 06:37 PM
You need to turn up your hearing aids old timer. she said ‘shorty’ package.


04-15-2021, 07:14 PM
BAM! I should have seen that coming from a mile away. I'm getting careless in my old age. :crybaby