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View Full Version : Another one of those WTF? estate finds!

06-10-2013, 01:47 AM
I may bore most'o youse dufes with this crap, but F-it, I'm havin' fun with it. On our Nashville/Atlanta trip, we attended a few estate sales. I was at one house wandering around and looking for anything small I could pick up for a song and maybe make a buck on. I was in what would have been a home office in a spare bedroom and picked up a couple printer ink cartridges for a buck apiece (they sell like hotcakes, even if they're many years past expiration). Then I spotted a battery operated pencil sharpener on the desk. I didn't think much of it ... but after a few minutes, I decided to see if I might be able to make $5-$10 on it. I whipped out the ol' I-Phone, did a quick search on e-Bay ... and proceeded to almost crap my pants! It was one of those WTF moments. Sheesh, these things are bringing anywhere from $65-$85 USED!!! Huh?? Heck, I snatched that puppy up, paid my $1.00 and added it to my stash. I'm quickly learning not to count ANYTHING out ... ya' just never know. Here's one that just sold a few weeks ago for $83.08 (w/shipping). It's persactly like the one I picked up for a buck. (anybody got's one'a these hidden away in the back of a forgotten drawer?)


And here's my baby ...


06-10-2013, 03:10 AM
I kinda get worried when you post something about being battery operated!!!! Lol :p

Looks like you made out on that one!!!

06-10-2013, 06:08 AM
You have GOT to be $hitting me!!!
Here I posted up a factory ATV Service Manual a while back, and did not get ONE bite..........and this PENCIL SHARPENER sells for $80 plus shipping!?!?!?!???

As my ol' granma in North Dakota used to say.....Uff da Naman.

06-10-2013, 10:07 AM
Dang! I guess those things are like gold. Who'da thunk it? When I bought it, it had a leaking battery (takes 4-AA's) and the contacts were corroded. I threw a set of new batteries in it last night and .... nothing! The dang thing didn't work. I tried to clean the contacts a bit, but still nothing. :(

So, I figured, "What have I got to lose"? I threw it up on The Bay anydamnway and listed it "for repair or parts" ... explained the situation and left it at that. One'a those "throw it against the wall and see if it sticks kind'a deals". So, I listed the dang thing around 2:30 am this morning for $20 and I see it's already sold! Sheesh, I must have underpriced it. :(

06-10-2013, 10:16 AM
Ha! I was just packaging this thing for shipment when I noticed it was purchased by a dude named Barry in Chicago! Ya' don't think it's Mr. Oba .... naaaa, surely he doesn't play on e-Bay! ;)

Big Muddy
06-10-2013, 10:25 AM
Well, he IS a pencil-dick. ;)

06-10-2013, 01:00 PM
Well, he IS a pencil-dick. ;)

Sadly that is perhaps the nicest thing that can be said about him...

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