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03-22-2013, 02:13 PM
I'm in the middle of a bunch of crap ... long story, so I won't go into it here ... but I'm having to research a lot of my medical records. Dang ... 90% of the stuff in my files I have no recollection of. But during a scan, I ran across this little tidbit of information. This was written while I was in the hospital having all those complications after surgery:

Mental Status Examination

Medical staff reported patient experiencing flashbacks and hallucinations. Psychiatry was consulted.

Bio/Psyco/Social Assessment:

Patient is confused and under significant anxiety from Thursday to Saturday, with flasbacks to an incident in Vietnam. It is likely that patient was delirious, as per patient, he was confused and medical charts support this, noting that patient at times was not oriented to place and time.


It goes on and on ... problem is, I don't remember any of this. Sheeesh ... I wonder if I've thrown up any red flags with the Obama henchmen? :eek:

I do have THIS advice for youse dufes. If you're ever in the hospital for any extended period of time ... try real, real hard NOT to read your medical records. It's scary stuff. I'm just glad I have no recollection of most of it. Sheesh ... I only have 90 days of records here ... almost 1900 frigging pages! This could take a while. I wonder what other surprises I'll stumble upon?

03-22-2013, 02:31 PM
Now ya done it!!!
See if you hadn't read that, you could still answer NO to the question, have you every been diagnosed as depressed or have mental problems.
Before reading that, you could of checked the NO box.
Now you can't.
Don't see you will be buying anymore guns!! :-(
And no one can give or sell you a gun.
You can thank OB for it.

Once background checks, start poking in medical records, lots of people will be loosing their conceal permits.
I can just see the computers, that run background checks, be set up to throw out a permit if a computer scan finds the words: depressed, mental issues etc etc.

03-22-2013, 02:32 PM
There is something to be said for that Thump.

Due to an entirely avoidable situation that our doctor REALLY messed up our oldest was born with group B strep infection that could have killed or caused him serious brain damage. He ended up spending 2 weeks in the neo-natal intensive care and one day my wife happened to see his medical chart. Now to me it wouldn't have meant a dang thing but given she is a medical technologist well...let's just say, I think sometimes it's better not to know what is going on.

Thank God everything turned out just fine but there were some scary days involved.

03-22-2013, 02:42 PM
Sunny, trust me ... 2 months in ICU and a coupl'a weeks in a coma followed by a month in a nursing home would make ANYBODY depressed! I'm really not sure I was "diagnosed" with anything. Heck, I was so drugged up I could have imagined zombies were eating me! 'Course ... maybe this would be a good building block for PTSD compensation. I could use the money! ;)

I know what you mean Bwana ... I'm beginning to think I'd rather not know what's in these records. I knew I was having a rough time but I had no idea just HOW rough a time I had. I think I'd rather put it behind me and forget about it so I can move on. Going through these things is just bringing up bad memories.

03-22-2013, 02:50 PM
You KNOW what Archie Campbell would say.


03-22-2013, 02:51 PM
Gloom despair and agony on me
Deep dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom despair and agony on me.


03-22-2013, 02:55 PM
No. He'd say 'Well don't do it then!'


03-22-2013, 03:07 PM
Well, I gots ta' do it. Long story ... but I have to put together a synopsis of the last 3 1/2 years and so much crap went on, I can't remember half of it without digging through these records. Trust me ... it ain't fun ... especially reading every detail of how different procedures are done. Sheeesh, the human body can endure a TON of abuse, that's all I can say.

03-22-2013, 03:14 PM
Well I for one hope you nail 'em to the wall and get so rich you forget me. That's what I hope. Well, not the last part......