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View Full Version : Appreciate Your Friends

Big Skyz
09-10-2013, 01:22 PM
First off, I just want to tell you all how much I appreciate the many friendships that have resulted from the members of this site. I have had the honor of meeting many of you and my life is better for it. Some of you that I have yet to meet have had a very positive influence in my life as well. This morning I received news that a close friend of mine here in Montana passed away unexpectedly last night. He was a rancher/farmer, a great father, and a good friend. He was alone working in the field when he died. So at least he was doing what he enjoyed. I guess what rattles me more than usual is that he's only 3 or 4 years older than me. He has kids similar in age to mine. My heart is heavy today and goes out to his family. I was fortunate to see him a little over a week ago and we had a good visit. I'm really glad I took time out of my day to visit with him. I had no idea it would be my last. So if you have a good friend out there that you haven't told how much you appreciate them in a while. Maybe you should, it's not something you will regret.

09-10-2013, 01:35 PM
Good advice Troy & sorry for your loss.

09-10-2013, 01:38 PM
I went and visited with a lifelong friend just this past weekend and I'm still feeling good from that visit. True friends are just too damned rare to let life slip by without telling them how you feel.

And so sorry for your loss, Troy. Seems like the older I get, the more of my friends drop by the wayside. I spend more time it seems at funerals than I do at reunions and no matter how many times we all say we're going to change that, it never really happens.


Big Muddy
09-10-2013, 01:58 PM
This is just weird!!!....visited with two of my best friends, just this morning....haven't seen them in a long time....they found out I was cutting some timber, and they brought a big trailer over this morning, and loaded it down with oak firewood....said they may even come back tomorrow for another load....gonna fix a big lunch for 'em....good times!!! ;)

Thanks for the heads-up, Sky!!!

09-10-2013, 03:49 PM
Sorry to hear this, it's tough losing good people.

09-10-2013, 04:21 PM
Sorry for your loss Troy!!!

I know what you mean about aging!!
Like I've always said:" Live today"!
We are not guarantee the next minute on earth!!!

Glad you were able to spend some time, with him, before he passed into a better life!!

09-10-2013, 05:31 PM
Sorry to hear this Troy. For years I mentioned to TW that we really need to get back together for another fishing trip. It kills me to know that it will never happen. I'm glad you got in that last visit ... you just never know when it'll be your last. :(

Big Skyz
09-10-2013, 05:37 PM
Jim as I was making this post my friend and TW were both on my mind. I really do miss TW and his current situation is hard for me to get my mind around. I will for sure always remember him as one of the good guys though.

09-10-2013, 08:49 PM
So sorry to hear this Sky, I can relate very much to him on the farm alone. Glad he had a friend like you and I'm sure you will keep his memory alive.
Take Care, Captain.

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

09-10-2013, 10:13 PM
Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, Troy.
Glad something told you to visit with him the other day.

I will say this. I am very thankful for my friends here at GoodHunting.

09-11-2013, 07:20 AM
Sorry for your loss Troy. Truely good friends are hard to come by. Things like this are a reminder of how fragile life is and how important every day is.