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View Full Version : Goofiness ...

03-01-2022, 01:18 PM
The big thing here the past couple days is bars dumping "Russian" vodka down the drain and stores removing all Russian vodka from the shelves, etc. The general consensus as far as what I've read, is they are punishing Russia by refusing to sell their products. Ummmm, WTF? I can understand if it's simply symbolic as you're promoting a message that you do not support Russia's handling of Ukraine, but I don't get the "I'm hurting Russia by not selling their product" mindset. Duh? Haven't all of you wholesalers, distributors, grocery/liquor stores, bars, etc. etc. etc. already PAID Russia for that booze you're pouring down the drain or pulling from the shelves? You're only hurting yourselves ya' bunch'o bozos.

If you're simply making a statement and everything you're doing is strictly symbolic, SAY SO! Don't assume I'm so stupid that I think you're actually taking money out of Russia's pockets. Hopefully, YOU'RE not so stupid that you actually believe you're taking money out of THEIR pockets instead of YOUR own pockets. To make it even worse, the local news here has been showing video of bar owners pouring Stoli and Smirnoff vodkas down the drain. Hello rocket scientists! Stoli is made in Latvia and headquartered in Luxembourg, a member of NATO! Smirnoff is owned by the Brits and manufactured in Illinois! Goofy maroons.

03-01-2022, 01:38 PM
Sometimes with this administration, symbolism is all you have !!!

quercus alba
03-01-2022, 01:39 PM
there is no limit to the length, width and depth of stupidity

03-01-2022, 02:16 PM
Oh the humanity!

While my balalaika gently weeps.


03-02-2022, 10:14 AM
Our own Lenster in concert! ;)