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View Full Version : Stupid Question of the Day

03-05-2023, 12:55 PM
What was the last thing you can think of that you’ve purchased that was influenced by a tv ad?

I’ve taxed my poor brain, but I honestly can’t think of anything right now. Other forms of advertising, maybe but nothing I see on tv ads comes to mind that I pay much mind to.

They sure spend a lot on it.


03-05-2023, 03:25 PM
Cadbury mini eggs, they’re like crack to me.

03-05-2023, 09:23 PM
Great minds think alike. TBH, I’ve wondered the same thing probably all my life. I drive Toyotas, but not ONE was purchased due to an ad. Not once in my life have I watched a Ford ad and thought to myself, I should buy an F150! I honestly can’t think of one thing I’ve gone out and purchased due to a commercial.

Now, local advertising for a fair, festival, concert or event, sure, I can appreciate. Products? I’m drawing a blank. I love the drug ads. “Ask your doctor if he can prescribe XYZ tablets for you!” WTF? “Hey doc, you prescribed ABC tablets, could I have XYZ instead?” I hear they’re the tits!

Trillions of $$$ are spent on product advertising. As far as I know, no manufacturer has recouped a dime from me.

03-05-2023, 11:17 PM
The thing I love about the drug ads is “don’t take XYZ if you are allergic to XYZ”. How in the hell am I going to know I’m allergic if I’ve never taken it?

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03-06-2023, 03:06 PM
I try very hard not to watch any commercials on the tube. They mostly just aggravate the crap outa me.

03-06-2023, 06:43 PM
If NASCAR or a ballgame is on, they’re nothing more than a good time for a pee-break.