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02-24-2013, 02:31 PM
Tired of all this talk. Lets go!

02-24-2013, 02:39 PM
Keeslowski has gotten too big for his britches lately. Any bets on how long it takes someone to put him in the infield?


02-24-2013, 03:04 PM
Looks like he just finished his day early...

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02-24-2013, 05:14 PM
Looks like those TuRD engines are falling apart, late in the race.

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02-24-2013, 09:11 PM
Won't be long I'm sure, before someone brings that #2 down a notch or two. Little bugger's good though, you've gotta give him that. Maybe a litle like Kyle was a few years back? Good start to the season. Was anyone else as surprised as I was to see Danika still in the top 10 at the end? She done herself purty dang proud I'd say!

02-24-2013, 09:17 PM
I was Dubber... I thought she would fade like a late afternoon sun during the race but she ran well and held her own all day. I am happy for her. Who knows, maybe this will be her year.
Take Care, Captain

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02-25-2013, 01:13 AM
I figured the same Cappy, but she really hung in there. I think she showed a ton of maturity ... kept her cool, stayed out of trouble, didn't do anything stupid, remained patient and ran a very smart race. I think she showed a lot of class today. I'm not sure what she may have accomplished if someone would have stayed there and worked with her at the end.

It'll be interesting to see if she can back it up instead of making this a "flash in the pan" day. If nothing else, I think she won a lot of respect today.

02-25-2013, 02:21 PM
I'll be interested to see if her NASCAR career follows the same path of her Indy Car career. She made a big splash there at the start of her career, but then seemed to stagnate and except for her one win, she was a mid-pack driver. She did usually shine on the big stage at Indy, but despite coming from a background racing in Europe on road courses, she really struggled on them in an Indy car.

I just wonder how long it will take the other drivers and the fans to get tired of hearing about her even if she is mid-pack at the expense of the drivers that are actually winning championships and races. That's what happened to her in Indy Car.

She is a media darling and a sponsor's dream because of the press she gets, but in my opinion, she gets way more coverage than her results justify.

And from my own personal experience and that of others that I know, she isn't very fan friendly.

02-25-2013, 02:58 PM
She'll have a lot to do to catch up with the likes of Shirley Muldowney and a few other women racers. But you can't expect Nascar to not take advantage of a marketing opportunity can you?


02-25-2013, 03:35 PM
Oh no. Indy Car jumped on her marketability and rode her like a mule until the real fan base, not the casual fans, got tired of hearing about her even though she was producing mid-pack results. If you watched a race on ABC or ESPN, they showed her car more that they did the leaders even though she wasn't even close to the lead of the race.

After she led the Indy 500 in her rookie year becoming the first woman to do that, she made the cover of Sports Illustrated. The driver who actually won the race, had a small picture of him in the corner. You would have thought that she actually won the race and was the second coming of AJ Foyt and Mario Andretti combined. The winner of the 500 that year happened to be Dan Wheldon, and at the next race, he showed up at the pre-race press conference wearing a t-shirt that said, "I actually won the Indy 500."

02-25-2013, 03:40 PM
Actually, it's already happened to some extent Depity. When she first came on the scene ... she did well and was all you ever heard about ... but she faded fast and became an "also ran" for the most part. If you're gonna make a splash, the Daytona 500 is the place to do it and her timing was perfect. She had a GREAT car yesterday .. one of those that could have been driven the whole race with one hand. Match handling with power (which she also had) and you have a winning package. As you mentioned elsewhere ... give her an ill-handling car on an unforgiving track and it should separate the men from the ... ummm, girls?

She has a good start under her belt ... but she's been here before and quickly faded. BUT ... in her favor, from what I saw yesterday, she's learned a lot and gained a TON of maturity on the track and handled herself well in the "patience" department. She stayed out of trouble and didn't abuse her equipment ... that's half the race right there.

Time will tell. She's fun to look at ... but I could give a squat personally. If she can pull it off ... more power to her. I'm with P-hole on the publicity thing ... NASCAR ratings have been dropping ... what better timing could they ask for? Use it as much as possible .. like anything else, ya' gots ta' ride the wave in this game. She's divorcing her husband and supposedly boinking Ricky Stenhouse Jr. last I heard. That's a black mark that family-friendly NASCAR is sure to try hiding ... but hey ... we're living in a different century than the old Bill France early days. Who gives a rat's ass about that crap these days? ('Cept maybe TMZ or sumpin' like that)

It could be an interesting year.

02-25-2013, 03:48 PM
She'll have a lot to do to catch up with the likes of Shirley Muldowney and a few other women racers. But you can't expect Nascar to not take advantage of a marketing opportunity can you?


Shirley Muldowney had a dick. Jimmy saw it, just axe him.

02-25-2013, 04:14 PM
HEY!!! I don't remember telling you that story! ;)

02-26-2013, 06:33 AM
You hit on why she had the results she did in Indy car. She doesn't make a lot of mistakes and brings her car in clean boosting her results by letting the others crash out.