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09-02-2013, 09:34 PM
Its VJ Day. One of my uncles was there, not on the same ship but in the battle group that the Missouri was in. This was cause for a lot of celebration back inthe day. Imagine the years and lost family members finally being over.

Just another of the many debts we owe to that generation.

09-03-2013, 06:16 AM
And what a generation that was! I think of the sacrifices even the CIVILIANS made back then. Heck, kids were lying about their age in order to serve their country. Women were filling jobs only men were doing at that time. Just take rationing for example ... can you imagine the cry-babies that would bring out in this day and age? Sheeesh, we've turned into a bunch of pussies since the 40's.

Chicken Dinner
09-03-2013, 07:57 AM
What a coincidence as I was just up at my Dad's over the weekend and we were looking through a bunch of Grandmother's stuff from that era. Tons of cool pictures and ration books. One of the neatest thing were letters from her brother (my great Uncle) in the form of "V-mail". Instead if actual letters, they would write the letters on a form, microfiche it, ship the film back to the states, print it here and deliver it here. It's amazing to think if this as the only direct contact with a loved one for years. Based in the letters he arrived in Belgium in late March if '45. Through May, it was pretty normal stuff like KP and guard duty. Then in late May, his letters came from a field hospital in England. He was a civilian mechanic and the Army had him coming in after a battle and recovering what they could from disabled tanks. Everyone thought he had a really cushiony job, but on his first trip out he was severely wounded. Not sure if it was unexploded ordinance or counter attack. He carried around a head full of shrapnel until he died at 90.