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View Full Version : Interesting question …

04-04-2023, 03:13 PM
First of all, I’ve been doing an excellent job of avoiding cable “news” since the last election. I probably haven’t watched so much as 10 minutes of ANYTHING political, only stuff like natural disasters, etc. I do have a news feed on my phone that flashes headlines all day long, so I do see them, but never bother to open them for further reading. I HAVE followed the Ukraine thing religiously and am fascinated by that situation, but the local (National) politics these days sickens me and I’ve been avoiding all of it like the plague.

CNN, MSNBC and FOX all make me want to barf, tbh. Trump is the same. I did like some of his policies and actions, but as a person, I’d love to just bitch slap the self-centered asshole. I voted for him twice and I REALLY hope I’m never put in the position to vote for him again, only to be voting AGAINST someone else.

My news feeds have been popping up on my phone all day long and I guess he’s being indicted for elebenty-bazillion felony counts for something. I’m so removed from politics, I don’t even know why he’s in court! The raid on the White House after the election? Some shenanigans he pulled while in office? Business dealings? I truly don’t know and don’t give two shits about any of it.

That said, IF he is slapped with a prison term (probably highly unlikely since Hunter and the Clintons aren’t sitting in an adjoining courtroom), I wonder if Biden would pardon him? Interesting thought.