View Full Version : Is there any doubt why the Post Office is going broke?

06-27-2013, 05:56 PM
I mean OTHER than the fact that they have fewer employees per manager than anyone?

I get a form in the mail, postage due, $1.15.........come pick it up. "Main" Post Office is no longer downtown, it's way out in West Conway somewhere (cause that's where all the Yuppies live). I drive all the way out there, and there is a line out the door. I wait and wait.

I get up there, give them the form, and my $1.15, and they give me a letter. I walk off.

Letter is a birthday card from my daughter. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Just a letter. I see the USPS scale on the way out, and I stick it on there. It says Postage is $0.66............ so I turn around and get BACK in line. I get up there and tell this yankee bee-otch (I could hear her saying to someone she just moved here from Nebraska) that her OWN scale says $0.66........and she looks at it and says "Well, that's IF it is a letter. This has this little bulge sticking out and so it was sent at package rates, not letter rates".

The "Bulge" is that it's one of those cards with a little thingy you push to make music. That's it. I look at the lady and smirk..........she says "Well, it won't fit in our letter machine, so they pull it out and charge extra".

I said "Lady, is there ANY doubt why you folks are broke? ANY? This is a LETTER. The bulge is practically non existent. Is there any single thing that you do better than anyone else? No wait, is there any single thing you do right whatsoever?"...............

She didn't answer. I left.

Geez. Is there no limit to the things that government can muck up?

06-27-2013, 05:58 PM
Don't hate on Nebraska. Not her fault you like musical cards.

06-27-2013, 06:06 PM
I don't hate Nebraska.

I just hate I-80.

06-28-2013, 12:45 AM
You're hard to get along with.

06-28-2013, 01:05 AM
Well, to play Devil's Advocate ... it WAS supposed to be shipped at package rates. I do a TON of shipping with my e-Bay stuff and use manila envelopes for many items, but usually have to pay package rates. If it's a uniformly flat envelope under 1/4" thick and FLEXIBLE ... it ships at letter rates. Otherwise, as you were told, it will jamb the equipment (it has to go through the rollers).

Here's the official statement from the USPS website:

Envelopes that are rigid, nonrectangular, or not uniformly thick pay package prices.

Oh, BTW ... you're an old curmudgeon. ;)

06-28-2013, 06:48 AM
Sorry, but I agree with the buckster on this one. If ups and fedex were as accessible as the usps then most people would probably walk in their doors to send most things including musical cards just to avoid the douche bags at the post office.

06-28-2013, 08:58 AM
Did it make you feel better busting the chops of the employee at the counter? She told you the policy (whether it's a good policy or not is another matter) and that is out of her control. You sound like the kind of person that wouldn't tip a good waitress because the cook didn't make your food the way you like it :moon Are you a grumpy old man or something? :lmao

Chicken Dinner
06-28-2013, 09:01 AM
UPS and Fedex would also charge you more for the privilege.

06-28-2013, 10:57 AM
You couldn't pay me to send anything FedEx.

I sent a huge Xmas box, to my son in Montana, and they lost it.

Paid extra for getting the box to him, before Xmas, and he got it eleven days after Xmas.

They brought packages, to this house, and I found them sitting in the driveway instead of on the porch.

Bunch of morons work for FedEx!!

You ever see videos of FedEx employees throwing computer and electrical packages over fences.

FedEx will never get my business again.

06-28-2013, 11:47 AM
Yellow, I tip hugely.

I am sorry but "That's out that employee's control" is bad logic. I do not have in front of me, the committee or manager that effected said policy. I have an employee of the entity that enforces that policy and I will always let them know that the policy is awful. I did nothing whatsoever to disparage her personally. If she takes my being upset with the USPS personally, then she has a problem, not me. I also did NOT "bust her chops". I was polite but firm.

I spent many years listening to customers telling me what was wrong with my company. I took it because I was their Representative, or at least I was at that time. I passed it on. I didn't take it personally.

If I can't inform the employee that wears the company logo on their shirt as to what the issue is, then they should change jobs and get out of the view of the public.

If that makes me a curmudgeon, a word you guys seem to equate with Vampire or Idiot but which isn't, then fine. I'm too old to worry about it.

And this is not a CUSTOMER issue. The USPS has a monopoly and is driven by the US Government. That makes them different. If it were a company that had true competition, then I would assess them differently. I am not a CUSTOMER of the IRS, or the USPS. I am an indentured serf who must abide by their every whim. I chafe at the chains!

06-28-2013, 01:46 PM
Curmudgeon! ;)

Personally, I ship very large or even large oddly-shaped packages via FedEx. Example: I once shipped a set of tires! They have an office close to my house. UPS is a bit more of a drive. I use USPS 99.9% of the time and so far, (knock on wood) nothing has been lost. I many times ship 6-8 packages/day and do it all on-line. I sell on e-bay, box it up, print the shipping label on-line (at a highly discounted rate compared to physically taking it to the Post Office), they come to my house daily and pick up the packages. I also get free tracking when I ship on-line.

Say what you want, but as a heavy user, I get pretty dang good service from the USPS.

06-28-2013, 01:55 PM
cur·mud·geon noun \(ˌ)kər-ˈmə-jən\

Definition of CURMUDGEON1
archaic : miser (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/miser)

: a crusty (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/crusty), ill-tempered, and usually old man

06-28-2013, 02:21 PM
The last thing I am is a miser.

06-28-2013, 02:30 PM
The consensus seems to be that you are a curmudgeon (and I agree). If you aren't a "miser", then I guess you must be "crusty". It's the only other option given the definition :wiggle

06-28-2013, 02:31 PM
I guess so.

06-28-2013, 03:46 PM
The consensus seems to be that you are a curmudgeon (and I agree). If you aren't a "miser", then I guess you must be "crusty". It's the only other option given the definition :wiggle

Or "ill-tempered". :D

06-28-2013, 04:35 PM
Nope. Not that either.

I thought y'all knew me. I guess not.

06-28-2013, 04:37 PM
.... a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man ...

Hmmmm, the only one left is OLD! Does that one fit? ;)

06-28-2013, 04:38 PM
Yes, as of last Tuesday.

06-28-2013, 04:39 PM
But you are all looking up the wrong definition.

I could find a few definitions that fit most of these folks, if'n I wanted to. But I'm way too nice of a guy.

06-28-2013, 05:17 PM
.... AND a curmudgeon! ;)

06-28-2013, 05:19 PM
I'm sure you are all correct......