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View Full Version : And then one day….

01-15-2023, 03:35 PM
……you look up and notice that there are cell towers everywhere. A bunch of honkin’ cell towers. The noticers and telecom folks noticed them a while ago. But take a good long look. This is the latest wave in tech. Cheaper, faster, more reliable.

My only question: Is it worth it?


01-15-2023, 09:01 PM
I was noticing that just the past few days actually. I keep wondering how many bazillions of these things are going to be in place when the next whiz-bang type of technology springs up and makes these things obsolete almost over night. As fast as technology changes and progresses, I’d hate to have my bucks all tied up in these things. Of course, what do I know? They’ll probably be the hot ticket for the next 50 years.