View Full Version : Stuffed Shirt Beers

04-19-2024, 09:15 AM
Stouts and sour beers and fruity beers and a brewer on every corner. What’s the world coming to?

Will people feel as ridiculous 50 years from now when they look back on what they thought were ‘premium’? When I was in my beer drinking halcyon days, we thought Heiniken was a great beer because it was imported. I can remember the three beer headaches we’d get from Moosehead? Can you even buy either one? And Michelob was the premium American beer. Unless you could afford those little wide mouth Mickeys. Skunky beers all.
And don’t get me started on wine! Who brought home Blue Nun or Mateus and thought you were up town?

Yep. Its all silly.


quercus alba
04-19-2024, 09:51 AM
guys that drink fruity beer probably wear sandals and their wife's capri's.

04-19-2024, 10:12 AM
Never was a beer snob. When I was an underaged kid, I'd drink whatever I could get. It didn't matter. Once I got into college, it was Bud (no such thing as "Lite" beers then) early in the week. It was 35-cents at my local watering hole. I'd switch to PBR later in the week (due to dwindling beer money) as it was only 30-cents. Once I got in the military, U.S. "brand name" beers were 25-cents! In the Philippines, I got hung up on San Miguel and in Thailand, about the only thing available was Singha, I wasn't crazy about it, so usually drank domestics I'd drag off post to my village bungalow. About 1973, a Thai operative (Thai version of CIA) buddy of mine, brought me a new beer out of Laos (joint venture between France and Laos), I can't remember the name of it then, but it became Beerlao once the Commies fully took over. I still like it today. Since Barley doesn't grow well in Laos, it was made from rice. I've always wondered if that's the reason I liked it so much. In later years, Beerlao ended up as my second favorite behind Tiger Beer out of Singapore. Also Chang Beer now comes out of Thailand and I believe it may be more popular that Singha, but I'm not sure about that. I like it better though. They're not exotic, just local "domestic" beers I drank when in Asia, although they are available locally at most Asian markets. I liked Sapporo when I was in Japan. Corona or Dos Equis (Dos XX) when in Mexico. As stated above, I'm definitely no beer snob and my preferred beer at home is Bud Light or Miller Lite. (I can hear Ticboy gagging already)

04-19-2024, 10:49 AM
I don’t drink much any more, but when I want a beer 9/10 its Fat Tire these days. Or as we say in Ok ‘Fat Tar’

Chicken Dinner
04-19-2024, 11:12 AM
Personally, I love all the options the rest of the world has been drinking for centuries. (Just had a sour last weekend at one of the brew pubs down the street in fact.) That being said, there is an awful lot of crap being made by folks who don’t know what they’re doing and I’ve learned to always ask for a sample first.

TBH, I may drink 1-2 beers a week these days though as it makes me feel full and bloated. I’m much more of a bourbon or rye guy any more. But, I remember when drinking Maker’s Mark was like being in high cotton and now there’s all kinds of options to try!

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04-19-2024, 01:46 PM
TBH, I’ve pretty much quit drinking altogether. I might have 3-4 beers/year, just as a social thing (visiting an old buddy for example). I did drink a few on a recent cruise when they gave me a shitload of onboard spending money and it was a use it or lose it type deal.