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08-10-2013, 10:27 AM
Barry, could you please post this on Campfire Chat?* I forgot how and am too tired to figure it out.* Thanks.
Not So Hot!
Been a long time I know.* No real excuses, just a lot of doctor visits and more company than we can handle at this time. We did manage to slip away to Banff for a few days last week.* I'd advise, stay away from Banff in mid summer.* Banff is beautiful at any time of year, but too many tourists now.* Parking is at a premium and I'm sure the restaurants double their prices.* Anyway...........on to what dragged my sorry ass to the computer,
My physical well-being is pretty poor right now. Have to use a cane to climb stairs, and in fact... have a hard time just walking.* The Home Care Nurse brought me a walker this morning.* Too proud to use outside the house, but I'll get over that Im sure.* At first I thought all these things were just a reaction to the chemo, but my stability is get worse all the time.** They have me on the palliative care list.** I don't like that one bit.* I thought I was really coming back and on the mend, but I guess that's not the case. Also I've never felt so tired in all my life.* I snooze as much as possible, but still tired.* Spent most of yesterday in bed and it was wonderful, but after being up and around for half an hour I'm dead beat. Going to finish the beer I started an hour ago and hit the pit.* One good thing that's come from all this is the visits with my sons and their families.* Don't see them near often enough.* Mike lives in Vancouver, Ron in Ontario and Kelly in Hinton.
Bye for now and I WILL keep y'all more up to date.* To be honest, I do feel a little afraid.* Haven't given up the ship but I don't have near the confidence that I did two or three months ago. Take care all of you. I never stop thinking of y'all

08-10-2013, 10:32 AM
Love ya Bro!

08-10-2013, 11:00 AM
Keep fight and hang in there.

There's NOTHING to be afraid of!!!

If you're sneaking in here, checking on us, just know you've got a lot of people praying for you and love ya lots! :D

08-10-2013, 11:54 AM
Thinking of you often TeeDub... Keep us posted.

Take Care, Captain

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

08-11-2013, 05:43 AM
Thinking of you nearabout every day, Terry. Good vibes and prayers coming your way from waaaaaay down here.

08-11-2013, 08:08 AM
This whole thing is really hitting me hard. I guess getting older makes this type of thing even harder to deal with. I've felt closer to ol' TW than most here realize ... probably more than even he knows hisownself. When I was younger, I felt indestructible and things like this only happened to "old people". In the past few years I've learned for a fact how fragile life really is and have finally realized my closest friends and I ARE "old people" now. I think about Terry every single day and wish him all the luck in the world with this fight. Dubber ... if you manage to check in here ... I want you to know one thing ... I love you man.

08-11-2013, 04:48 PM
Dang... Does Marge know you're faking it for a sympathy play yet? You know, you could just TELL her you're gonna go fishing and be done with it!

Thinking about you, Bro.

08-12-2013, 09:10 AM
I'll be up in the frozen north in a few weeks. I'll think of you every time I land a Great Northern Pike. ;) Pulling for you buddy.

08-12-2013, 10:56 AM
OK, WHY would you want to catch one of those slimy snake things? UGH. What a put down to good ole Terry to think of him when you catch a snake!! Dang, you Yankees are just weird!!! :)

08-12-2013, 11:08 AM
Well Bucky, there's snakes and then there's GATORS. I've cussed my fair share of hammer handles, especially since I use flouro leaders and line and they'll cut you off quicker than you can say Jack Robinson. As a rule, I make everyone release them boatside and don't allow them in my boat. If you do, then about Wednesday you'll have more anklebiter flies than you can shake a stick at. But a big northern, the gator size, will make your heart beat like its did in the back seat of an old Chevy. And when you get them in the boat, the fight has just begun.

Where you goin' up north, Gene?


08-12-2013, 11:43 AM
lol.. Dubber and I have a running "discussion" :swordfight :thwak over which fish is more desirable.. the lowly walleye ( they are just perch with teeth) or the magnificent Great Northern Pike.

The Great Northern Pike is more regal, stronger, faster, prettier, bigger, more representative of the far north, waaaaay more fun to catch... and better eating.. :notworthy Why the hell anyone would target walleyes (other than to use for bait) escapes me. :banghead I do admit, as in the bluegill/bass argument = I will sometimes eat the "forage fish" and let the truly magnificent species go. :cool:

Totally agree on the "Gator" thing. :encouragement: Trying a new lake this year Barry.. Gull Rock up in the Red Lake area. Going up with another couple (her retirement trip). They picked the camp. Looks like reasonably good northern and lots of "eater" walleye.

08-12-2013, 12:08 PM
Looks like a fun drive up there too through some beautiful country. Of course, it's like a parade zone once you cross the border, 80 kph is like chinese water torture when you're achin' to fish. Enjoy your trip. I peeked at a lake map and there's some big basins in there with 80+' feet of water. I can smell the two cycle smoke just thinking about it.

And I think TeeDub used to live and work up near Sioux Lookout when he was a youngster. He prolly knows that neighborhood (sorry, Terry 'neighbourhood') pretty well.


08-12-2013, 03:23 PM
Will continue pulling for and praying for you Terry.

08-12-2013, 04:39 PM
I'll be prayin' for ya Whiskeyjack.

08-13-2013, 09:11 AM
Dubber ya got one GH bud here with connections tooo the BIG GUY pullin for ya!

08-13-2013, 01:27 PM
Whenever someone mentions "pike" I always think back to a day, years ago, on Lake Diefenbaker, Sask. when TW and I were pre-fishing a walleye tourney and I hooked into a big 'slimer'. I was casting a rap into the waveline along the shore when this ugly critter NAILED the lure. After the usual fight, I get it alongside only to find that it has inhaled the plug and has all three sets of trebles (note to other pike fishermen - remove all but one set of hooks) well and truely imbedded in its toothy maw. What a friggen mess!

Anyway, to make a long story short, I didn't have my jaw spreader with me and the critter was not cooperative so it took me forever to pry all the hooks out, accompanied by much cursing, swearing, laughter (TW's NOT mine), flinging of slime and spilling of blood (most of it mine). I was a bloody, slimey, sweaty wreck by the time I was finished while the Dubber sat in the boat, enjoyed the show and a beer and gave me sage advise. At least I got blood and snot all over his boat so that made me feel a little better. Fun times fer sure!

08-13-2013, 01:28 PM
I rest my case!!!! :)

08-13-2013, 02:22 PM
Slimy or not they are a blast to catch.

08-13-2013, 03:28 PM
They are that for sure!