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View Full Version : What a disappointment ....

04-23-2021, 09:05 AM
I realize I'm OLD now and interests change, but yesterday was just a reminder of how things have changed in my lifetime. As a kid, growing up, the State Fair was a BIG deal and we looked forward to it coming to town every year. I remember we had "Fair Day" which was one day during the week when they'd actually close the schools and school kids were admitted into the fair for free. I did most of my growing up and attending the fair in Orlando, but if my memory serves me correctly, the last State Fair I attended was as a high school student in Memphis ... which was basically the same fair experience I remembered from Orlando.

Well, the State Fair is always a big deal here every year and it's here now. I've been needing a break from the stress of dealing with my brother's death and TRYING to untangle his personal affairs, so Lynn noted yesterday was "Veteran's Day" at the fair and all vets received free admittance, so she suggested we go. I don't get around as well as I used to and on some days, I can barely make it to the mailbox and back, but figured we'd attempt it and I'd see what I could do, so we headed to Tampa. We stopped for an early lunch at one of our favorite Mexican joints on the way so I wouldn't be tempted to eat the junk food at the fair. It's just a little hole in the wall and we're usually the only non-Hispanic customers as it's located in Plant City, a small farming community (strawberries mostly) and many migrant workers end up settling there. It's REAL Mexican food, not TexMex (whatever that is) or "Americanized" Mexican food. I even made a comment to Lynn as we were awaiting our meal that if you look around and didn't know where you were, you'd swear you were in a small local eatery in Baja or the Yucatan! Even the menu is in Spanish, but we manage just fine. Anyway, we had our meal and proceeded on to Tampa to the fair.

What a let-down. It was NOTHING like I remembered as a kid. I was able to realize I'm not a youngster any more and my tastes in entertainment have changed, but this was no frigging State Fair IMHO. They had a couple of ferris wheels, one claiming to be the largest "MOBILE" ferris wheel in the world. Ha ha ha, I have no clue if that's true, but it just looked like any other ferris wheel you'd see set up at some local carnival. The other one was a "kiddie" sized ferris wheel. There was one VERY small roller-coaster, a big slide (where you slide down on burlap bags) and a couple of mundane rides I may have missed but were not impressive enough to even catch my eye. Then there was the "kiddie area" with various rides for the tykes, but I didn't even bother to see what was offered. Man-o-man, I remember, as a kid, the variety of rides was almost endless ... and they were cool! Heck, I didn't even see the classics like the Tilt-A-Whirl or even bumper cars. Very, VERY few games and the only one I actually noticed was one of those "guess your weight" booths where I considered trying to win a teddy bear for Lynn, but didn't want to get stuck carrying it all day!

I guess "freak shows" are no longer politically correct, as there were ZERO to be seen. No bearded lady, no fat lady, no Monkey Girl, Alligator Girl or Lobster Boy ... no lady with no arms who could thread a needle with her feet, no giants or midgets .... errr, I mean "little people", no "half man/half ape", Frog Boy or the reptile guy who looked like a lizard ... nuttin'! My all-time favorite as a kid was Popeye ... a guy who could pop his eyeballs out of their sockets and yank them back in. It would really freak the girls out!


What happened to the tents with the jars of two-headed babies, "real" mermaids or three headed goats, etc? ZIP, NADA, nuttin'! No hawkers out in front of a tent yelling for people to see the snake lady who "slithered on her belly like a reptile!!!" ... all for "one thin dime!" Or the guy who'd stick a light bulb in his mouth, stick his finger in a light socket and light the bulb.

Oh, I almost forgot, I DID purchase a small cup of "fresh squeezed lemonade" .... for SEVEN FRIGGING DOLLARS!!! (PLUS tax). What I found odd, the lemonade was $7 even if paid with cash, but if you paid by credit card, tax was added. Hmmmmmm .... :huh

Let's just say, I was unimpressed and very underwhelmed ... and seriously doubt I'll ever attend another State Fair in my lifetime. Bummer .... :(

04-23-2021, 09:23 AM
The world is disappointing you at every turn ain’t it Thumper? I was a country kid who took four years of vo-ag in high school, so that meant I got to go spend an entire school day every year at the Arkansas-Oklahoma State Fair in Fort Smith. I would spend the whole day at the fair on ten bucks. One of my favorite uncles was an Ag teacher in Arkansas and I’d always look him up and say hey and he’d always wink and give me five bucks and tell me to stay out of the sideshow tents.
Maybe walking around with not much money in my pocket is what made me a fan of the animal barns. The draft animal contests always caught my attention too. One year a giveaway were these little round mirrors that would fit in your palm and said Coca Cola on the back. A buddy of mine and I spent several hours walking around the fair reflecting the sun in people’s eyes. We were ahead of our time! Now they use lasers!

The last time I took my grands to the Tulsa State Fair wespent $100 before we went 100 feet. Literally. They all (my family) act like they can’t go anywhere without being hydrated and fed. It kills me how someone can getthat excited over a five dollar corn dog.
And they thought I was a curmudgeon forspendingan hour in the barns gawking at those huge draft horses.

Maybe we’re cut from the same curmudgeonly cloth Thumper!


quercus alba
04-23-2021, 09:50 AM
make that three of us

04-23-2021, 10:02 AM
I did hit some of the exhibitions and I did enjoy them. I hit the Power of Steam building ... basically a steam engine museum and it was interesting. I hit the Florida Fish and Wildlife exhibit as well as the Forestry exhibit. Then the Florida Agriculture exhibit and the Florida Cattle Ranching Museum. All interesting in their own ways. I know what you mean about the $100 deal and can totally relate. I had to make a LOT of rest stops along the way as I really had to pace myself to get through the day. The weather was absolutely perfect, sunny, high 70's with a nice breeze and with the many shaded areas with tables, the rest breaks were comfortable. I remember noticing a family (parents and 3 kids) eating their "lunch" a couple tables over from us and I made a comment to Lynn that I just added up an estimate of the junk food they were eating and came out at approx. $90-$100! (and that was a conservative estimate)

BTW ... Lynn carried a small bag in with us that contained 3 bottled waters ... so we probably saved $15 right there! ;)