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View Full Version : Chinese Illegal Immigrants.....or whatever the current PC phrase is...

05-06-2013, 06:59 AM
I saw some spot on the news the other night that got me to wondering.

It was a piece on the porousness of our Southern Boarder and "Illegal Immigrants".
The reporter was standing at somekindof emergency relief station where our government has a distress beacon that one could initiate, a 5 gal container of water, and a sign in three languages. ONE of them was Chinese.

This is the first I have heard of there being a "problem" with Chinese coming across the boarder. I would have thought they'd just need to ask for political asylum like the Russians used to do????

Evidently this is not a new thing as evidenced by this 2010 article.

.....and, it appears, ....not just US destinations...

I had no idea. Guess I live an isolated life.

05-06-2013, 07:53 AM
Niner, why did you think that every small town in American now has at least one Chinese buffet, and they are all staffed Chinese?

05-06-2013, 08:12 AM
Why the hell are we providing water for people that cross the Mexican wasteland? Do we feel so guilty that we feel the need to supply refreshments now? WTF?!?!?

May as well anchor a cruise ship between Cuba and Florida.

05-06-2013, 09:07 AM
I've thought of this for years. Every city has a Chinese restaurant. Every restaurant has young workers, by the zillions. None of them speak perfect English. They HAD to have been in school just a year ago or so. Yet they were clearly not in school here!!! Some don't speak English at all. Our little town has 4 Chinese restaurants.

The Indians run the hotels, the Chinese run restaurants, and the Mexicans lay bricks. If they are all here legally, I'll buy you something nice.

And unemployment is high.

Big Boy
05-06-2013, 06:57 PM
If I hear one more euphamisn for ILLEGAL aliens on the news I might just throw up. Send them back to wherever they came from and put someone on welfare to work doing the job that kid did ! SHEESH - do I have to fix EVERYDAMNEDTHING around here !? !? :D

05-06-2013, 10:49 PM
The shits of it is, around here you cant find enough dependable help in fields of work such as brick laying etc, to avoid hiring illegals if you are a small operation. Also, the slum lords would rather rent to 20 illegals in one house because they pay cash on time and dont demand the property be fixed or maintained. Just the way it is.