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View Full Version : See youse guys later ...

08-29-2013, 07:29 AM
... gonna take a little R&R for a few days. Should be back around the 3rd .... or the 4th ... heck, maybe the 5th ... not sure, we're just gonna "wing-it".

Later dufes ... try REAL hard to be good. HA, now THAT'S a joke! :D

08-29-2013, 09:44 AM

You DO know that "we" exist only out here in the Cosmic Ether of the Internet, right? I mean, you can take "us" with you wherever you go, right? You don't have to 'leave', per se.

You get all that, right?

I realize Abba-lamma has very few 'hot spots' other than from the sun, but it has some.

I've been everywhere, man. Everywhere. Name a state. Go ahead. Odds are 4-3 that I've been there lately. Yet I talked to your biscuit a$$, right?

just sayin'.....

08-29-2013, 02:11 PM
... gonna take a little R&R for a few days. Should be back around the 3rd .... or the 4th ... heck, maybe the 5th ... not sure, we're just gonna "wing-it".

Later dufes ... try REAL hard to be good. HA, now THAT'S a joke! :D

And you try real good to be hard. That's bigger joke. I mean more of a joke. Lynn says there's nothing big about your joke.

08-30-2013, 10:41 PM
Yeppers Buckster ... I can always check in. I just haven't been able to get excited about posting from that tiny iPhone keyboard. I'm all showered and settled in for the night at the ol' hotel here in Scottsboro, AL, so I have the laptop in the room. We had a big party to attend in Orlando yesterday and spent all day there, then hit the road yesterday afternoon and drove straight through all night. We were sitting at the front door of the lost luggage place when they opened the doors this morning, then spent all day running around to our usual haunts. I have a nice e-bay inventory built up and we'll be there again when they open the doors tomorrow morning. They bring out new bins of fresh stuff first thing in the morning and I want to be the first to pop the cherries on those bins. What doesn't get purchased in the morning makes it's way into the main store. Got some neat goodies today ... example: anybody need a new drive belt for a snowmobile? :D

Gonna make the rounds again tomorrow, stay here again tomorrow night then hit the road again. Not even sure where we're going yet ... we're just gonna wing it and land where we land. As for the states .... I've been just about everyplace there is to go in North America ... ALL the states (including Alaska twice and Hawaii 5-6 times), all the southern provinces of Canuckia from Nova Scotia to B.C. ... and all over Mexico including Baja and the Yucatan. So the northern provinces of Canada is about all I've never visited in this part of the world. If I had my druthers ... I'd still take S.E. Asia over anyplace I've ever been. I just like the adventure I guess. I sure do miss traveling. :(

Anyway, youse guys hold down the fort. The ol' back gave out on me about 4:30 this afternoon and I've been really forcing myself to keep going. Now I'm gonna catch some shut-eye and do it all over again tomorrow.

08-30-2013, 10:42 PM
Oh yeah ... I almost forgetted ... BITE ME Gunth! ;)