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03-07-2013, 10:01 AM
Remember when we were betting on whether the DOW would break 10,000? Now its over 14,000. Can't be this way for long though! The profit takers are gonna make it drop like a rock here any time now. Hang on Bucky!


03-07-2013, 10:13 AM
I'm ticked at myself. Week after Christmas, the kids were all here. Total chaos, night and day. I couldn't get in here often to "check my portfolio", as the baby says.

I almost pulled the trigger on FBIOX and MXXVX that week. I had run like a scared little girl and sold off 40% of all investments and that was just sitting there in cash. I was afraid of the Fiscal Cliff or something, I forget which scare was going on. Anyway, I almost got back in on those two.

FBIOX has gone up about 30% since then!! I coulda made..........um.......um...........*ciphering*... .....at least a couple hunnert bucks.

Yeah, it's going to tank. But 'tank' might be going back to 10,000. BTW, everything costs way more than it did, so 'stock inflation' or 'Dow inflation' is evident. 14,000 ain't the same 14,000 as it woulda been when it was 5,000.......... but still, it's good.

If I had any sense, I'd sell every nickel I have and sit on the sidelines with all cash, and watch it go down. But alas......I'm as crazy as the rest of 'em.

03-07-2013, 10:18 AM
Nah, it won't do that. Its just that every gain like this is followed by a little dip that'll last a few days and then it'll be back to doing whatever it was doing. and I couldn't tell you WHY its doing what its doing either. but that little dip happens every time. Those 'analysts' gotta earn their money you know!