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04-19-2013, 07:52 PM
The Boston bombers were Muslim.

Holy sheep shit who'da guessed?

Chicken Dinner
04-19-2013, 07:55 PM
Shocked! Shocked, I tell you.

Big Muddy
04-19-2013, 08:06 PM
And, russian muslims, at that!!!.

04-19-2013, 08:23 PM
NPR........and many others.......are quite disappointed.

I'm getting more radical myownself every minute.

04-19-2013, 08:26 PM
NPR should not EVER receive A DAMN DIME of tax payers money...
Totally left leaning

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04-19-2013, 08:30 PM
I don't know if they do any more, or if it matters. I know they are not objective, and less than tolerable as claimed.

04-19-2013, 08:37 PM
OH, and also, I am growing weary of those who claim tolerance as their core value, and are tolerant of everyone but me..........and mostly the ones that hate us. Where is that guilt coming from??

Chicken Dinner
04-20-2013, 10:05 AM
I'm tolerant as hell towards lots of groups that are different than me. The last time I checked the flamboyant queers weren't trying to blow me up. Militant Muslims are.

04-20-2013, 10:12 AM
But are they tolerant of me? Either the queers or the muslims?

04-20-2013, 10:39 AM
I'm getting sick and tired of hearing from our president about how we shouldnt let this make us prejudiced toward muslims. Clearly, we are going to have to get a different and non-politically correct mindset going. I figure by the end of the day, cnn will shift from jumping on the "remember the victims" bandwagon around to their usual mode of "is this person having all of their rights observed".

04-20-2013, 10:40 AM
I feel ya, Bucky. The louder someone screams for tolerance, the less tolerant they are of anyone that doesn't see the world as they do.

I had to just let go and laugh about it. Nothing anyone could say could open a mind that is closed to that degree.

04-20-2013, 10:41 AM
I'm currently intolerant of Muslims. I am NOT prejudiced. PRE is before and JUDGE is facts. I haven't judged before facts, I waited and got a ****-pile of 'em first.

So shoot me.

04-20-2013, 10:52 AM
I've always thought religious freedom was overrated. Just makes it tougher to get rid of people who are less human than us.

04-20-2013, 10:56 AM
I agree with you Bucky.

I don't understand why they say people are intolerant when they are the ones that are trying to push their lifestyle, religious beliefs, political beliefs, etc... onto me. I'm not attacking them, let me live my life the way I want to, and you can live yours the way you want to. I'm not a bad person just because I don't believe the same things you do.

04-20-2013, 11:01 AM
Religious freedom does not entail cottoning up to religions that practice evil. I am no longer tolerant of them. I'm sorry if that offends any Liberal.

There are 1.6 Billion Muslims in the world. I have yet to hear ONE Muslim Leader stand up and say "These two are radicals and do NOT represent us in any way. We are sorry for their actions". Till I do, I remain intolerant.

I'm getting to be less and less of a good person, I guess.

04-20-2013, 11:12 AM
You are a hard man Bucky. Me too I guess. Even if I didn't agree with you , I would go along to stay off the "Bucky no-likee list"

04-20-2013, 03:17 PM
I don't imagine it'll make one bit of difference, butyou might start here. It took me all oftwo minutes searching for it. But you'll find something in it to complain about.
And tolerance isn't the same as not giving in to hatred and murder. Ask the millions killed by In the Inquisition, the Crusades, and the holy wars proclaimed throughout history in the name of your christian religion. But I'm sure christians denouncd that stuff. Well not really, unless they wanted to burned at the stake.
Its harsh, I realize, but I'm sick of ignorant hatred. I'm not tolerant myself, but it seems like y'all's definition of intolerance is anybody who doesn't hate others for the same reason you do. Its really disappointing is what it is.
So bite me.


04-20-2013, 03:26 PM
I know you don't agree. You're welcome not to.

Your link is some generality. I don't care about those. I want to hear Joe Muslim, leader of Muslims in Tearjerkistan, get on the news today, and denounce these guys. Or the leader of the Islamic Republic of Saudi Arabia. Or the leader of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Or the leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran. I won't hear that. I know, that ticks you off. Sorry. It does me too, but they won't do it. You have little knowledge of Islam. You should study up on it. If there are peaceful muslims, they are highly in the minority. Islam teaches that anyone "not of the book" is worthy of death.

By the way, the Inquisition and the Crusades were carried out by another radical religionist group, that I denounce highly! They are not part of me. HOWEVER...........the group that they ARE a part of, the Catholic Church, would instantly and loudly denounce anyone who blew up someone in the name of that church. I will give them that credit. But not Muslims. And you know it.

You're sick of ignorant hatred??? Well, sir, I am too. But mine isn't ignorant, and it isn't hatred, it's intolerance. And you seem to be upset if I have a definition of intolerance (not what you said, btw). So, I'll second that and say that I too am upset at your definition of ignorant hatred. I hate no one. I am simply intolerant of them. There's a definition for you to chew on.

And I don't have a tall enough stool, so sorry.

04-20-2013, 07:01 PM
Well Bucksnort, you asked. You don't "watch" the news so how would you know? Maybe they need your phone number. A quick Google and I found a zillion of them. (I'm sure there will be more in the coming days but here are just a "couple") Or do you simply not want to "hear" it?








04-20-2013, 07:40 PM

I still want to hear the leader of the Islamic Republic of Saudi Arabia, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Islamic Republic of Indonesia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, denounce these guys as radicals, and not part of Mainstream Islam.

You are giving me .09000333% of the 1.6Billion muslims' thoughts. Give me what mainstream Islam thinks of it.

What are they saying in the streets of Islamabad? Ryiadh? What do 90% of Muslims think about it? Do you know? Their silence is deafening. It would NEVER be that way for any other 'religion'. This isn't a religion. It's the brainchild of a dope crazed goober in 600 a.d. and 1.6 billion people won't even let you make a cartoon about him. Give me a break.

I'm sorry, I just am tired of sharing y'alls bleeding hearts. Think of whatever you wish.

04-20-2013, 07:46 PM
Well, they were Russian Muslims ... link #3 is from RUSSIAN Muslim leaders. But .. it sounds to me like you want to hear from all 1.6 billion Muslims with a personal phone call.

04-20-2013, 08:09 PM
No. That's pretty silly. It sounds to me like I have a valid point and you are stretching to prove ME wrong rather than looking at it objectively and in reality.

You know good and well if this guy had been a Catholic and had extremist views on Youtube, Facebook, etc., that the Pope would have yelled his condemnation! I think you know that. If you don't want to see what this 'religion' is, then fine. But it's evil.

But, I've been wrong before.

04-20-2013, 08:14 PM
Bucky, at the time of the crusades, there was only one Christian church. The Protestants hadn't split away yet.

04-20-2013, 08:36 PM
I'm not a fan of the muslims as a group. I wish we had none of them in our country and for sure I wish we wouldn't allow foreign muslims to visit and go to school here. The difference is that I won't go kill innocent muslim women and children to prove my point.

04-20-2013, 09:14 PM
I'm not a fan of the muslims as a group. I wish we had none of them in our country and for sure I wish we wouldn't allow foreign muslims to visit ...

Ha ha! I'm sure the "American Indian" would have had the same thoughts about the European, Christian white man! ;)

04-20-2013, 09:25 PM
My family and I are native american but I cant speak about what went though our ancestors minds hundreds of years ago. I can speak simply and intelligently about what goes through mine. If a group of people would quit wanting me dead and carrying out acts of aggression on us then I would quit disliking them. Cant be any simpler or more fair than that.

04-20-2013, 09:30 PM
Thank you. Finally someone understands where I'm coming from.
I have Indian heritage from my mothers, mothers, mothers, mothers side around Yuma Arizona.

I also have English, Dutch and Irish!

04-21-2013, 12:24 AM
Yeppers ... I gots a bit of Cherokee in me. Must be where I got my nose.

We're "officially" German and Dutch ... not sure when, where or how the Cherokee slipped in there. ;)

The whole point is youse dufebutts are lumping every Muslim in the world into one undesirable group. Muslims and Muslim extremists (or radical Muslims if you will) are two different birds altogether. 'Course I'm just preaching to the narrow-minded choir here .... so I may as well just be talking to my cat. ;)

04-21-2013, 08:23 AM
I wanna see Joel Osteen denounce the Westboro Baptist Church. Or the current pope denounce the Crusades.

I just don't tolerate ignorance anymore

04-21-2013, 10:05 AM
Why would the current Pope have to denounce the crusades? Previous Popes have done that. Should every American President denounce slavery or the internment of the Japanese Americans during WWII? Isn't once enough since it's not still happening.

And by the way, weren't the crusades started because once Islam was founded, they drove the Christians out of the Holy Land and then invaded into eastern Eurpoe and into Spain? Who was the true agressor?

04-21-2013, 10:11 AM
Jim, if that is true (and it's not), then just simply show me where the current leaders of Islam world wide JUMP to the chance to denounce jihad terror? What you are doing is claiming what you WISH were true, and not what IS true.

DD, agreed. Forget Catholics. I used that only as an example. Let's say that if this kid had killed folks with a bomb in the name of the Episcopal Church, the head of that church and all Episcopalians world wide would have gone nuts claiming he was a radical and not mainstream. When the Muslim world does not do this, I have to believe by their silence (and by most every interview) they agree with it. I discount American Muslims, especially those who've been here a while...........BUT these two were "American Muslims", so..........

I just have my opinion. I don't see it as narrow minded, or bigoted (there's NO race issue here whatsoever, Muslims are a lot of races), or hatred. I just don't like, and thus don't tolerate well, the world of Islam. I am personally convinced there is no good in it, and that it is inherently evil. If there are some passive Muslims, fine. If there are a few peace loving Muslims, fine. But mostly, they want all Jews dead, and they want all Americans dead.

Go ask an Israeli if he has any compunction against being intolerant of Islam............

04-21-2013, 10:18 AM

So, I have to back off some. Here are a few folks in Pakistan that are sympathetic. But I don't have enough evidence to believe OTHER than Islam is a religion of hate and evil, overall. I pray there are some rational heads among them. But I have studied the 'religion' enough to form my opinion, from which I am not going to waver without evidence.

04-21-2013, 10:56 AM
There are murders every day and I've yet to hear anyone of any religion condemn anything. The bottom line is, its ridiculous to blame an entire spiritual belief system for what one percent of its followers do in the name of a radical sect of it. That's just an excuse to blame someone in the absence of any rational reason for something like this happening. and is just as ill informed as the idiots that came up with gun control bill in response to Newtown. What do you want to do, prevent emigration to the states based on a person's friggin religion? Round up the muslims and ship them put? Close down all the mosques? Tatto them so we will be able to identify them?
This makes me ill and angry. Its just plain moronic.

04-21-2013, 12:21 PM
Just for shits & grins .. this is an e-mail I received just last night ... (from the "other side").

My brother Jim,

All week I have observed BBC broadcasts of Boston crisis in your country and offer my and my family’s sincere condolences. These people who make news are not who we are, but I know you are aware. Not all are understanding. I had American guests check out from two rooms at Bangkok hotel and one at Pattaya hotel due to news coverage. One American man told my son he did not care to reside in towel head hotel. It was very hurtful to me and my family, especially since we have been praying daily for the Boston people and we grieve for the families of all.

My brother, we have surely missed your visits these past few years and we pray for your good health to return soon. I have been very busy since opening the second hotel of which you visited with me just before grand opening. It has been doing well and is fine addition to my business as you informed me it would be.

So you are aware, your friend from American Embassy came here to meet with me personally about two years ago but I told him even though you have been friends more than forty years, I would discuss nothing about the situation in south until you are able to return. There has been not a word from him since that.

Take care my brother and know that I sorely miss the teas we often had together and the friendly and informative conversations over the years as well. I keep your favorite tea on hand always awaiting your return.

My prayers go to you and your family my friend,

04-21-2013, 01:18 PM
Yeppers ... I gots a bit of Cherokee in me. Must be where I got my nose.

We're "officially" German and Dutch ... not sure when, where or how the Cherokee slipped in there. ;)

It's 'cause them there Cherokees is sneaky sum bitches. One of 'em musta slipped inta gramma when grampa weren't not lookin'.

04-21-2013, 02:44 PM
Mr. Posthole, Friend:

Regarding post #33, I must reply. Yes, there are murders every day, but NOT IN THE NAME OF A RELIGION. No religion other than Islam carries such hate towards anyone not like them. That is the trait that you seem to "hate" in me, yet you don't hate it in them. You want to belittle me for observing reality.

I don't hate anyone. I don't hate Muslims. I do hate Islam, the religion. Muslims are misguided. But I don't hate them.

I don't want them tattooed. They stand out by their actions, plenty well.

I don't want them (or ANY group) to be legally castigated in any way.

I don't want to close down all their mosques. However, it might behoove us to infiltrate a few that are suspect before someone else gets blown up.

If there is hate, it appears to be directed to me, not from me. I don't hate anyone. I do harbor intolerance to their beliefs, based on objective data that I've gathered. But I don't shun them, shoot at them, burn crosses in their yard, spit on them, or mistreat them in ANY way! But I do reserve the right to dislike those who can't stand the sight of me.

04-21-2013, 04:55 PM
I wouldn't attempt to deny anyone their beliefs or even try to talk them out of them. Its why I love this place. And I think nothing less of you for believing what you believe either, because deep convictions are the root of good character I think. But I reserve the right to think it is deeply misguided to blame a religion on the problems anywhere. If anything, its proof that any nation that values its spiritual freedoms ought to hold tight to a secular government. Otherwise you see what happens in the middle east where religious and practice is regulated by a nonsecular government. And the basis for the wrong in those countries isn't the religion itself but the evilness of the men who run the church and the government. Until only a couple hundred years ago this was the case in christian europe. It was most definitely the case in Roman times in the Roman Empire when and wherethe cradle of christianity has its roots. The Bible comes from the people who murdered Christ. I'm not bashing Catholisim or christianity (they're both the same actually). I'm simply pointing out that if we value our spiritual freedom, we'll make sure that we have a secular government that protects our religious rights and freedoms. That's not tolerance nor acceptance. It is simply good policy and one that's been proven time and time again.


04-21-2013, 05:04 PM
Well, good sir, that's a far cry from what you posted earlier. As to how to run a Civil Government, you and I are in lockstep.

But your previous comments were to me personally, and my beliefs, and were IMHO contrary to one who claims tolerance. I am not the one that claims tolerance to every thought, however.....but you were making that claim, yet were intolerant of my beliefs. Your questions were to me, and I just answered them.

I will state again, and then be done with this............that Islam as a whole, taken as a group of Planet Earth Believers in Mohammed and the Koran..........are not our friends, and are constantly trying to kill us (and all of Israel to boot), and I am simply not going to try and claim that it's only forty seven widely dispersed, misguided, radical disciples of such that are totally out tune with the rest of the 1,600,000,000 of them. I think to believe that is naive, silly, and if anything in all of this is ignorant, that is.

These are my opinions.

04-21-2013, 05:07 PM
See, this kind of stuff is NOT decried by any Muslim, and it is not the work of two crazy guys.


Examples abound......literally.

And Lord knows, don't try and publish a cartoon doing anything but bowing the drug crazed Mohammed!

04-21-2013, 05:10 PM
Just because I respect your opinions and beliefs doesn't mean I don't think some of them are deranged.

04-21-2013, 05:11 PM

I guess we continue to have definition problems. I don't think you can respect an opinion that you think is deranged. Deranged is same as insane. Improper. Invalid. Only deranged people respect deranged opinions.

04-21-2013, 05:21 PM
I think Hasidic Jewish belief are seriously deranged. But I don't think they're the antichrist. I just think they are seriously misguided, and yes, crazy a shithouse rats. And that the way I feel about anyone who belives that all muslims are out to kill us. We've killed far more of them for their beliefs thanthey have us. That's a historical fact.


04-21-2013, 06:47 PM
I'm out ... it can only go downhill from here.