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View Full Version : A Little Walk in The Mountains

Big Skyz
06-07-2013, 01:43 PM
I've lived here six years now and have not spent nearly enough time in the mountains. They are beautiful and something I should not take for granted. Last Wednesday I took my youngest daughter and we went for a 3 miles hike/walk. I thought maybe some of you might enjoy seeing what I have just 30 minutes from my front door.

Love the big green meadow and I expect if I watched that meadow every night for 3 nights I would see a bear or two. Not to mention elk and mule deer. The creek you see in the bottom of the photo actually runs all the way down the mountain, and once there, is only about 75 yards from my house.

Friendly little red tree squirrel looking down on us as we hiked along the trail.

Just big and beautiful rugged mountains and canyons. Love the lack of people I might add.
Yours truly in my favorite element just plain enjoying life. Hope you guys enjoyed coming along vicariously.

06-07-2013, 01:52 PM
Beautiful country. Thanks for the pics.

06-07-2013, 02:39 PM
Man that is sure peaceful looking, but I'm gonna have to vote for Postholes scenery this time around... Seems like he had some interesting peaks to look at on vacation too!
Take Care, Captain

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06-07-2013, 02:45 PM
Looks like a fine place for a stroll but I guess I'm just going to have to wait until the end of July when the family and I will be taking a hike or four through Glacier National Park.

06-07-2013, 02:47 PM
Dang! I was totally enjoying the pics ... and THEN ... got to the last one and you uglied it all up! ;)

Beautiful country. Believe it or not, I had the same thing less than an hour from my house in L.A. but you needed 4WD to get to it. Those dufes out there with their jacked up, 4WD Hollywood cruisers never wanted to get theirs dirty, so same thing, I'd spend a whole weekend in the mountains and never see another soul. I sure do miss that stuff. Thanks for the pics. (except the last one oif course!) ;)

06-07-2013, 03:36 PM
Ya know Troy, it stuff like this that makes me think about movin' to Montana and becoming a dental floss tycoon.
THIS is only 30 mins from your town? Here I always thought that you were in the middle of the prairies with no trees to be found.

Looks like I'm gonna have to reconsider the weather ramifications in my fantasy move as well. Y'all ain't that much colder (on average) than us.

One of my favorite fantasy sites. (TOTALLLY safe for work!)

Big Skyz
06-07-2013, 04:20 PM
Niner, when I lived on the Eastern side of the state I was in the heart of prairie country. Over here my house sits at about 3800 feet and the mountains are only 10 minutes or less away. That particular hike that is shown above is about 30 mins from my house. I'll have to take some more pics of what it actually looks like around here to give you a better idea. We do have prairie country, but also, river breaks, rolling hills, and of course mountains. Kind'a the best of all the worlds all within minutes. Oh and did I mention there are 5 first class trout streams within 20 minutes or less of my front door?

Here are the foothills that are right above my house, as in walking distance from my house. The mountains start just to the left side of the pics.

Just 5 more miles down the road it looks like this photo below. Which by the way was taken the same day as the top photo.

06-07-2013, 10:19 PM
Wash your hair.

Go on more walks.

06-07-2013, 11:56 PM
I love Montana.
Been acrossed it three times on the Goldwing and 4 times by truck.
If the winters weren't so cold and there was employment for my husband, I'd love to live there.

But, I'm finding as I get older, I'm wanting warmer climate and less rain.

Problem is, the northwest is very beautiful, so I'll stay around here for awhile.

06-07-2013, 11:57 PM
That's real nice looking. I could mess up a nap out there :)

06-08-2013, 07:04 AM
.............just a raisin' it up......and waxin' it down.......

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