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View Full Version : WTF????

07-15-2013, 05:12 PM
Phones have been out all afternoon. Since I have DSL I also have no Internet. I have 35 auctions working on eBay right now and more to list. I'm dead in the water. So, I did the routine, checked the line coming into the house with a hard wired phone. Zilch. I called Verizon to report the outage and they said they'd have someone out between 8 & 5 NEXT MONDAY!! All the while they were trying to sell me their TV package! (I have Brighthouse). Are they frigging insane? I told them next Monday is out of the question as I do all my business on the Internet and they have me shut down! A fucking week!!?? Are they from Mars? Man o man am I seeing red right now. Weve had no bad weather. I wonder what would happen if we had a frigging hurricane? I told them they'd better get someone out here ASAP as it won't take long for me to look for a way to send my $200/month somewhere with better customer service. She promised to talk to the dispatcher for whatever the fuck that's worth. And oh yeah lady, take that TV package you're trying to sell me and stick it where the sun don't shine! Arrrrrgggghhhhh!!

07-15-2013, 05:20 PM
Don't you have one of those smart phone doohickeys?

07-15-2013, 05:35 PM
How did you post on here with no access?

Big Muddy
07-15-2013, 05:44 PM
Join the club, Thump....the young dumbazz that farms across the road from me sent one of his ace mooncrickets to disk around the ends of his soybean field, last Thursday....he hit the main phone pedestal that leads to my house, with a 32 foot wide pulverizing disk, and yanked everything outta the ground.

The mass of wires sticking up in the air looks like a frigging spider web.....ATT said they'd have it fixed by Tuesday week, July 23rd.

I will say, however, they always give me a credit on my bill for the lost service time....it's still a pain in the azz, not having my land line.

07-15-2013, 05:53 PM
Send 'em over here. Mine is ringing off the wall with "Security Home Lock" and "Bank Protection Services" on the caller ID. I wish my phone cable would be cut in nine places.

07-15-2013, 05:57 PM
Yeah. I'm posting from my smart phone right now but that's a royal pain in the butt IMO. All my eBay postage s printed online and the packages are shipped from the house. If I have to go to the post office every day and buy postage there, it's much higher. Not taking into account the time and gas involved. I do have a wireless printer. I suppose I could figure out how to use it with my phone. I laughed when the bitch tried to sell me the TV package. I said, Yeah sure, that way I can sit here picking my nose for a week while my phone, Internet AND TV are out! Grrrr!

07-15-2013, 06:06 PM
Sheeesh! I just talked to my neighbor and he said two Verizon trucks have been working around the corner all day long and they must have knocked the phones out somehow. They just came back on a couple minutes ago. I asked the customer service lady if an aoutage had been reported in the neighborhood and she said, "No!"

Oh well, time to get back to work. I now see I had two sales while the lines were down.