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View Full Version : Deer blind improvements

09-15-2021, 05:59 PM
I was on my way to the Ohio property when I spotted something on top of a can set out for trash day. I couldn't resist... I'm pretty sure my hunting buddy will be out of town until opening day. His first opportunity to hunt will be early morning. I wonder if he'll notice it in the dark since he approaches the blind from the little ridge it sets on.



09-15-2021, 07:16 PM
But will the DirecTV payments be up to date? ;)

Chicken Dinner
09-16-2021, 05:48 AM
That’s a good ‘urn!

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09-16-2021, 10:02 AM
Now there’s a throwback to a GH story from long ago.

Good work Chad!


09-16-2021, 01:42 PM
Today, I added a cup holder with blue tooth speakers off an old baby stroller. Coyote calling maybe???


Chicken Dinner
09-16-2021, 04:02 PM
That thing needs a reclining chair and a buddy heater!

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09-17-2021, 09:15 AM
When it gets near zero I have a buddy heater. And we have padded café style chairs in there now. Cold doesn't really bother me that much, but them old guys seem to suffer in it so I compromise...



09-18-2021, 09:00 AM
Love it.. we are not worthy.. ;)

09-18-2021, 09:52 AM
That "buddy heater" brings back a long-ago memory. I had just stumbled upon the All Outdoors site and was reading the posts. Heck, I'd never even posted ANYTHING on the I-net and this must have been around 1995 maybe (?). There was some dufe on there named Larke Plyler and he was looking for a Coleman Catalytic Heater. They had been discontinued due to safety issues (CO2) because nimrods were putting them inside their enclosed tents! Anyway, he had one and loved it, but since the were no longer being sold, he was trying to find another to put in his deer "condo" so his kids (David and Meredith) could go with him and stay warm. I happened to have one that was practically brand new. It was still in the box and I think I may have used it once or twice (really didn't need it in Florida). Anyway, my first ever post at All Outdoors was to let him know I had one and he was welcomed to it if interested. It turned out he and the family were about to head down to their Florida house for the 4th of July weekend and I offered to drive it over to him.

Now remember, these were the days when anyone on the Internet were actually serial axe murderers, but I threw caution to the wind and arranged to meet him at the house in St. Augustine. He then offered to let me stay in an extra bedroom and spend the weekend. Now that pretty much confirmed it and I then KNEW he had to be an axe murderer. I did prepare an overnight bag, but hid it behind my seat just in case things seemed a bit hinky. Well, needless to say, ANYONE who has ever had the pleasure to meet Larke and his family now know the meaning of solid gold and it only took a matter of minutes before I was comfortable enough to grab my overnight bag and settle in for a weekend at the beach house.

The rest is pretty much history and suffice it to say, he became a close and dear friend for the remainder of his life. This place has been pretty much magical through the years. The circumstances surrounding meeting Gator and later, Co9 was under very similar circumstances, but unfortunately, they're also gone. I guess many of us Good Hunting "originals" are getting a bit long in the tooth these days. :(

Chicken Dinner
09-18-2021, 12:19 PM
You guys must have a different definition of “buddy heater” than I do.[emoji12]

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