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06-22-2021, 08:36 AM
Julie and I journeyed to Eminence, Mo this weekend to float the Current River on Sunday. We usually camp on this annual trip but this year we got cabins and enjoyed the AC and showers for a change. It was a great 10 mile float and I got to teach my 10 yo grandson how to kayak. At least the fundamentals. He did great. The Current is a really nice spring fed river that runs about 58 degrees F the year round so the hotter it is the better. And it was hot. The springs along the way are deep turquoise while the river runs gin clear.

If there is one sign that people are rip roaring ready to do some stuff its is the traffic on the highways. Dang, it was almost bumper to bumper up interstae 44 and across Missouri. A four and a half hour ride for us. Holy mackerel the traffic was shitty.

And the last sign of the Apocalypse might be…..


06-22-2021, 09:04 AM
That sounds like a great time. There's not much better than a good river float with family. TJ comes down nearly every year and we float the Yakima, and its usually the highlight of the trip.

quercus alba
06-22-2021, 09:21 AM
Wingstop, Zaxby's......I've got a novel idea, instead of 57 different sauces why not offer mashed potatoes and gravy? I know it's out of the box thinking but Hey, it might work

06-22-2021, 12:10 PM
That's Great Barry!....and yea!, Lynn had a craving for wings Saturday and Wally World had zero wings in store!....finally found some at Publix.

Chicken Dinner
06-22-2021, 12:33 PM
First lumber prices and now chicken wing shortages. This pandemic is getting out of hand!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-22-2021, 12:51 PM
We just bought wings at Sam's about a week ago and they had a sign on the cooler that said there was a 2-package limit. We asked the butcher what the deal was and he informed us of the shortage.

06-22-2021, 01:03 PM
The times have truly changed if you can ask a man for a wing and he hands you a thigh and you don’t demand an explanation or name seconds.


06-22-2021, 01:34 PM
Sounds like a good time was had by all. Time to stock up on wings? I've noticed that a lot of odd stuff is getting harder to find.

06-22-2021, 01:53 PM
The worst beating I ever saw was on a stretch of the Illinois river, in Tahlequah. We were probably about 3 hours into the float. The timing is important because that, apparently, is just enough time for people to have enough alcohol to start making poor decisions. For us this was a couples trip and I think we had 2 rafts.

A stretch of the river has a pretty fun rope swing out into the river and as we come to it there's a smaller group 2 guys 2 girls. and the girls are swinging off the rope but topless. Of course now the dance really starts as guys we're trying to do what we can to slow the raft down without upsetting our significant others. As we slow down another group catches up to us, which is a lady with children. She is not a bit happy and lets the rope swingers know she's not happy. They exchange a lot of unpleasantries and the lady quickly moves her children down the river.

We're not far behind where she is now and as we come around a river bend there's 2 or 3 guys standing in the river. Their posture clearly says they aren't here to offer us beers and they say something accusing us of the aforementioned activity. We say we had nothing to do with it, and the lady says it wasn't us...so we are cleared to pass.

We pull over a bit upstream and in a short bit the 2 and 2 come through. That fight started pretty fair either 2 on 2 or maybe 2 on 3, but I swear to this day that lady's family came out of the trees...It changed immediately to more of a 10 on 2 scenario. One guy got hit wit a paddle laid on its edge that cut a huge chunk of his ear off, and by the end they were dragging these guys out of the water to the rocks. By the time we made the rest of the float there was at least 10 cops at the end wanting statements. It was one fight I was glad to have avoided.

06-22-2021, 02:28 PM
Another reason pot should be legalized and alcohol banned. ‘Course, it’s hard to keep a doobie dry on the river …. says the voice of experience. ;)

06-22-2021, 02:31 PM
That's what gummies are for. :fine

06-22-2021, 02:36 PM
I’m not sure when the fight happened that Hombre saw but I know they’ve really cracked down on alcohol on the Illinois River. I’m not sure who even sells 3.2 beer any more but nothing stronger is allowed any more. Seems like they have a big one down there every summer.

WE floated the Current on the weekend before the 4th one year and it was wall to wall people and boats with jet outdrives. We saw one fight start and cops came from nowhere on jet boats and arrested them. It didn’t take 60 seconds. It also made me a lifelong fan of stars and stripes bikinis.


06-23-2021, 09:07 AM
Do you rent your tubes P-hole? Who comes downstream to pick you up? We used to do annual trips (Memorial and Labor Days) to the Colorado River with a group of friends and usually had 3-4 boats with us. A group of us would tube down river and a couple would stay behind to pick us up later and take us back to the campground. In those days, we'd have a huge tractor tire tube with a giant cooler full of beer that would be tied off and float down with us. They've probably made that illegal these days, not sure.

One year, after our first float downstream, my buddy came down in his boat to pick a group of us up. I had about 3 tubes on the bow and laid on top of them to hold them down for our trip back upstream. HUGE MISTAKE!! On the way back, we hit another boater's wake and those innertubes acted like big springs. When we hit the wake, the tubes compressed, then sprang back shooting me about 3 feet into the air. The wind then blew the tubes out from under me and I came down on the deck railing and cracked a few ribs! Of course, that was our first day of a 3-day weekend and I couldn't do anything but sit around in pain for the remainder of the trip. The drive home was miserable, but working the next couple weeks was pure torture! My doc said the only thing I could do was wrap ACE bandages around me and let them heal. Man-o-man, it hurt just to breathe! :crybaby

06-23-2021, 10:01 AM
We all rented kayaks and the outfitter took us upstream and dropped us off and then picked us up at the get-out place and took us back to our cabins. It was all very civilized of course.


06-23-2021, 12:02 PM
Oh, when you said you “floated”, I pictured tubing. I do the same deal locally here with canoes on the Hillsboro River. They drop us off and meet us downstream to bring us back. If the Lenster ever checks in, he can tell you what an exciting trip it can be. ;)

06-23-2021, 12:33 PM
I used to tube the Itchetucknee River a few times a summer back in the day. Was only six miles but my oh my the scenery was amazing.

I think they overloved it a little though.


quercus alba
06-23-2021, 12:48 PM
If the Lenster ever checks in, he can tell you what an exciting trip it can be. ;)

Len may not be back, he's probably over on Facebook posting cat porn

06-23-2021, 01:45 PM
Ha! You're prolly right! In that case, I can tell on him and he'll never know it. Let's just say, he wanted to get up close and personal with some gators. His MAJOR mistake was, he never told me HOW close! Let's just say he ended up screaming like a little girl and leave it at that. :hair

BTW, he was paddling BACKWARDS as hard as I was paddling FORWARD! :lmao

06-24-2021, 10:38 AM
BBP - That fight was 15+ years ago. I think it was just dumb luck that day that we didn't get involved but I'm glad we didn't.

06-24-2021, 10:54 AM
back in our motorsickling days (I was riding a '78 Goldwing if that dates it ;) ) We used to ride down - camp - and do the Current every year or so.. got busier - and busier and... We don't have a decent "wing" place around here - but - Fridays one of local grocery stores fires up the broaster and features *gizzards*.. Been a week or two.. gonna get some tomorrow.. ;)

06-24-2021, 11:51 AM
I loves me some good gizzards! We have a little joint (Country Chicken & Fish) in town that has some of the best I've had. It has a few inside tables and a tree covered picnic area to the side, but 95% of their traffic is drive-thru or take-out from the pick-up window out front. In fact, I just stopped and picked up a box of gizzards last week. Give me a pile o'gizzards and a bottle of hot sauce and I can do some major damage! They ALWAYS have a line at the pick-up window and the drive-thru ... no matter the time of day!


12609 12610

06-24-2021, 02:36 PM
I love me some gizzards too, as well as liver. A month ago I had to be in Oklahoma for a week and I got my dad to cook up some liver an onions...I ate until I was almost sick.

06-24-2021, 03:00 PM
There is a Shell station in Pine bluff, Ark that has the best fried chicken gizzards in the state.


06-24-2021, 08:51 PM
Weird thing is, I LOVE (calves) liver and onions, but hate chicken livers .... except when Lynn makes Rumaki. Larrupin! :thumbsup




12 slices of bacon

6 oz chicken livers, cut into 24 pieces

1 8-oz can whole water chestnuts, drained and cut into halves

3 tablespoons of maple syrup

3 tablespoons soy sauce

1 teaspoon minced ginger

1 teaspoon minced garlic

24 wooden toothpicks (soaked in water to prevent burning)

1) Combine maple syrup, soy sauce, ginger and garlic in a small bowl.
2) Add the chicken livers and water chestnut pieces and marinate in the refrigerator for 1/2 hour.
3) Cut bacon strips in half lengthwise.
4) Cook bacon in large skillet over medium heat until cooked but not crisp, and drain on paper towels.
5) Place a piece of chicken liver and a water chestnut half on each strip of bacon.
6) Wrap bacon around liver and water chestnut, and secure with a toothpick.
7) Place in a foil-lined shallow baking pan.
8) Bake uncovered in a 450 degree F oven for 12-15 minutes or until bacon is crisp and livers are no longer pink.
9) Serve immediately.

06-24-2021, 09:14 PM
Nope. Livers are filters. I don’t eat nothing’s iver.


06-24-2021, 09:40 PM

quercus alba
06-24-2021, 10:18 PM
Funny you should mention chicken livers

Chicken liver taters and gravy for lunch


06-25-2021, 10:19 AM
Heart is meat.. Liver is guts.. My argument that people simply don't taste things the "same".. If liver tasted to you like it does to me.. you'd throw it away, too.

quercus alba
06-25-2021, 10:49 AM
One thing about fried chicken livers is that I can run up my cholesterol my blood sugar and increase my chance of gout in one meal

06-25-2021, 11:05 AM
But ..... on the flip side of the coin: (from the net) :thumbsup

Chicken liver is inexpensive, a great source of nutrients, versatile, and easy to cook. Rich with iron, folate, and a variety of vitamins and minerals, the food packs a powerful punch of health benefits.

Nutrition Information:

Chicken liver is rich with essential fatty acids and protein. Chicken liver also contains:

Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin A
Vitamin E

Blood health. Your body’s red blood cells need iron and vitamins to transport oxygen and prevent conditions like anemia, which is when your body lacks the red blood cells they need. The condition depletes your body of oxygen and it can leave you feeling fatigued. With its iron and vitamin content, chicken liver can help combat vitamin B12 deficiency.

Heart Health: Chicken liver contains selenium, a mineral that helps to prevent and manage cardiovascular conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and high cholesterol.

Organ health. Often called a “superfood,” chicken liver is packed to the brim with nutrients to keep your body healthy. Vitamin A helps protect your vision and eye health, strengthens your immune system, and helps organs like the kidneys and heart function properly. Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, helps your body make energy from food and keeps cells strong. Beyond contributing to blood health, vitamin B12 also helps your brain work better.

quercus alba
06-25-2021, 12:28 PM
I told my wife I are getting smarter but she doesn't believe me

06-25-2021, 01:38 PM
If you were smart, you'd figure out a way to convince her. ;)