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View Full Version : Leave it to the good old Russkies

09-10-2013, 01:07 PM
.....to come up with a good plan. actually this might be a good plan. Hope it works. Of course, there's no way to verify that he's turned over ALL of his chemical weapons. but he has supposedly agreed to it.


09-10-2013, 01:31 PM
The thing I keep wondering....and this may have been covered and I missed it, I DO tune out of the news from time to time....

HOW are "we" so certain that the chem weps used were the Syrian government's weps, and not some other faction('s) weps being used to make it LOOK like Assad did it???? Stranger things have happened.

Heck, Assad probably got what chem weps he has now from the Ruskies. So they're prolly just considering it a lend/lease kindof thing.

09-10-2013, 01:32 PM
Good question. They keep saying they have all this proof but so far nobody has seen any of it as far as I know. Same song, different verse as 2001.


09-10-2013, 02:28 PM
Been wondering the same thing. Seems to me that the manufacturer of any chemical weapon could be determined by the chemical composition of the substance. They can do that with explosives and pretty much tell what factory it was produced in so why not with sarin? Be interesting to know where the substance in question actually came from.