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View Full Version : Obama Spends $350 Million on Sexual Indoctrination Classes for Children..........

Big Muddy
03-29-2013, 12:18 PM
I'm trying to figure out, what the cork is for....buttplug??? ;)


The White House may be locked up due to the sequester cuts but that didn’t stop the Obama administration from spending $350 million on sexual indoctrination of children.

While the White House says sequestration has eliminated funds for children touring the White House, President Obama has no problem spending $350 million federal tax dollars for sexual indoctrination programs starting in grade school for children.

This is not your grandmother’s sex education about how things work and what can go “wrong.” In fact, the exact opposite is the essence of the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP): Obamacare funnels $75 million annually into PREP, which must be used exclusively for Planned Parenthood-style “comprehensive” sex-ed programs where no type of sex is wrong and the only sexual behavior PP considers “unsafe” is becoming pregnant.

Part of the Government Funded PSA Program is a website called The Bedsider; which includes an area called the Bedsider Insider - a page to explore your choices of birth control methods – including an interactive widget called the Methods Explorer.