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02-26-2013, 06:48 PM
No offense to any resident Catholics here but holy hell. This Pope thing is blowing my mind. I have read numerous stories concerning the debate over what he will wear in retirement and what he will call himself. This is insanity people. Retire, move to Florida and let Thump put your Pope stuff on ebay.

02-26-2013, 06:52 PM
I always wondered what the "Holy See" sees?

Sorry, I just don't get any one human being that much better than us, all based on nothing more than a vote from some other humans..........especially on such a total misread and misunderstanding of Matthew 16:18. To put all their eggs into that basket, and totally ignore I Timothy 4:2-4 is beyond my ability to comprehend.

Such pomp and circumstance.........as if it is all somehow meaningful! Poppycock and balderdash.

02-26-2013, 08:13 PM
From an observational and noticer perspective around all religions that I come across, read about, learn about, experience or otherwise experience in some way. Catholicism can be VERY interesting.

02-26-2013, 08:16 PM
Len, there hasn't been a living former Pope in 600 years, so it's kind of a unique situation.

Bucky, your anti-Catholic bias is showing. Just a question, when was the denomination that you belong to founded and what denomination did it split off from, or who founded it? I would think that a church with a history dating back two millennium might just be a little closer to the church Jesus started than one that is maybe two centuries old. And bible verses are just like statistics, they can be selectively used to support or reject just about any position.

02-26-2013, 08:23 PM
Deppity, I was referring to Catholocism in general. And I mean no disrespect to you'ns Catholics, either. I haven't followed much of the Pope silliness to be honest. I know the Kraut sure stood things on their heads by retiring. Have they even started the selection process and watching for the colored smoke yet?

I've attended more Catholic services than any other religion, including being baptized Episcopal.

02-26-2013, 08:29 PM
Not yet, probably not starting until the end of next week from what they are saying. No disrespect taken from your comments. Going to be interesting as usual to see whom is chosen. Don't be surprised if the next Pope is from either Africa or Latin America.

02-26-2013, 08:40 PM
Mine started AD 33.

Yours has history about 600 a.d. at best.


besides, if you can't make your religion congruent to the Bible, it ain't the original one, is it? And just cause YOU say it is old, don't make it old.

Bite me. Well, that wasn't very Christian like was it? :wavey

And you don't get to dismiss the Holy Scripture by saying it's too hard to understand. No it ain't. Revelations 22:18-19 says you better be careful, dude!

02-26-2013, 08:48 PM
I know a few Buddhists that would chuckle at this thread :) or Taoists...

02-26-2013, 08:50 PM

02-26-2013, 08:51 PM
Bucky, you're the one using the edited version of the bible. If you look, the Guttenburg bible matches the Catholic bible, not the version that you're using. Even first editions of the King James Bible contain the seven books dropped from subsequent versions of the Protestant bible which the Catholic bible still contains.

I was not dismissing scripture, but stating that by using carefully selected verses, each of us could quote it in a manner that would support our position and call into question the others.

02-26-2013, 08:53 PM
Len, now you're getting insulting. :poke

02-26-2013, 08:55 PM
And Bucky, I cannot keep up with you in a scripture quoting contest.

02-26-2013, 09:09 PM
Len, there hasn't been a living former Pope in 600 years, so it's kind of a unique situation.

Bucky, your anti-Catholic bias is showing. Just a question, when was the denomination that you belong to founded and what denomination did it split off from, or who founded it? I would think that a church with a history dating back two millennium might just be a little closer to the church Jesus started than one that is maybe two centuries old. And bible verses are just like statistics, they can be selectively used to support or reject just about any position.

No disrespect to anyone.... But this doesn't mean a thing to me.

Taken literally, you'd have to pick apart the New Testament pretty thoroughly to make a case for Catholicism.

WHERE oh WHERE does a group of humans vote and annoint another human God!?!,!

I'd say that I hate to copy Bucky but I don't.

It's insanity

02-26-2013, 09:12 PM
Bucky, you're the one using the edited version of the bible. If you look, the Guttenburg bible matches the Catholic bible, not the version that you're using. Even first editions of the King James Bible contain the seven books dropped from subsequent versions of the Protestant bible which the Catholic bible still contains.

I was not dismissing scripture, but stating that by using carefully selected verses, each of us could quote it in a manner that would support our position and call into question the others.

Yeah.... Yeah.... But it was all written hunnerts of years before the first pope.

02-26-2013, 09:20 PM
Sorry Deppity! :) That was pretty low hanging fruit.

Role of the Pope aside, I think it's still really interesting. But I think all religions are pretty interesting.

I remember when John Paul came thru the US my parents (both raised southern baptist, and converted to Episcopalian), went to see him in Baltimore. He walked right by them and when they came home, the joy and enthusiasm they felt was something I'll always remember.

02-26-2013, 09:29 PM
I'll use any Bible you want, man. But you have to Believe it, not just let some guy with a funny collar tell you what it means. When you stand in Eternity, he won't be around to help you. It's up to you.

And saying "well, anyone can twist it all to mean anything they want" is a copout. It does mean something. You (and I) can figure it out. You can't just dismiss it because you don't like the potential outcome. There is a truth. You can find it, I can find it, anyone can find it. It's up to us.

Or you can believe a lot of folks, including some on here, that it's just all nonsense..........because THEY don't understand it, they think no one can........

Is there stuff in there that I don't fully understand? Yep, of course. But the stuff that defines where we'll spend Eternity is not that hard to decipher. Those that think it is probably haven't read it much.

These are my opinions. Not meant to disparage anyone. The sincerity of folks is not in question.

02-26-2013, 09:56 PM
My feelings on "organized religion" are.......well, I'm still trying to figger that out.

The Baptists say the Catholics are going to Hell, the Catholics say the Jews are going to Hell, the Jews say the Protestants are going to Hell, the Protestants say the Buddhists are going to Hell....and on and on and on....

I figure if a man has a relationship with God...in whatever clan he may choose...that cannot be a bad thing.
The way I see it, if I can talk with God.... and have a relationship with Him, then that's all I need. There was a LONG time that I was angry with Him.....but we've patched things up and I talk with Him daily now....and THANK Him for all he is doing for me. I consider myself to be a VERY blessed man. God has been VERY good to me....and I try to spread that "goodness" around to others around me.

02-26-2013, 10:05 PM
That's the first step, Niner.

Jesus said in John 15:14 that if we Love Him, we'll keep his commandments. Thus, I conclude He has commandments. If He has 'em, I figure I have to figure out what they are. The only place I know to look is His Word, the Bible. If you disregard His Word entirely, and ignore it, then all the feelings in the world won't do much for you. Acts Chapter 9 talks about the Apostle Paul on his way down a road to do what HE thought was God's work...........killing these Evil Christians (he was a Jew and a teacher and Big Muckety)...........and God struck him down and set him straight. He was of a good conscience, doing what he thought was right.....but God said "Nope, you're doing it wrong". So good conscience isn't enough.

These are hard words for many folks to accept. I know that. I mean no ill will to anyone. But I am under a requirement to tell the Gospel (Good News) to any that I can. I have no other choice.

I know it's seldom accepted. And I pray I don't alienate anyone. And on top of that, I'm a pretty big hypocrite, being the Biggest Sinner that Ever Lived.........and I have little justification to 'preach' to anyone. Yet, I have to, where the opportunity presents itself.

02-26-2013, 10:16 PM
No worries, we all believe what we believe for a variety of different reasons.

Lucia and I went on a "Church Search" a few years ago and hit just about every kind of christian church you could imagine a couple times each. By FAR, without exception, the most welcoming and accepting were the serious bible preaching types but everything the folks, while really nice, seemed pretty lockstep, stepfordish which turned us off.

The guy I shoot a lot of weddings with is a pale white, 6'5" shaved bald, 250lb huge ass guy. He has been going to a rural all black baptist church for over 20 years. He must stand out there like a freak. They sure do love and accept him, though. Ima go with him one Sunday this year. I think I may have been missing out on something cool.

02-26-2013, 10:18 PM
Arty, no Catholics make the Pope a god. If you truly believe that Catholics think the Pope is God, then you don't know much about Catholicism.

Bucky, you said that I can't just dismiss it because I may not like the outcome, but isn't that exactly what you are doing?

02-26-2013, 10:20 PM
No, I don't think so. How so?

I read the Bible, I accept the outcome that it says will occur for Unbelievers thereof...........I weigh the Scripture against man's words to see who is right and who is wrong........

How am I ignoring the outcome? (and I didn't mean YOU, it was a general comment of folks who don't like the Bible, because they don't like what it says about where they will end up)

02-26-2013, 10:22 PM
Now... from the perspective of somone who has shot a wedding in every possible religious venue (except a mosque) I can tell you the following as truth based on my first hand experience.

Catholic priests are about 75% assholes.
Rabbi's and jews are completely wrapped up in their own misery. Move on people.
Baptists are showmen
Hindus are welcoming and appreciate outsiders
Sikhs are nice but there's a quiet racism there
Born again types are pretty damn cultish

The rest of them are generally the same :)

There are exceptions to all the above but that's pretty much my truth.

02-26-2013, 10:24 PM
Catholic Doctrine teaches that the Pope speaks infallibly if he speaks "Ex Cathedra" (From the Chair). He does that when he makes assertations about doctrine that affects the entire Catholic church. I don't think any Pope has spoken Ex Cathedra in some time.............but I'm not sure.

That is not the same as "being God", though Catholics do believe (many do) that the Pope is "Jesus Christ on Earth"......and Jesus said he was God. So...............

I realize that most Catholics know little about Scripture. This goes back to the Middle Ages when the Catholic Church chained the Bible to the pulpit so the laity (common man) couldn't get to it to read it. This was way after Guttenberg in 1455 of course. I just do NOT need any man, Priest or Preacher, to tell me what it says. I can read. I am required to read it, abide by it, and I will be judged by it, not by what some man tells me it says.

02-26-2013, 10:26 PM
Not true. It was compiled about 400 years after the first Pope, the apostle Peter.

02-26-2013, 10:29 PM
Peter was no more the first Pope than I am the first King.

I Corinthians 9:5 says Peter had a wife.

The verse Catholics use to claim Peter was what the Church was built on doesn't even use the same Greek word for Peter as it does Rock. Two totally different words.

Plus, 1 Timothy 4:3 says there are heretics coming soon that will "forbid to marry, and abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth." Who does that describe?

02-26-2013, 10:43 PM
Bucky, it wasn't until many many years later that priests were not to marry.

As for the other quote, I have know idea and can't make a guess without seeing what context it is said in. By the way, I know a lot more vegetarian Adventists than I do Catholics, so maybe it's talking about them. :wiggle

02-26-2013, 10:46 PM
It's getting late. Off to bed.

02-26-2013, 10:47 PM
I think it means that Catholics were forbidden from eating meat on Friday, and it predicted that they would come around later..........and they did. They are the only ones I know that forbid eating meats at all, and also forbid marrying among their 'priests'. Who else could it mean?

And why does it matter WHEN the Priests were forbidden to marry? The verse says that heretics will arise that will do that. It doesn't predict exactly when. Just that it would happen, and it did.

02-26-2013, 10:47 PM
Same here.

Love ya, bro.

02-26-2013, 11:25 PM
Does this thread count towards this weeks religious learning??
I get more religion at this GoodHuntjng site, then I'd get if I attended a church! ;)

02-27-2013, 01:01 AM
A few things that are based on what I learned as a 13 yr old prior to being accepted as amember of my parents' church: Protestasnt: a person who protested the Catholic Church. Regardless of denomination: two things must be the focus: Jesus as the way to God, and forgiveness. All the rest all humans messing with what God has said. I have been to many different services. A few that really just creeped me out were the pentacostal services.... Knowing the people who were doing the most wailing and "speaking in tongues", pretty sure it was a fake job.... they were Sunday faithful week long hellions..... nutzy coo-coo hellions.....
Baptist: don't mind them- except for the one guy who wore metal cleats to a church softball game and sliced my knee open. 10 stitches later, I forgave him(we won anyway).
Catholic: my cousin married into a Catholic family as did my sister. My wife grew up Catholic. I respect and find comfort in the ritual and ceremony of the Catholic church. I find the sermons of protestant churches more informative and helpful than just a ritual service.
I do think as an outsider that the whole celebacy thing has gone on long enough. The church's reason for insisting in celebacy nolonger are an issue and haven't been an issue since feudal Europe.
The Pope, I see as a connection to God, not just for Catholics, but all Christians. He is a learned man who has committed his life to studying scripture.... He should have an opinion. It may not always be right, but it is an opinion based on prayer and study. Again as a non-Catholic, an opinion that supports birth control- based on the exploding world population- should be adjusted. I agree with no abortions, but the pill- really is it so wrong to control the family's size????
Islam: as a social studies teacher this year, I have had to teach comparisons and contrasts between Christianity and Islam. The two are not as far off as people think..... There is even a similar 10 commandments. Islam even mentions Jesus as a profit and scholar..... An amazing amount of war, killing, etc could be eliminated if we all just said... oh, you have a relationship with God.... goood for you.
Aryan Brotherhood- duh guys... Jesus was Jewish, not a white guy from a trailer park who thinks everyone else is inferior!
Catholic tradition is respected and has as long history. It is also the beginning of all Chirstian denominations.
Hindu: we can't all be reincarnated, over half of the people who have ever lived are alive right now. Besides, I like meat too much- Grampa, we eating you tonight. And why is a cow a sacred animal?
Jesus and me- we are good... He isn't always happy with me, but I am going to be with him some day.
These statements are the opinion of Hotsnot, and do not represent anything the Pope thinks or says. God did not tell me to say any of it either.

02-27-2013, 02:47 AM
All this because I dont care what the retiring Pope calls himself or what he wears.....

Big Boy
02-27-2013, 09:33 AM
With 12 years of Catholic education I feel somewhat qualified to comment. I do wish there were more Bible study in the Catholic Church. That being said, having spent 12 years in a Baptist Church, where we did a lot of Bible study; the quantity of types, translations, and languages that the Bible is published in (by humans), lead me to believe there's room for mistakes, spin, agendas, misrepresentations, additions, editing, etc. A few of which are sadly clear and documented and well known.

Taking what we read today too literally seems to be inappropriate. I’ve seen very long and heated “discussions” about a single word in the bible. An english word, in on translation of a Bible that is likely at least a 6th or 7th generation of the original manuscripts, which were only written after a hundred or hundreds of years of oral history.

Don’t get me wrong. The Bible is my life handbook. I’ve been chided up one side and down the other for my belief and my actions towards others. Especially in my divorce. The messages in the text we read are there and right and true. There is only one Truth. I’m just not sure any single verse (or several) we read in one of today’s Bibles can stand alone as an infallible truth without the entirety of the context of the Bible, or at least the testament it’s taken from.

Just my two cents.

02-27-2013, 10:17 AM
Big Boy, you just summed up nicely what I had been trying to say about interpreting single verses of scripture and how without the entire context, including understanding the time it was written and the audience it was written to can lead to many different ideas of what it means.

I had said early on that anyone can find verses that seem to support their position, especially if they ignore ones that are contrary to it, but only taken in it's entirety can the true message be understood.

02-27-2013, 10:22 AM
LW- I ain't upset- just commenting..... for discussion... And yes Big boy- the words are confuzzled after 2 millenium. Take the word Love for example. In the English version there is one word. The translation looses much from the Greek where there is Eros, Agape amd Phila..... I refer to when Jesus asked if Peter Loved hi... Peter replied three times: Agape, which was not the answer Jesus wanted, but accepted..... Are we to Friendly love our fellow man, or Agape- Godly love our fellow man. If we did Agape, there would be so much less of a mess on earth. Instead we even argue on how to worship.
and... we get 4 pages on the Pope.... I am still chuckling on the Pope's outfit description.

02-27-2013, 01:16 PM
Everybody has to believe in something....

I believe I'll have another drink.


02-27-2013, 01:28 PM
All this because I dont care what the retiring Pope calls himself or what he wears.....

Hey, I learn more from you idiots than any other group of idiots I associate with. Which is none. So you guys are kinda it for me :)

02-27-2013, 01:43 PM
I understand all the above, but I don't think I am taking things out of context. I understand the importance of Context. But I am using them in the context that they are supposed to be used in. Just saying "I don't think anyone can use any one verse because it might mean something different in some other context" doesn't get anyone out of understanding what that verse means. And no, you can not just prove anything with any verse. You can't believe just anything you want and then find a bible verse to prove that. No offense in any way, but that is the argument I always get from those that have no clue what's in the Bible, and they aren't about to look.

It is NOT that hard!! Some of it is harder than other parts, but mostly it's just not hard.

I know people read stuff into some verses. And what Hotshot said is very true.......but that makes studying the different verses important! Several Greek words are translated into English "love". But hey, it's not that hard to figure out WHICH one was used in the original language for that verse! Just find a greek concordance. It is easy to find out which word the originals used, and what it meant in that context.

oh never mind.

Odd that this one area seems to make people the maddest to talk about.............and I don't want to make anyone mad, so I'll stop.

02-27-2013, 02:01 PM
I ain't mad but I AM calling BS on your statement that the Bible isn't hard to understand. That is a seriously untrue statement. It's very difficult to understand to a layperson of average intelligence and literacy level.

Which is why there's an entire industry based on people interpreting it for us.

It's kinda like a religous tax code. No way it all makes sense to a layperson and there's no shortage of people claiming to understand and explain it for you... and oh by the way, maybe move a few of your dollars from your pocket, to theirs in the process.

02-27-2013, 02:14 PM
And I call BS on your calling BS.

I am average intelligence. I have studied it since I could read. Some passages are harder than others. Most are not. It's just an anthology of books. Some of the early translations used English words we weren't familiar with, but King James Version was translated in 1611 for gosh sakes. There are American Standard Versions that are NOT difficult.

There is an entire industry, as you call it, dedicated to interpreting it for you FOR ONE REASON.......YOU/WE WON'T TRY TO 'INTERPRET' IT OURSELVES!!! No other reason. Stop listening to TV Gimme Preachers, and stop listening to (well meaning) folks with their collars backwards, and just pick it up and read it.

Honest, if I can get it, you can.

And not even trying is gonna get you (and everyone) in one heap of trouble one day!

I've done what I can. I don't want animosity towards me for trying.

02-27-2013, 05:09 PM
I have no animosity at all, Bucky. None whatsoever. But it ain't easy to understand. As a book, it's very poorly written :) If it's so simple and straightforward, why must it be studied and mastered? Why can't it just be read once and simply understood?

I'm asking honestly.

And where did the Pope get those banging red shoes?

02-27-2013, 05:17 PM
They were black and Eddie spilled Seafoam on em'

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02-27-2013, 06:26 PM
If the Bible is so straightforward and easy to understand, then why are there over 41,000 christian denominations, each with their own interpretation of these straightforward scriptures?

I don't like any of them.

02-27-2013, 06:30 PM
LJ, you are asking the wrong person. I didn't write it.

Posthole, I have a personal thought on that, but don't know. But there are not 41,000. There are indeed WAY too many. Many are pretty similar, though. I wish it were even simpler than it is. It is not 100% straightforward, I didn't say that. I said it can be mastered by average folks, who want to do so. It can more easily be ignored by those who want to do that. And it can be misread by those who have ulterior motives, or who are just mistaken.

I still think that 95% of the folks that say that it's too hard, and that we have all these confused people that conflict, are ones that haven't tried to figure it out themselves. They just see that others are confused on it, and don't try, or don't want to try. It does have some personal restrictions that upset a lot of folks' lifestyles, I get that. I think that's the biggest two reasons...........that they haven't tried to read it themselves but just see confusion and give up before they start.......and they are actually afraid to try because they do have some idea that they'll have to change, and don't want to.

I'm not the guy that wrote it. I just read it.

I pray daily that I'm mistaken about it all, and that everyone that is short of Mass Murderer will make it to Heaven. I hope that's true. But I don't believe it at this time.

02-27-2013, 06:52 PM
I have no issue with any person who tries hard to learn the truth and seeks to educate themselves on the meanings and interpretaions of the Bible or any other of the moral codes that have withstood the tests of time. I personally believe that the very survival of our species depends to a great extent on our social values and mores. The Bible is a book of great wisdom. But there's a difference in a person who tries to help others reach a similar understanding as theirs and a person who claims to have a divine understanding that simply isn't available to others. That is what priests claim to be. A priest can remove you from God's list just easily as he can add you to it. That's just absurd. We may as well believe in shamans and visions of the witch doctors. And I mean priests and priestesses of any religion who claim to have recieved a divine calling. I just don't buy it.
I do believe there is a universal mind that knows when even the little sparrow falls. He knows it because he is the sparrow. He is everything. He is the atoms that make up the sparrow. And he is the laws of physics that causes the sparrow to fall. In other words, he is, in fact the universe itself. I don't understand much of it beyond that, but what I do think I know, I believe. And no, in all honesty I don't believe he listens ro or answers prayers, per se. But I do know that when people do pray, stuff happens. I ain't got that part figured out yet.
Maybe some day.

02-27-2013, 06:59 PM
Me either, man. Prayer is the one thing that I just simply do not personally understand. That, and when do babies get souls? Those two things are top of my list one day.

And I don't like Priests OR Lawyers. I don't want to be subject to any legal system which I'm incapable of understanding..........especially when most of the time I am smarter than they are.

So, we agree once more.

Let the waters part.

02-27-2013, 07:10 PM
Its a mackerel!


02-27-2013, 07:11 PM
a holy one?

(is this another joke I didn't get? I'm getting tired of this)...........

02-27-2013, 07:48 PM
I do believe there is a universal mind that knows when even the little sparrow falls. He knows it because he is the sparrow. He is everything. He is the atoms that make up the sparrow. And he is the laws of physics that causes the sparrow to fall. In other words, he is, in fact the universe itself. I don't understand much of it beyond that, but what I do think I know, I believe. And no, in all honesty I don't believe he listens ro or answers prayers, per se. But I do know that when people do pray, stuff happens. I ain't got that part figured out yet.
Maybe some day.

We didn't drink enough vodka for me to articulate my findings on that one but I feel like I'm closer than I've ever been, in fiddy one years, of figuring that one out :D

02-27-2013, 10:39 PM
Note to self....Do not start a thread about the Pope or his retirement lifestyle.

02-27-2013, 10:41 PM
This is making me long for Gunther to interject with something about killing cats.

02-27-2013, 10:45 PM
Note to self....Do not start a thread about the Pope or his retirement lifestyle.

Or his shoes....
Take Care, Captain

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02-27-2013, 10:46 PM
Note to self....Do not start a thread about the Pope or his retirement lifestyle.

Sorry I could have been the primary hijacker :)

I think it was an interesting turnout! In my defense, I did try to bring it back to his banging red shoes!

02-27-2013, 10:48 PM
I've never seen that shade of shoe polish.. :D
Take Care, Captain

PS: what IS the best handload for cats?

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02-27-2013, 10:59 PM
YOu don't need a hand load. The former Pope can nail them with his shoes, problem solved.

02-27-2013, 11:02 PM
All this discussion and reference to the King James version of the bible got me to pondering. Who is my favorite king? King James is up there, he had his own religion. Maybe "the king". Wait, I know, King Kong.

02-27-2013, 11:03 PM


02-27-2013, 11:05 PM
Good one.

02-27-2013, 11:09 PM
Stephen Kings pretty cool too.

02-27-2013, 11:42 PM
I always liked Carole but she's "so far away".

Only the old dufes will get that

Take Care, Captain

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

02-28-2013, 01:25 AM
I've never seen that shade of shoe polish.. :D
Take Care, Captain

PS: what IS the best handload for cats?

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

6mm Remington, 85 grain WW Match or Sierra flat base, WW case, 47 grains of H4831, WW LR Primer.

How many times do I have to tell you people?


Big Boy
02-28-2013, 11:38 AM

I hope no one is getting upset about this discussion. I wasn't poking at you Bucky. I'm one of those who will pick a verse or two, expecially when I'm talking with my Catholic friends. Unfortunately it usually shuts them up right quick because most of them haven't opened a Bible in their recent past. I love having these discussions because I think perspective is what it's all about. Hearing others, sharing yours, thoughtfully considering... because again, the messages are there, and I think clarity comes from these thoughtful discussions. Like you say Bucky, it ain't hard. It may not be easy enough for some of us (Len) ;) But with a little effort, and discussion, I think this world would be a much better place to live.

02-28-2013, 12:44 PM
I've been upset at too many people for too many stupid things. I am trying to not get upset at anything.

For sure, this didn't bother me. I figured it was the other way around, though.

02-28-2013, 01:01 PM
Admiring some of the comments here. Getting riled at others. Calling bullshit on some while others are thought provoking. I guess all that rolled together can be considered a good thing. But I ain't gonna get sucked in. Especially with nothing more than an iPhone keypad to work with.

Chicken Dinner
02-28-2013, 01:10 PM
Religion is the opiate of the masses.

02-28-2013, 01:11 PM
I'm going on day 7 of the Flu. I could use some opium.

02-28-2013, 01:14 PM
If it hadn't been a week night and the bar hadn't closed so early, Len and I would have had this all worked out here recently.

02-28-2013, 01:32 PM
I'm interjecting my favorite kings:
Billie Jean King- did a world of good for women in the 70's. Great tennis player
Sofa King- Great Saturday night live skit

Cats: .22 long: not a lot of noise and cheap.

Chicken Dinner
02-28-2013, 01:39 PM
BB King

Chicken Dinner
02-28-2013, 01:40 PM
Smoothie King

02-28-2013, 01:45 PM
Yul Brenner

quercus alba
02-28-2013, 02:08 PM
billie Jean might have done a lot for women but that don't necessarily mean she was one, sheesh.

02-28-2013, 02:10 PM
Hotshot, you ain't priced .22's lately....

IF and I mean IF you can find them try are as high as 38's
Take Care, Captain

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

Chicken Dinner
02-28-2013, 02:49 PM
Abe Froman

02-28-2013, 03:12 PM
I don't know his first name but he has a hell of a big ranch.

02-28-2013, 03:40 PM
I'll submit one for Jimmy.


02-28-2013, 03:58 PM
I like Larry King too.

Chicken Dinner
02-28-2013, 04:17 PM
I thought he was a Prince?

I'll submit one for Jimmy.


02-28-2013, 04:55 PM
One for the money, two for the road.

02-28-2013, 06:19 PM
I thought he was a Prince?

Isn't that when you poke a hole in your pecker?


02-28-2013, 07:23 PM
I already have a hole in my pecker.

02-28-2013, 08:41 PM
Well, I thought "yeah, duh".

I get so lost with the technical discussions around here.

02-28-2013, 08:45 PM
You just made me snort, bucky... that was a good'n.

02-28-2013, 09:17 PM
From Pope to Peckers all in one thread...

GoodHunting will never change! :D
Take Care, Captain

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02-28-2013, 10:53 PM
In our defense, it took 8 pages to get to the peckers :)

I think that may be some sort of deference shown to El Popa!

02-28-2013, 10:59 PM
Well, the real Catholics probbly oughta not hang around since we'll be into the Q's next.


Chicken Dinner
03-01-2013, 06:26 AM
Elton John

03-01-2013, 07:43 AM
CD, I thought he was a queen.

03-01-2013, 08:26 AM
Johnny Mathis = African Queen

03-01-2013, 08:46 AM
I submit another one for Kribbs....


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Chicken Dinner
03-01-2013, 09:18 AM
Keep up, LW. We've moved onto Queens.

Here's a twofer:

Freddie Mercury

03-01-2013, 10:36 AM
Dale Evans.. I'd a got Roy in there .. but you move too fast. ;)

03-01-2013, 10:46 AM
One o' my favorite childhood tv shows. Sky King (always wanted to boink Penny when I was about 10). ;)

03-01-2013, 10:53 AM
So, You would, You would, Rock her????

03-01-2013, 11:25 AM
Out of the blue of the Western sky ... wow.. that's been awhile.. Wonder where the "Songbird" is now.?. oh - and btw - CD said we moved to queens.. I just do as I'm told. ;)