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08-23-2021, 12:42 PM
I’ve been fighting wasps all summer. Big old yellow jacket nests and those big red ones that fly like japanese zeroes at you. Not sure why this year over any others. Mainly hanging on the soffets.

And speaking of pests, a tomato hornworm damn near wiped out my little stand of tomatoes in one damn night. I found his fat ass and disposed of him. You could catch a good shell cracker with it I’ll bet!


Chicken Dinner
08-23-2021, 02:56 PM
I hate those effing yellow jackets. Find their ground nest and pour a cup of gasoline down the hole and it will take care of your problrm

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08-23-2021, 03:00 PM
Youre talking about a different critter. Those little black and yellow striped ground hornets are a scary proposition. Try picking up a square bail some time and feel the ground vibrating through your shoes.

The yellow jackets I’m talking about are yellow and dark brown striped paper wasps. They’re about a 3/4 model of the big red paper wasps but they make up for it in meanness. And they’ll sting you three times before you can say Jack Robinson.


quercus alba
08-23-2021, 04:00 PM

Guinea wasps......mean little bastages

08-23-2021, 04:17 PM
Yep, that’s the ones. We call them yellow jackets. Never heard the term guniea wasps.

08-23-2021, 04:24 PM
I’ve had major tangles with yellow jackets twice in my life. Both times I stepped on a nest and sunk to my ankles. The first swarm chased me all the way down the mountain and into my grandmother’s house! The second time, I was working and those mean-assed bastiges chased me all the way back to my truck. I had a pump running in the bed of my truck and if it ran too long without water flow, it’d burn up. I couldn’t even get back to it to turn it off!

quercus alba
08-23-2021, 05:30 PM
Polistes exclamans, the Guinea paper wasp according to Wikipedia

08-23-2021, 09:07 PM
Polistes exclamans, the Guinea paper wasp according to Wikipedia

True^.... A yellow jackets nest is in the ground... I should know my high school football team is called North Augusta Yellow Jackets!

But yea Barry... Those Guinea wasp are some mean sumbitches!.... Red wasp hurt a lot more but they sting very rarely.

In fact me and a buddy of mine (from van buren AR) were removing an upper A frame from an old car one time and in the fender well was a big ass red wasp nest!...I said hey man! back up! and he just laughed....He just kept working and beating on that A frame and they never left the nest!....Not Me!...:D