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View Full Version : Can't Believe Its Been This Long

04-19-2013, 10:55 AM
April 19, 1995 I was working in an office building in downtown Tulsa and walked by a conference room where people were crying and they were setting up a television. 165 people died, just like that. Within minutes, there was a line outside that went around the block in front of the office where the Red Cross was taking blood donations. Little did we know they would hardly be needed. Everyone was just gone. I still don't understand how a human being can do something like that. Or Boston, or the world trade center, or Columbine, or Newtown or any of them. I think its because its so un-understandable that people grab on to anything they can to try to just do something to try to solve it. But there's some things that just don't have answers I think. Maybe the LE folks who see this more often know what they are, but I sure as hell don't. But one thing I'm pretty certain of is that the solutions are going to be found in our living rooms and not in our legislative halls. We may refine laws and pass new ones but if we don't ALL change our basic behavior to be more good, and to raise our kids to be good we don't stand a chance.

04-19-2013, 11:33 AM
Well said.

04-19-2013, 11:37 AM
I've been to the site in Oklahoma City and it is both beautiful and heart-wrenching.

As you say, there are some seriously screwed up people in this world who have NO regard for their common man and no amount of legislation is going to keep them from hurting innocent people.

04-19-2013, 11:45 AM
Well said. I don't either.