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04-13-2013, 09:53 PM
Sorry... I just filed my taxes.:pissed:banghead:smash

04-13-2013, 09:58 PM
Don't hold back LJ, just spit out what's really on your mind! :D
Relax go wade fishing.... LOTS of people sucking off the teet of Government now. They need LOTS of your money so they can give away free phones and shit....

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04-13-2013, 10:04 PM
We need to go piss in the Potomoc (and catch a few hundred smallies) just to show those fukkers.

By the way, my thumb is sore right now.

04-13-2013, 10:10 PM
Ah, I've been screaming for a couple of years now trying to get you Dufebutts back together.
I'm up for the same cabin, same place....
Take Care, Captain

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04-13-2013, 10:11 PM

I wish I had just filed my own, only.

I am as low as I've been in my lifetime, right now. There just are no words. They took away my world.

Hope you come out ok in the end, my good friend.

04-14-2013, 04:51 AM
Dang Bucky, sounds like I got off easy with paying $2500.00. Near the top of tax things to be pissed about is my witholding. God forbid I should fill it out correctly and still owe so much at the end of the year.

BBP, I'm down! I'm going to go probe the Upper Potomac with Captain Egghead in an hour or so... hopefully a fat bronzeback will make me feel better. Back to my tax bitterness, I'm glad I didn't get that the loomis and stradic rig I was drooling over!

04-14-2013, 09:29 AM
Now wait a danged minute Bucky ... I thought you always said the more taxes you have to pay the better ... in fact, you'd LOVE to have to pay a BAZILLION dollars! ;)

Youse guys don't know how lucky you are. This past three years ... I haven't even had to file a return ... didn't make enough money to make the minimum. :(

04-14-2013, 10:37 AM
I do wish I had to pay a bazillion dollars. But I didn't say "the more the better". Never said that!! I don't want to pay zero either. But I'd love to have a legitimate tax bill of a million dollars, wouldn't you?

I just don't like paying $20,000.............

BIG difference.

Worst part, Lenster, is that you HAVE withholding. I don't have salary, and have tried to estimate withholding but my math failed me big time. So guess what my big tax bill means? It means I not ONLY get to pay extra income tax now, but I also have to pay quarterly "estimated tax" for the next four quarters, starting TOMORROW, because I have no W2 salary. So, this week I paid a big tax bill in one envelope, and in another envelope I sent in another 1/4 of that same amount. And I get to do that part again in June, September, and January! Uncle Sam wants his "withholding" money, even if he makes you send it in your own danged self.

04-14-2013, 11:03 AM
Damn Bucky, owing that kind of money only means one thing, you're making a shithouse load for being retired.
We owed $3,200 this year, but part of that was some things we got from Kay's mother after her death.
My total tax bill was just under your amount.
Oh ya, I need to send in $2,200 tomorrow also. :(

04-14-2013, 06:39 PM
I'll bet half of it that I make half of what you do, and a tenth of what Posthole does, and a seventeenth of what Cappy does, and nine times what Thump does, and about what Len does, and I think Arty is holding out on us.

We had this discussion once..........it's a taboo subject, always has been. But I know if you guys had a clue what I really made, and what I make in retirement, you'd faint dead away. (I know this because I do every time I think about it). :)

Seriously, I had retirement figured to be 'enough'........and with my health, time was more important than "having enough money". What I owe total this year is less than it was for 2011, my last year of Salaried Money (and also bigger withholdings). Way less. But apparently so is my tax bill. I THINK I've redone stuff enough to somehow get through 2013, but it's taken a monstrous chunk of IRA to do it. And of course, that snowballs into more tax due for next year!!! Also remember that our piddling "Farm money" has zero withheld!!! Wish they had Roth 401k's years ago!!! And I almost wish I'd have converted to a Roth at age 60, but I couldn't afford it.

If I had even the slightest inkling of respect for the Federal Government, this might be semi-tolerable. But I have none. Less than none. Other than military, roads, and prisons, I see no purpose in them whatsoever. But this year it feels like I'm funding the whole shebang single handedly.

04-14-2013, 07:33 PM

I'm retired too and a member of OFOFI. (Old fart on fixed income) ;)

Take Care, Captain

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04-14-2013, 08:50 PM
I'm still working and my income is fixed too. Haven't gotten a raise of any kind in three years and no potential for one in the near future.

04-14-2013, 08:58 PM
Obama-nomics at its finest....

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04-14-2013, 09:43 PM
So here's a question. When you retire, if you set up your 401k as an annuity, don't youget tax withheld just like it was a paycheck? I don't understand how your tax commitment would be any different rate than any ordinary income.

04-14-2013, 10:04 PM
I haven't set up my IRA as an annuity. Annuity's are paying about 5% max, and I'm making about 9% on my 'safest' mutual fund, and about 25% so far this year on the riskiest. Annuities are locked in. You do not HAVE to withdraw anything until 70 1/2, legally. (Just if you have kids, you have to apparently!)

BUT, when I have had to withdraw, they make you set aside something for taxes. Tax year 2012 I didn't withdraw much. Some, but not like this year! This year, I've set back a lot more.

My problem is a problem of the associative property of mathematics. Or maybe distributive, it's late...........I get two retirement checks.......State and Sprint. Wife gets one. Those have withholding. We both get Social Security. That has withholding but at 15% (our choice, but that's the max I think). We have semi annual farm rent checks coming in, NOTHING is withheld. We raised the rent in 2012 a bit, and that didn't help the tax issue. And the wife is still getting about a hundred a month in a disability check (stops at age 65), and that has some withheld but a pittance. So.......it's like a guy with 3 jobs and a wife with 2 jobs. Each job has the 'correct' amount withheld, but add them up and you jump brackets. Now there's not enough withheld. Most folks in that situation figure out how to correct and adjust their W4's. But the first year it happens, it hits them. That's where we are. And we're going to have to stop spending the farm money and put more of that back for Uncle Sam.

When I worked, I claimed single and zero, PLUS an additional several hundred per paycheck.......JUST to keep this kind of thing from happening. Worked fine while I was working. Always overpaid. Now.....not. And yes, it's "my fault" for not focusing on it better, but even our CPA said in 2010 "you're doing most of what you should, but you're just going to have to go through that first year that's so different to know how to adjust".

And adjusting, I am doing! Whew. I hate Taxes. I want to puke, at what percent I'm paying, and I want to puke more when I see where it goes. Sad stuff.

And that's my story.

quercus alba
04-14-2013, 11:14 PM
I make about 20,000 per year. gross. that's what my wife and I live off of. just to put things in perspective for some of you.

I don't worry about buying new guns or four wheelers, I worry about paying the electric bill and buying groceries

04-15-2013, 01:59 AM
Holey crap Qa, that reminds me of when I lived on $700 a month.
I'm very humble for my husbands income now, and don't waste $.
All I can say, is it will get better.
Ex had to pay house payment

Chicken Dinner
04-15-2013, 09:26 AM
I've got the number for the cabins if we can nail down a date this summer. (Of course, after the tribute I'm sending to Ceasar today I may not be able to afford it.) Bucky, you're CPA should have been able to run a pretty accurate projection if you were willing to pay him to do it.