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04-22-2013, 01:15 PM
I made my first attempt at grilled pizza this weekend and had mixed results. First off, I screwed up and put the first pizza directly on the grill because that was what some recipe website recipe told me to do. ended up scorching the bottom before the top got done. So then I put a pizza stone on the grill and did the other two and they came out larrupin. that's one I'm going to do again!


04-24-2013, 12:48 PM
Just saw this. Man, I love me some Smoky Pizza.

I do mine on my Weber Performer. I put 1/2 to 3/4 of a chimney of hot coals on one side, and the pizza on the other side so that it will cook "indirect". I like for the temp to be between 375° and 400°.........and don't forget a handfull or two of applewood chips for the glorious smokyess.

MAN, I'm getting hungry just thinkin' about it.