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View Full Version : Good news for our resident Liberals

05-14-2013, 09:05 AM

Our resident Liberals won't have to worry about being audited by the IRS this year!!! Good for them.

And most of them are not newsfolks, or part of the AP, so they won't have their privacy violated either.

Government makes me feel SO SAFE!

05-14-2013, 09:27 AM
I guess when it happens to US citizens via the Patriot Act, it's justifiable, but when it happens to a political organization or the media they scream bloody murder. This whole thing is so Nixon-esque it is scary.
I hope it gets all the light and air that it can, but I'm not optimistic.


05-14-2013, 09:34 AM
Don't know what the Patriot act did that was so bad, but ok........you know more than I do. And I suppose I could think of a lot of past sins from past administrations if I wanted to, but not sure why that matters. Today is today.

I just get ticked off because the headlines read "Government Auditing Conservative Groups", or "Government Tapping News' Phones"............and 6 years ago, I can guarantee you that it would have said "Bush Administration Illegally Targeting Groups", or some such. Just torques me.