View Full Version : Its Been a While

09-14-2023, 06:59 PM
Its been a long time since I’ve seena foofaraw over something like this but its kind of refreshing even if it was on Twitter. Er X.


The comments are hilarious and range from ‘Who’s stupid enough to hunt pheasant before the bears go to ground?” to Why are bears more protected than humans. And of course, because its twitter there’s a lot of anti hunting there too.

I hunted caribou in the NW Territories and there were lots of bears around. I avoided brushy areas like the plague. Kicking brushpiles to get birds up is something we did though, hunting ptarmigan. So I prolly get a stupid badge for that.

quercus alba
09-14-2023, 07:09 PM
That's why I bird hunt with a 458 Winchester magnum when I'm in bear country. I don't kill many bird but I haven't got bear mauled yet either. The key is to get close before you shoot so the muzzle blast from that 500 grain bullet will de-feathers them then they're easy to run down and minimizes the cleaning time

09-14-2023, 08:09 PM
We lived so close to Arkansas we had bear way back to when they started releasing them there. When they started, those damn bears turned up everywhere, mainly in people’s trash. I’m sure many silently disappeared. I’ve never seen one in the wild in Oklahoma, have in Va and Arkansas. My cousin was deathly afraid of them when we’d be deer hunting. I figure my 06 would take care of the ones we have.

quercus alba
09-14-2023, 10:52 PM
never seen a bear in the wild but I saw two big Timber wolves while I was deer hunting. If you live down in the river bottoms you can still hear one howl occasionally. I saw a cougar (four Legged kind) and possibly another I couldn't be sure of

09-15-2023, 07:17 AM
Yep, I’ve not seen one but after years of denial by our wildlife dept they’re finally grudgingly admitting there are cougars here and there.