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View Full Version : H3LL, DAY'UM, SHEEIT, MOFO!!!

Big Muddy
02-21-2013, 08:06 PM
Any of ya'll ever been struck by lightning???....been raining here off/on all day, with a few pretty good thunder- boomers....I walked outside, just a few moments ago to drain my lizard out by my favorite crepe myrtle.

Outta no where, a bolt of lightning hit the ground, right at the end of my driveway about 100 yards from me....it tingled the h3ll outta me, not to mention, I think I need to change my drawers!!!

It's all Bucky's fault....his voo-doo Arkie-karma is rubbing-off on me!!! ;););)

02-21-2013, 08:27 PM
I was on the front porch when a lightning bolt hit a big oak directly across the driveway from me. The weird part is, I have no idea why, but I was looking up in that tree at the exact time and exact point that the lightning struck. Yes, it scared the bejeebers out'ta me. The weird part is, just before it hit, the hairs on my head (I had more of 'em then ... circa 1977) stood on end.

Another time, a bolt hit the HUGE pine tree right at the corner of the house. The bolt hit the top of the tree, skinned the bark off half way down the trunk, then jumped over through the attic soffits and into the house. It knocked out all our phones, computers, stereo, tv's and I'm sure some stuff I've forgotten. In my office right over my head, above my desk, it split the drywall and pushed all the nails out of two wall studs to where they were protruding out of the studs by about 2". It was scary for another reason ... the whole house had a strong smell of ozone. The first thing I did, after cleaning my pants out, was to climb up in the attic to make sure nothing was on fire! (the tree died BTW)

Another time was when I was fishing in the Gulf of Mexico. I had a live bait out and my line was floating on the water's surface. All of a sudden I could feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up and my line floated straight up into the air. I cut my line, cranked the boat and hauled ass just as a bolt of lightning hit the water. That storm came up FAST and all the way back to the marina, lightning bolts were hitting the water all around me. Scary stuff!

02-21-2013, 08:28 PM
I've been as close as I want to get, thankyouverymuch, and it wasn't that close. But it was close enuf. that stuff scares the bejeebers out of me. when I lived in Pinellas County, Fl, the lightning capital of the US, I used to sit out on the roof of our apartment house and watch the lightning. Man, was I stupid.


02-21-2013, 08:59 PM
Close. I was about 50 feet from a flag pole on Jacksonville AFB in a group of guys when the pole got struck. We all ended up on the ground and one seized for a couple of minutes. Scared the shit out of me.

02-21-2013, 09:44 PM
Dad and I were working in Jelico Tennessee around 1975/76 and a hell of a storm blew in, major lightening.
We got in the truck and let the storm pass. When it looked like it was over we got out and surveyed the pipeline and we both leaned against the truck. Just then a bolt of lightening hit a power pole within 20 feet of us and knocked us both to the ground. I guess it ran down the pole and jumped to the Truck. Dads arm hurt him for weeks after that.
It was wild
Cheryl, David and I were sitting at the table in the SC house and a bolt hit the tree just outside the window. It knocked Cheryl out of the chair onto the floor. It blew out all the TV's and satellite receivers, MANY light fixtures and ceiling fans, and a bunch of outlets in the house.
Take Care, Captain

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

02-21-2013, 10:45 PM
I never have been.

But I'm sure it's my fault. Lately, most everything is.

02-22-2013, 01:26 AM
It was GOD warning you to put that thang back in your pants and use the toilet!!!! Lol

02-22-2013, 07:59 AM
That's called a lightning rod Sunny. ;)

02-22-2013, 08:25 AM
About 15 or so years ago, I was grilling on the deck one evening and a storm blew in. Just before it started raining....WHAM...a bolt hit a pine on the side of our yard....prolly about 20 yards away. I felt the concussion wave hit me square in the chest. Lucky thing the burgers (or whatever it was) were about done because that was the end of the grilling for that evening. :pissed

02-22-2013, 09:53 AM
College days was walking across the parking lot carrying an open umbrella on a hot steamy summer day with boomers all around. Flash of lightening and nono seconds latter I got the jolt of my life, took the umbrella right out of my hand. Not a direct hit, but enough static to think twice about using an umbrella in a t-storm.

Big Muddy
02-22-2013, 09:57 AM
That's called a lightning rod Sunny. ;)

BAMMMMMM!!!!!....GOOD 'UN, THUMP!!!! ;)

(BTW, Sunny, that crepe myrtle is about two feet taller than the rest of 'em....organic nitrogen fertilizer, ya know. ;)

02-22-2013, 10:28 AM
jb, you ought to know better then that being you are that much closer to the clouds then most others.

02-22-2013, 10:38 AM
I have probably told this story before, but it still makes the hairs stand up on the back of my neck to think of it.

Birddog and I were fishing during dog days of August in my big boat over at a lake in eastern Oklahoma called Eucha Lake. Pronounced 'Ooochie', don't ask me. It was a grey day, overcast, and hotter than a freshly f-----d fox in a forest fire as they say. There was not a threatening looking thing at all in the sky. About three in the afternoon there was a loud crack-boom right above our heads that sounded like it hit literally in the boat. both of us hit the deck and said 'What the hell was that?' The boom sounded like a cannon went off. That was followed immediately by hail about the size of quarters. We threw stuff in the rod boxes and headed for the ramp, only a couple miles away. But it was hailing and raining so hard I could barely see the end of the bill of my cap. It hurt too! The deck of my boat was white with hail and the bilge was pissing like a beer drunkard. We made it to the ramp finally and as soon as we did, the hail and rain stopped like a spigot was turned off. We went home. Shaking. I think that might be closest lightning has ever come to me and it may have been cloud to cloud for all I know. There was a bright flash, and the flash, crack, and boom were all simultaneous.
Still freaks me out to think about it.