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View Full Version : Just One observation from Boston

04-17-2013, 08:23 AM
Our news is too instant for our own good. At least that's my opinion. I'm starting to think that instant news equals shallow news and that leads to shallow conclusions. I think I'd rather have to wait a day or so and read a full, well researched account of something like this than to receive a constant bombardment of half facts, misreported bullshit, and what some idiot 'expert' thinks might have happened. And I'd rather read than watch a couple of reporters standing on the scene like its the frigging Olympics.
Or maybe I'm a curmudgeon.
Either way, I'm sick of the way this kind of stuff gets reported.


04-17-2013, 08:29 AM
The media isn't obligated to research anything or maintain credibility anymore. They are simply obligated to throw more bullshit out there than their competitor does. And we will keep watching it.

04-17-2013, 08:54 AM
And we're all encouraged to heed the advice of Mr Rogers.


04-17-2013, 11:15 AM
As you age, your intelligence seems to increase.

I haven't watched more than 10 seconds of it. There are other ways to keep informed. I guess that's one way of saying "Try not watching crap on TV and you won't get so upset". Course, like Thump, you'll tell me "I can quit anytime I want to!".......... :poke

04-17-2013, 01:31 PM
I've been thinking exactly the same thing lately. I seem to recollect that 'the news' used to actually contain real information about whatever event they were covering. You know, the old "what, when, why, where, who" stuff. Now you get some semi-hysterical idjit babbling suppositions instead of facts. I still don't know what really happened at Newtown, for example.

Maybe I'm an old curmudgeon myself but I yearn for the days of Walter Cronkite and the like.

04-17-2013, 01:49 PM
The problem is (just my opinion) that even if they did what Barry wants and they wait a few days and THEN give info.........you STILL won't ever get the facts, and if you get a few facts, you'll have to weed out the commentary interlaced.

For example, you are not going to know what happened at Newtown. You can Google the NBC News reports that were first in the reporting, and you'll find that NO rifles of any kind were used. You'll see more than one gunman, and one or two leaving the scene. Those weren't first-glance mistakes of confusion, although there were plenty of those, too. You can see in the trunk and see there's no AR-15 there (looks more like a shotgun). Now the report is that 115 "ar" casings were found.

Yet, here is one report saying otherwise:
and no, I have no idea what this site is, it looks pretty right wing. But it's just what came up in Googling this info. Forget the source, and watch the actual NBC news video, and read what Pete Williams said (and I remember distinctly hearing him say this, so I corroborate it personally).

Also, later, this was put out by NBC news web.......where it says there are "conflicting reports" about whether an AR was used.


You are welcome to disbelieve every bit of that, if you wish. It may indeed be bogus, but unlikely that it is 100% so. Nonetheless, the administration and every anti in the world is using this event to ban some stuff that sounds bad to them (actual Senate vote at 4:00 pm today on this). Clearly, they have an agenda and don't much care about the truth, and the 'news' agencies reporting on them don't appear to either.

I remember posting here some things to this effect on the week following this tragedy. I said something like "Let the record show, before the History Changers get active........" and now here we are.

To say all this, I'll be labeled deranged and insane. That's where we are in this country. We are THAT divided.

Good night, David. Good night, Chet.

04-17-2013, 04:16 PM
Bucky, you're deranged.....but we love you anyway. ;)

04-17-2013, 04:17 PM

But not sure why you think so.

04-17-2013, 05:15 PM
Because you said that you'd be labled deranged or insane by you comments, so I just took care of it.

04-17-2013, 05:16 PM

Well, then thank you. Glad there are truly dependable folks around here.