View Full Version : Cool beans!

05-02-2013, 01:52 PM
Lynn's brother has been in Tampa since Monday afternoon. He's an engineer with Toyota (Lexus Division) and does a lot of training around the country. He's been extremely busy all week, but just called to say he's finished now and doesn't fly out until tomorrow morning. Lynn's leaving work early, gonna pick me up, then we'll head to Tampa to make him buy us a nice dinner.

It'll be good to see him again. He's at the Hyatt and there just happens to be a Texas de Brazil right down the street from the hotel. The fact it's our all-time favorite restaurant and the fact he's got more money than he knows what to do with sounds like the perfect combination for the evening.

I'll catch youse dufes later ... I gots ta' shit, shower and shave. Heck, once I get all cleaned up and purty-like, I might even dab on a bit of stink-water! ;)

05-02-2013, 01:57 PM
Just remember to go easy on the salad bar!


05-02-2013, 03:25 PM
Lookin' good and ready to fly. Lynn just walked in, so we're close to gone.

Yep, I ain't no amateur P-hole ... the LAST thing I'd want to do at TDB is fill up on frigging lettuce! ;)

I'll tell you one thing though ... I can damn sure put away half my weight in lamb chops at that place! 'Course, the other half my weight will go to 'bout everything else ... ALL cuts of beef (their flank steak is to die for and I'll take it over filet mignon), maybe some pork ribs, a few sausages ... anything but chicken. I can't believe people actually go there and eat frigging CHICKEN!! There ought'a be a law ... :banghead

I'm out'a here ... catch youse dufes tomorrow.

05-03-2013, 08:43 AM
Awwww man! I don't think I'll be able to eat for another week or so! I think TDB lost money on us last night. ;)

Was great to see the BIL last night. Of Lynn's three brothers, he and I always had the most in common. It was a good visit ... just way too short. :(