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View Full Version : Food For Thought

11-17-2021, 09:35 AM
Well, maybe a snack.

May your hump day be smooth.


11-17-2021, 09:42 AM
For the past 42 years we've pumped our water from a 230' well in the front yard and pissed it out in our septic system in the back yard.
Our water is considered "hard" with a lot of iron content, but our soft water system eliminated 99% of it, ending up with great tasting water.
When we go out to eat up here, my wife can't drink the water they bring , it's all city water that get's treated with who know's what and does not come close to the taste of our well water.

11-17-2021, 11:42 AM
I grew up on well water that was hard as a preacher’s prick and sulfur to boot.We filtered and salted and still the water left rings in every stool and sink and the soap clabbered like buttermilk.
Once we acquired a taste for sulphury tea we kind of liked it. My step-grandad witched that well. Since rural water came,they’ve used it for general garden irrigation and stuff.Its never went dry since it was drilled in 1968.