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View Full Version : Deer crack

quercus alba
10-04-2021, 06:37 PM
I literally picked up a five gallon bucket of persimmons in the yard today and the tree still looks like it's about to break the limbs off they're so loaded. I'm using them to lure the deer into a killing zone I have about 75 yards from the house. I haven't caught any bucks on my camera yet but it's just a matter of time. Maybe I'll get one with my muzzleloader in a couple of weeks. I'm going to spare the does for right now because the fawns are still pretty small. I only want one here and maybe another one farther from home.

It's bout sneaked up on me

Chicken Dinner
10-04-2021, 07:24 PM
My persimmon has been doing the same. Pretty sure they’ll lock me up and throw away the key if I popped one in here in Suburbia.

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