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10-20-2021, 07:24 PM
Howdy guys, I haven’t really spoken too much about this but in March during my yearly physical it was discovered my kidneys were not functioning optimally. So I went to a nephrologist (kidney Dr for Kribbs) and he felt the damage could be mitigated/repaired but I needed to loose a bunch of weight to get my BP & type 2 diabetes under control. His suggestion was weight loss surgery because he didn’t think my kidneys had the time it would take for me to loose the amount of weight I needed using just diet & exercise. So in talking with my PCP and surgeon we decided on a Sleeve Gastrectomy which basically removed 85% of my stomach which sounds extreme but it’s actually less complicated/invasive than a Gastric Bypass because it doesn’t reroute any your internal plumbing.

I had the surgery on 9/28 and I am down 65# and off of all my diabetes medicines with my glucose running about 103. I was also on 4 meds for my BP and even with those my BP would run 140/90. Since the surgery and weight loss it’s running 110/70 and I am going to the Dr tomorrow to get taken off of at least 2 of my BP meds and hopefully more in the future.

So far everything has gone really well, i was only in the hospital overnight. I was able to stop talking the pain meds the day after surgery, so the pain was pretty minimal. I just got off a liquid diet and I am now on soft foods and should be on a normal diet in a few weeks.

It hasn’t been easy and the surgery is just a tool but I feel I am well on my way to getting to where I need to be.

10-20-2021, 07:35 PM
I'm proud of you, and can't imagine the dedication this has taken. Can't wait to walk a field together soon.

10-20-2021, 08:30 PM
Me and Renaldo salute you Travis! That’s awesome and I know it has to be a tough road. I’m glad to hear you’re on the road to recovery, buddy.


Chicken Dinner
10-20-2021, 09:01 PM
Man, I’m glad to hear things are improving for you Trav.

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10-20-2021, 10:46 PM
Wow Trav. Congrats! My dad (due to a super rare condition) had his whole stomach removed. I never even knew that was possible, but the docs explained it was nothing more than a holding area to store what you eat until it passes into your intestines. I told them I thought it was where the stomach acids broke the food down before it could progress on into the intestines and they explained it was necessary back in the “cave man” days when many foods eaten weren’t very digestible, but with today’s foods, it’s generally not the case. It’s been so long, I don’t remember if there were certain things he couldn’t eat, but nothing comes to mind. I do know he had to be VERY careful with how MUCH he ate. He had to eat like a bird, very small meals and often (no storage area so-to-speak), but if he ate too much at one time, it was extremely painful for him. He lived many (20-25?) years like that before he passed away from something totally unrelated.

I wish you all the luck in the world with the kidney issue and congrats on the weight loss and resulting health improvements. You know we’re all pulling for you.

10-21-2021, 08:58 AM
What an accomplishment Trav, proud of you and thanks for being an inspiration!

I am currently in the try-diet-and-exercise-or-else-its-time-for-meds situation myself. So am very happy to hear things are working out for you.

Best of luck to you sir!

10-21-2021, 06:49 PM
Glad to hear you are trending in a good direction, Travis!

We’re they able to do anything about your face?

10-21-2021, 07:34 PM
That’s great! I know what a struggle weight management is. Glad things are going well for you.

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10-21-2021, 08:42 PM
Glad to hear you are trending in a good direction, Travis!

We’re they able to do anything about your face?

That would be like asking Michelangelo to change his statue of David.

10-21-2021, 08:50 PM
That reminds me of a story.

Several years ago I was in a car wreck and my forehead had a gash that was about three inches long and a half inch wide all the way to the bone.

I was sent to a plastic surgeon to have it stitched up. He commented to me that he could fix it up and added that he would make me pretty. I told him that I didn’t think he was that good. He said, “You’re probably right, but I can give you a nice set of boobs.”

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10-21-2021, 09:38 PM
I was run off the road by a frigging bus back in the early 70’s. I was doing about 55 mph and he was passing me. I assume someone pulled the cord to let the driver know they needed to get off, so he just pulled over while he was only 1/2 way past me. I went off the highway, hit a culvert and went airborne! Long story short, the bubble type face shield on my helmet shattered (I went straight up and straight back down head first). I was cut under my left eye and it continued across the top of my nose. They got me all stitched up in the hospital and after I’d pretty much healed up, they scheduled me for plastic surgery. I just laughed and told them to cancel as it would be a major operation to get this face looking good! Through the years, it became less noticeable, but would glow red like a Christmas tree when I’d drink. My buddies used to mess with me and used it as a measure of drunkenness. The more I’d drink, the darker it’d get. :)

10-23-2021, 02:14 PM
What an accomplishment Trav...

I second this. Man changing your eating and exercise? Like quitting crack for most of us!
