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02-25-2023, 02:29 PM
Not sure if I posted anything about my heart attack but last June 3rd I had a minor one and got some stents. Went through three months of cardiac rehab and finished that up friday before last and was doing great. Then thevery next day I was brushing my pool down and hadcsome chest pain. I was already scheduled for a cardio f/u the following Monday so I just waited and when I went in he scheduled me for a heart cath the following Wednesday. That showed scar tissue was blocking the stentshe’d put in last June. He also saw some other blockages and said Ineeded a bypass to fix this permanently. They checked me in then and I’ve been cooling heels waiting for the plavix to get out of my system and I have open heart surgery scheduled for Monday. The surgeon is very positive he can get me back to normal function with this and will also bypass the stented artery with a more permanent fix.
So I could sure use some of those positive Goodhunting vibes! It may be a bit before I feel like getting back on the Gentner to give an update but I’ll ask Julie to contact somebody amd let them know how it went.
So, I’ll see you all on the other side of this thing!


02-25-2023, 03:00 PM
Ya got it, I'm positive you're going to come through with flying colors. I'll say a prayer just for good luck.:thumbsup
I think I'm not far behind you, been in A-fib for over 8 years, had many stress tests the showed the plumbing was good but my electrical system had some problems.
My Doc. said, the fix was worse than the problem and he assured me I was not going to die from it.
At 78 it still worries me some,
So keep us informed.

02-25-2023, 03:02 PM
Geesh Barry, man I'm sending every POSITIVE VIBE I got in the bag!

02-25-2023, 06:38 PM
You got this Posty. Be like taking 20 years off you they say.

Got my fingers crossed and look forward to hearing from you soon.


02-25-2023, 07:37 PM
Damn dude! I spent a good part of my day in the ER yesterday and just now got to the point I’m feeling good enough to make a post here. Now I’d be embarrassed to even post the details as it’s now a minor issue.

ALL my positive vibes are headed your way buddy. If there’s ANYTHING I can do to help, all it takes is a shout. No clue what it would be, but I can bring my own living quarters with me if you need a hand.

Seriously, rest up and stay positive. This kind of thing was deadly when we were growing up, but these things are just routine procedures these days. It sounds like you have a doctor you trust, so all you have to do is relax and let the pro’s do their thing. I know Julie has my number …. Ooops! I may have said too much here …. ummm, give her the number she doesn’t have and I’d be glad to play middle man. Larke handled that job when I went through my crap, so this will help me payback some of the kindness I received from this place.

Take care P-hole. Many positive vibes headed your way.

quercus alba
02-25-2023, 08:08 PM
make sure they don't cut the wrong string and all your teeth fall out

02-25-2023, 11:10 PM
Don't normally check in on the weekend but glad I did. Know that I'll say a prayer or two for you.

Looking forward to hearing from you again in a few days.

02-26-2023, 10:18 AM
Good vibes coming your way.

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02-26-2023, 11:54 AM
Appreciate you guys! Thank you.

02-26-2023, 12:02 PM
You got them coming from va beach!

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02-26-2023, 05:07 PM
Praying for you Barry, let me know if you need anything.

Chicken Dinner
02-26-2023, 07:04 PM
Hang in there you stubborn cuss!

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