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02-25-2013, 03:49 PM

This is nothing more than a case of Management having a Zero Clue Policy.

I'm an expert on this subject, from both sides. I can tell you that a Telecommuter, if dedicated, will produce way more than 200% than an office employee. Sure, if not dedicated, they can find a way to be hidden and useless. Of course that's possible. But that's measurable from their work. But I did way more than double work when I started telecommuting, and working from home. There's no comparison.

This is what happens when "ladies" become CEO's. Ain't no use in any CEO, but a "lady" CEO is sort of like boiled chitlins. You just took something that was ruined and made it worse. Managers are bad enough, but Managers of VP's (who manage Directors, etc) are the worst, and a lady one is the ultimate pits. And she's proving it.


02-25-2013, 04:01 PM
Telecommuting is not a simple thing. There are tons of things to consider. The specific responsibilities of the position, the required interaction with internal and external clients, The amount of coordination or collaboration required for a position, the technology available from home, technical capability of the teleworker, the ability to measure quality and quantity of work performed, and lots of other stuff I'm too tired to mention :)

It does seem her approach is heavy handed but there could be much more there than meets the eye. Who let's a chick run a company that big, anyway? Sheeesh.

Big Muddy
02-25-2013, 04:04 PM
How DARE you compare boilt chittlin's to a crazy-azzed blonde biatch !!!....you tetched in the head, boy???!!! ;)

02-25-2013, 04:29 PM
Lately, yes.

But so is Yahoo's Board.

And Len is smarter'n me, but that's cause he never telecommuted. :)

02-25-2013, 04:45 PM
I would LOVE to have a job where I could telecommute more. I can do one day every couple of weeks but that's about it.

I think your old Sprint job is a perfect example of telecommuting. You could knock stuff out all day long. But I think I remember you complaining about other people with similar positions that didn't pull their weight, didn't you? That's what seems sort of weird to me these days... that telecommuting has less accountability for some reason. I dunno, I guess it's all in how you implement it.

Either way, that Yahoo CEO seems like an angry skirt trying to get people to toe a line that should be fixed, instead of moved.

02-25-2013, 05:48 PM
Don't wish for stuff you ain't sure about, boy. I liked to have killed myself at that job............doing it that way.

02-25-2013, 06:07 PM
I'd like to have the option. I don't want to do it every day. Just a mix would be nice. Prolly 40% of my job is process related which can be done from anywhere. I'd guesstimate i'm at least twice as productive when at home and that includes working and light housework like cooking stuff, doing laundry and crap like that.

02-25-2013, 06:18 PM
I've met hundreds if not thousands like her. My bet is something embarassing happened (who has employees on the payroll 'hiding out?) and this is a kneejerk reaction. Typical MBA bullshit.
When i had a team, we all worked two days a week from home on my team. It worked great and was like giving raises when there weren't any to give and the personal time off for doc appts and sick kids miraculously almost went to zero. Bucky's right, done the right way people work harder and put in more hours in those situations.
Now that I'm an 'ideas man' all of the people I work with every day are in other cities. Its rare i have meetings with people from where i live. So when i need to meet face to face, i do like i'm doing and fly there. It is, after all, 2013.
In business, logic almost always prevails. That, or failure. Wait and see what happens at Yahoo.


02-26-2013, 06:38 AM
When I saw the topic of this post I thought it was going to be about the government.