View Full Version : Maybe we are just a bunch of racists ….

03-15-2022, 08:55 PM
When we were in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran etc, everybody was screaming “it’s not our war”. “Why are we there?” “Get us the F out’ta there!” And we did. But I’ve been watching this coverage of the Ukraine and wondering what the difference is. Is it because, before, we were dealing with a bunch’a goat-fucking, towel-headed, sand-nigger camel-jockeys? The civilians, both women and children were getting raped, tortured, bombed, shot and killed also. If they tried to flee their villages, they were many times killed.

Then comes the Ukraine conflict. We see the same suffering and killings. Innocent civilians being slaughtered. It’s not OUR war. Heck, Ukraine isn’t even a member of NATO. Why the F do we owe them anything? Yet we’re all over it like stink on shit. And from being “in the business” many years ago, I know we’re more involved than the government is telling us. Just take that as a given. But why? Is it because we see white people suffering? White women and children being slaughtered? Are we more concerned when we see people who look like us enduring such suffering?

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see Putin burned at the stake, but as usual with governments like that, you always have to wonder who’s next in line. Putin’s successor could make ol’ Vladimir look like a Cub Scout. But again, why should I care if all those white folks are getting the crap bombed out’ta them? It’s not “our” war, right?

03-15-2022, 09:01 PM
Maybe you needto pick up the pipe and put down the revisionist history. When we went into Iraq and Afghanistan we went in with pretty much a huge majprity of Amercians’ support. If you’ll recall we had a little something called 9/11 that bonded us in that. thequestioning of why we were there didn’t begin until say, year 15 or so.
There was and is a lot of racism involved regarding fucking terrorists, but look deeply in myeyes and ask me if I give two fucks. Or even one.


03-15-2022, 09:03 PM
I can’t see you, but do you give two fucks?

How ‘bout one? ;)

quercus alba
03-16-2022, 12:54 AM
Everybody is racist. Every. Freaking. Body.

Blacks, whites, Asians, Arabs, Hispanic, to some extent everyone is racist. Always has been always will be. Doesn't mean we can't treat each other civilly and with respect. I'm probably less racist than most but more so than a few. I don't lose a lot of sleep over it. I also don't like lazy people, thieves, liars, murderers, arrogant people, jerks, assholes and most politicians.

Is there prevalent racism? Yes, Blacks, whites, Asians, Arabs, Hispanic.

I aspire to the Homer Simpson philosophy ...........I hate all races equally

Big Skyz
03-16-2022, 09:06 AM
I'm sure that race may play a small part in why we care. However the biggest difference to me, and for me, is that the people in the Ukraine are fighting everything they have to maintain their freedom. In the middle east it seems they are constantly at war about something. When we do step in to help it appears to turn into a welfare situation where they quickly become dependent on us for their freedom. As soon as we leave they go right back to the way things were before we got there, and don't seem very motivated to fight for their freedom. I think the fierce resistance to having a country try to take them over and destroy their freedom is what I relate to with the Ukrainians. The middle east on the other hand, I'd have to be a democrat to relate to letting every one else do every thing for me, and then giving up when it was time time to put in any effort for myself.

03-16-2022, 10:10 AM
Just between you and me Mr. Sky, I agree 100% with everything you said, but don’t tell anybody. I just wanted to throw it out there as an observation (and “possibly” a tiny bit of pot stirring). ;)

03-16-2022, 10:14 AM
So, its politics again.



03-16-2022, 10:20 AM
Big Sky, I actually just wanted to see what the resident Okie curmudgeon would have to say. ;)

03-16-2022, 12:22 PM
I'm sure that race may play a small part in why we care. However the biggest difference to me, and for me, is that the people in the Ukraine are fighting everything they have to maintain their freedom. In the middle east it seems they are constantly at war about something. When we do step in to help it appears to turn into a welfare situation where they quickly become dependent on us for their freedom. As soon as we leave they go right back to the way things were before we got there, and don't seem very motivated to fight for their freedom. I think the fierce resistance to having a country try to take them over and destroy their freedom is what I relate to with the Ukrainians. The middle east on the other hand, I'd have to be a democrat to relate to letting every one else do every thing for me, and then giving up when it was time time to put in any effort for myself.

This is generally true of all the NATO countries too. The only reason they prosper is they are under our protective blanket. Germany's army is crap. They've invested next to nothing and have a pathetic military to show for it.

Big Skyz
03-16-2022, 12:49 PM
Foo, whether there military is crap or not, I guarantee they wouldn't just roll over if another country tries to take them over.

03-16-2022, 03:29 PM
It is 5044.4 miles from my front porch to the capital of Ukraine. As the crow flies.

I wish the Ukrainians no harm... But it's not a real country. Like a good many other nations/regions I could name, the have an extremely violent and fanatical minority that in effect make the country ungovernable. And anyone who can call that place a democracy hasn't been paying attention. Anyone trying to get caught up now faces censoring on one hand and massive propaganda on the other.

If this is what NATO now gives us? A slew of countries we can't name or find on a map? That we are obligated to go to war over? Disband it. Should have been done decades ago imho.


03-16-2022, 03:35 PM
PS: In case you were wondering, what you are witnessing is the end of an era. The American era. The absolutely insane decisions of the past couple of decades were compounded by even stupider ones in the past couple of weeks.

We used to be strong and pursued peace. 50 years ago we'd called for peace and offered to help broker peace talks. Now we're feeble and we help cause war. Like this one. We have warmongers running our diplomatic corps.