View Full Version : More snow

03-06-2023, 03:08 PM
Really, enough, just enough. Do you think Big Al may have got it backwards?

03-06-2023, 05:43 PM
We got about 6 inches of snow on Friday. Since then it’s warmed up into the high 40’s and rained.

Don’t care for it but it’s definitely brought the water table back up.

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03-06-2023, 06:41 PM
Not bad here so far. Mid-80’s for the last couple weeks. Nighttime lows in the mid-60’s. Nothing but sunshine, followed by more sunshine. It should start warming up a bit by next month, so we’ll be waving good-bye to the elebenty-bazillion snowbirds pretty soon. Finally, some less crowded roads and average speeds back up over 35! (They never seem to realize, SOME of us actually have someplace to go!)