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View Full Version : Facebook is such a PITA

12-10-2022, 03:17 PM
I seldom use my Facebook page. Well, actually I, for all practical purposes, only use it to be notified of friend’s birthdays during the year (as well as RECEIVE birthday greeting from friends and family. BUT … I’m constantly receiving friend requests from people ALREADY on my friends list. When this happens, I just assume it’s a scam, ignore it and delete it. Then there’s the opposite b/s, I many times get messages from people on my friends list who are asking why I sent THEM a friend request. Arrrrggghhhh! Funny, I just received a FB friend request from an old (previously very close) buddy of mine. He’s not only already on my friends list, but he’s doing a 30 year stretch in prison right now (has been I. For 5 years already). I seriously doubt he has a computer and inet access.

Now, I’m a new member of a couple of automobile collector sites made up of people who own or are fans of the custom cars I used to build with my dad. Many of those cars are needing or in the process of restoration, so I’m a pretty valuable resource for information of how certain parts were made, or sources of some parts, assembly/disassembly questions or just general history on the cars and their production.

The problem is, many of these people are sending me friend requests, but I have no way of knowing who is legit and who is not. I have accepted a couple of them and we’ve had excellent conversations. A new request came in yesterday, I accepted and it turns out he owns TWO of these cars and I’m the first person he’s found who is capable of answering his questions and giving him guidance. In fact, we finally connected with a phone call and just ended an hour long conversation. He’s in Georgia and has invited me to come see his cars whenever I might be in the area.

But …. back to the subject of this post. How T F am I supposed to know who’s legit and who’s not with this @&”$?€%¥# Facebook platform? If I get a friend request from a name I don’t know, how do I vett these people? Any ideas from you FB veterans?

quercus alba
12-10-2022, 03:22 PM
Try Twitter, no deceit there

12-10-2022, 05:27 PM
I don’t know squat about Twitter …. other than the fact I wished I could have cut off Trump’s Twitter fingers the whole time he was in office. If he’d spent the time he wasted making a fool of himself on Twitter, doing something constructive, I think he could have done some good things. He’s a frigging egotistical moron.

12-10-2022, 06:53 PM
Mean tweets, Jim? Good grief, our countries are being torn apart and you're still going on about mean tweets. Give your head a shake.

12-10-2022, 07:13 PM
Ha ha ha! Hey, I voted for that narcissistic jerk-off twice and he did nothing but embarrass me on a daily basis, although I’ll admit, he DID do some things I liked. But it’s like a ball player who makes a nice touchdown then stands in the end zone showboating. I go from excited to disgusted in no time. What REALLY sucks is if he were the only opponent on the ballot with Biden or some other worthless trash like Hillary and her ilk, I’d possibly be forced to vote for him again. And THAT scares the bejeebers out’ta me! Hopefully my Governor can hold him off and give the Dems a run for their money, who knows?

I’ve grown to absolutely hate politics in the past handful of years. I used to get excited about the Presidential elections, but nowadays I’d rather go to the dentist to have my teeth extracted …. WITHOUT novacain!

12-10-2022, 07:37 PM
I've been on Twitter for years and have seen some hincky stuff going on but it all pales in comparison to the absolute fuckery that is being disclosed through the ongoing release of Twitter insider info. This is far and away the most news worthy story around at the moment and it is getting zero and I mean absolutely zero coverage from the msm. It's a disgrace but not at all shocking. Expected.

Chicken Dinner
12-11-2022, 10:59 AM
Try Twitter, no deceit there


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Chicken Dinner
12-11-2022, 11:03 AM
I don’t accept FB friend requests from people I don’t know so can’t help you there. But, if you get a request from someone who is already a friend or people who are already your friends are getting them from you then you’ve both been hacked.

I’ve enjoyed Twitter as a way to keep up with my sports teams by following writers, team/fan accounts and what not. I’ve definitely noticed a drop off since Musk took over. Just a lot more crap I have no interest in.

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12-11-2022, 12:00 PM
I have been on FB a long time and keep up with family and friends on it. (knock on wood) I’ve never been ‘hacked’ so far as I know. Like most social media, its what you do with it that determines your experience. I use twitter mainly to keep up with Cardinals baseball and Sooner sports news. Even then, you’re best if you don’t believe half the shit you see there. And Elon hasn’t made it better.

12-11-2022, 01:47 PM
That’s the problem P-hole. I don’t do squat on my FB page. Usually just get happy birthday messages once/year. In fact, I put the page up in a day many years ago, and never even completed it. Most everything I post on the inet is done here. I DO respond to others pages though. Maybe that’s where I get nailed. I don’t know.

quercus alba
12-11-2022, 03:44 PM
At the risk of invoking the wrath of Lenster, I don’t tweet or Facebook. Mrs Q has an account so I occasionally look at pics of the grands but that’s as far as it goes. I’d druther argue with all you old coots